中旭.弗尼亚美篇 中国(国际)著名书画艺术家周曦作品


<p class="ql-block">  著名书画艺术家周曦先生的作品,传递着正能量和满满的爱国情怀,江山如画,美景尽收眼底,心情顿时感到开朗,眼界大开。天气阴霾影响心情,画风展现出灰色的景致:牡丹花低垂,白色的花朵仿佛被污染成灰色。而那出污泥而不染的荷花绽放在荷叶之间,含苞待放的花骨朵出露端倪,婷婷玉立,静静地享受着满池的温馨舒适。蓝天白云,微风拂面,白色的瀑布飞流直下,穿梭在山川峻岭之间。美,在于发现;美,在于心灵的感受与领悟。</p><p class="ql-block">当我还是一个小女孩,就做着一个美丽的梦,幻想着有一天遇见白马王子,他牵着我的手,温暖着我的心,让我感到开心快乐,和他在一起的日子总是那么短暂,他给我编织了一个美丽动人的故事,让我感觉幸福生活的美妙,让我畅想在如诗如画的世界,只有甜蜜和快乐,满心的喜悦在心头,萦绕在梦里,童话般的爱情,创造着属于我们的奇迹。不管过去多久,那份美好相伴左右,直到生命的尽头,因为只有你,才会执着的创造出属于我们的爱情故事,因为你爱我,而你是我永远的幸福和快乐!</p><p class="ql-block">黑夜之中,莫名醒来,身边没有你,让我觉得忐忑不安 。快乐是你带给我的幸福,而幸福却是我不能把握的心情。当保守与开放同时占据我的内心,我该如何面对你,你的名字永远是那么耀眼,闪烁着亮丽。光环笼罩着你,而我内心的卑微能够让你呵护,让我感到无比自豪。亲爱的,拥有冠军是什么样的感受?这会触动你心弦吗?还有谁能够让你快乐呢?!我仰慕你的才华,不论未来如何,我都会是你不变的陪伴,胜利的喜悦永远都属于你,只因你是那个卓而不凡的绅士。</p><p class="ql-block">The works of Mr. Zhou Xi, a calligraphy and painting artist, convey positive energy and full of patriotic feelings. The rivers and mountains are picturesque, the scenery is panoramic, and the mood is suddenly cheerful and the vision is wide open. The weather haze affects the mood, and the painting style shows a gray scene: peony flowers droop, and white flowers seem to be polluted into gray. And the lotus blossoming out of the sludge but not stained is among the lotus leaves, and the budding flowers and bones are showing signs. Tingting Yuli quietly enjoys the warmth and comfort of the full pool. Blue sky and white clouds, breeze blowing, white waterfalls flying down, shuttling between mountains and rivers. Beauty lies in discovery; Beauty lies in the feeling and understanding of the soul.</p><p class="ql-block">When I was a little girl, I had a beautiful dream and dreamed of meeting prince charming one day. He held my hand, warmed my heart and made me feel happy. The days with him were always so short. He woven a beautiful and moving story for me, made me feel the beauty of a happy life and imagined in a picturesque world, Only sweetness and happiness, full of joy in my heart, haunting in my dreams, fairy tale love, creating a miracle that belongs to us. No matter how long it has been in the past, the beauty will accompany us until the end of life, because only you will persistently create our love story, because you love me, and you are my eternal happiness and happiness!</p><p class="ql-block">In the dark night, I woke up inexplicably. I felt uneasy without you. Happiness is the happiness you bring me, but happiness is the mood I can't grasp. When conservatism and openness occupy my heart at the same time, how should I face you? Your name is always so dazzling and shining. The aura envelops you, and my humble heart can be taken care of by you, which makes me very proud. Honey, what's it like to have a champion? Will it touch your heart? Who else can make you happy?! I admire your talent. No matter what the future is, I will be your constant company. The joy of victory will always belong to you, just because you are a thatcher gentleman.</p>