

<p class="ql-block">课堂是提升教学质量的主战场,有效的课堂教学是学校教学质量的关键。在大力提倡素质教育的今天,提高教师课堂教学水平,追求课堂教学有效性,打造高效课堂,显得尤为重要和紧迫。</p><p class="ql-block">Classroom is the main battlefield to improve teaching quality, and effective classroom teaching is the key to school teaching quality. Today, with the vigorous promotion of quality education, it is particularly important and urgent to improve teachers' classroom teaching level, pursue the effectiveness of classroom teaching and create an efficient classroom.</p> <p class="ql-block">英语学习最终要实现的是语音交际。通过四位老师的公开课,四位老师课堂上都能用清晰和标准流畅的口语组织全英教学,为学生的模仿提供了重要的语境。课堂上,老师们联系生活实际精心设置了精彩的游戏互动环节,把更多的语言展示机会留给学生,体现了语言学科的特点。</p><p class="ql-block">The ultimate goal of English learning is phonetic communication. Through four teachers' open classes, all four teachers can organize English teaching with clear and standard spoken English, which provides an important context for students' imitation. In class, teachers carefully set up wonderful interactive links of games according to the reality of life, leaving more opportunities for language display to students, reflecting the characteristics of language discipline.</p> <p class="ql-block">踏实严谨,聪明勤奋的淑铃,她的课堂井然有序,现场优美的板书设计,图文并茂,回味无穷。</p><p class="ql-block">Miss Wu is practical, rigorous, intelligent and diligent. Her classroom is well-ordered, the scene is beautifully written on the blackboard, illustrated and memorable.</p> <p class="ql-block">勤奋敬业的Miss Tang,她以词句篇贯穿整个课堂,运用不同的游戏模式操练和输出,讲练结合,动静相宜。</p><p class="ql-block">Miss Tang, who is diligent and dedicated, runs through the whole classroom with words and phrases, using different game modes to practice and output, combining speaking with practice, and adapting to both movements and sounds.</p> <p class="ql-block">帅气多才的Super,课堂形式多样化,丰富的肢体语言,教态自然,重难点突破并把知识延伸到生活中。</p><p class="ql-block">Handsome and versatile Super, diversified classroom forms, abundant body language, natural teaching style, breakthrough in difficult points and extend knowledge to life.</p> <p class="ql-block">活泼有爱,充满自信的Amy,她的课堂贴近学生的生活,课堂由学生主导,学生们玩中学,学中乐。</p><p class="ql-block">Lively, loving and confident Amy, her classroom is close to the students' life, and the classroom is dominated by students, who play and enjoy learning from middle school.</p> <p class="ql-block">每次教研,梅校、刘主任和曾老师都会带领着英语组团队一起探讨课堂中的闪光点和需要改进的地方。每次听完领导和老师们的点评,我们都有醍醐灌顶,茅塞顿开的感觉,受益匪浅。</p><p class="ql-block">In every teaching and research, Headmaster Mei , Director Liu and Miss Zeng will lead the English team to discuss the bright spots and areas for improvement in the classroom.Every time we listen to the comments from the leaders and teachers, we all have the feeling of being enlightened and benefiting a lot.</p> <p class="ql-block">转眼之间,期末将至。本学期,回首这一学期,我们又有了新的成长。通过多次教研,我们五年级备课组再次坚定了原有的优点,同时我们需要继续努力与学习,继续致力于:</p><p class="ql-block"> A. 狠抓教材,备课充分,突破重难点;</p><p class="ql-block"> B. 在教学中应注意新旧知识的整合;</p><p class="ql-block"> C. 把课堂还给学生,落实听说读写;</p><p class="ql-block"> D. 及时表扬和倾听学生,做一名会讲会演的趣味教师。</p>









