

<h3>  </h3><h3> 2019年2月24日,我从广州飞往日本,在本州为期6日的旅行,行程非常愉快,下面请分享我的感受。</h3><h3> On February 24, 2019, I will fly to Japan from guangzhou. My 6-day trip in honshu is very pleasant. Please share my feelings below.</h3> <h3><br></h3><h3>飞机抵达大阪机场,乘车直达神户。</h3><h3>The plane will arrive at Osaka airport and go directly to kobe by bus.</h3> <h3><br></h3><h3>首站神户,这是入住的神户港大酒店。</h3><h3>First stop kobe, this is the kobe grand hotel.</h3> <h3>  神户最出名的就是神户牛肉,吃货的我是必须尝尝滴。</h3><h3> Kobe is best known for its kobe beef, which I must try.</h3> <h3>  没想到大众点评在这里也大有作为,居然给我们搜到“牛太郎”,一间不起眼小酒屋。</h3><h3> I didn't expect that dianping could do a great job here. Unexpectedly, we found niutaro, an unassuming small wine house.</h3> <h3>神户的雪花牛肉😜</h3><h3>Kobe's snowflake beef.</h3> <h3><br></h3><h3>哇!入口即化,名不虚传。</h3><h3>wow! The name lives up to it's name.</h3> <h3>第二天来到了神户渔人码头。</h3><h3>The next day came to kobe fisherman's wharf.</h3> <h3>虽然有点冷,来一张😘</h3><h3>Although a little cold, also take a picture.</h3> <h3><br></h3><h3> 接着,来到有上千年历史的有马温泉之乡,享受了有名“金汤”温泉。</h3><h3>Then, I went to the hometown of youma hot spring with a history of thousands of years and enjoyed the famous "golden soup" hot spring.</h3><h3><br></h3><h3><br></h3> <h3>里面不能拍照,因为都是脱光光的,只能外面留个影。</h3><h3>Inside can't take a picture, because all is strip naked, can leave a shadow outside only😚.</h3> <h3><br></h3><h3>这里有百年的传承老店。</h3><h3>There are 100 years of heritage here.</h3> <h3><br></h3><h3>中午餐,享受美味的海鲜料理。</h3><h3>At lunch, enjoy delicious seafood dishes.</h3> <h3><br></h3><h3>这一天太享受了。😘</h3><h3>It was a wonderful day.</h3> <h3><br></h3><h3>接着,游览历史名城的大阪城公园,庭园秀丽,亭台楼角,充满诗情画意。</h3><h3> Next, visit Osaka city park, a historic city with beautiful gardens, pavilions and towers.</h3> <h3>这是江户时代的护城河。</h3><h3>This is the moat of the edo period.</h3> <h3>这人穿越江户时代。</h3><h3>This man goes back through the edo period.</h3> <h3><br></h3><h3>第三天,到了奈良,这是奈良神鹿。</h3><h3><h3>And on the third day, we came to nara. This is the great deer of nara.</h3></h3> <h3><br></h3><h3>参观世界遗产东大寺。</h3><h3>Visit world heritage site todaiji.</h3> <h3></h3><h3><br></h3><h3> 第四天来到了大阪著名的心斋桥,这是大阪知名的购物区,远在江户时期,这里就形成购物商圈,距今已有数百年的历史。</h3><h3> On the fourth day, I came to Osaka's famous shinsaibashi, which is the famous shopping district in Osaka. As far back as the edo period, shopping business circle was formed here, which has a history of hundreds of years.</h3> <h3>  日本年轻人做一行爱一行,美丽的敬业精神最动人。</h3><h3> Japanese young people do a line of love, the most moving beautiful dedication.</h3> <h3><br></h3><h3> 这是有名的章鱼小丸子,还要排队哦!国内的太偷工减料了,好吃!</h3><h3> This is the famous octopus balls, but also line up oh! Domestic cut corners too, delicious!</h3> <h3><br></h3><h3> 心斋桥的晚霞太漂亮了!流光溢彩...。</h3><h3> The sunset glow of xinzhai bridge is so beautiful! Time overflow color... .</h3> <h3><br></h3><h3> 这是京都伏见杜荷大社,亦以千本鸟居而闻名。</h3><h3> This is the great toho society in fujita, Kyoto, also known for its thousand bird houses.</h3> <h3>  祇园的艺伎街和花见小路的建筑、装饰,透出浓浓的日本风情。</h3><h3> The architecture and decoration of geisha street and hanami lane in gion park have a strong Japanese flavor.</h3> <h3>  第五天,我们入住这家百年的古式温泉酒店。 </h3><h3> On the fifth day, we checked into this century-old hot spring hotel.</h3> <h3>  最令我感动的是:服务生是两个加起来已超过150岁的姐姐(她们喜欢的称呼)为我们服务,让我们真不好意思。原来她们都是已退休的女工,她们愿意继续工作,并不都是为了钱,而是这样能体现她们的价值,她们的敬业精神和价值观很令我们感动!</h3><h3> What moved me most was that we were embarrassed to have two sisters (as they like to be called) over 150 years old serving us. It turns out that they are retired female workers, they are willing to continue to work, not all for money, but to reflect their value, their professionalism and values are very touched us! </h3> <h3><br></h3><h3> 我也穿上和服,体验一下日本风情,像吗?</h3><h3> I also put on a kimono to experience the Japanese style, like?</h3> <h3><br></h3><h3>富士山,我来了!</h3><h3>Mount Fuji, I come here!</h3> <h3><br></h3><h3>今天天气真好!我们太幸运了!富士山是日本的象征,被称为圣山。</h3><h3>What a beautiful day! we are good lucky! Mount Fuji is the symbol of Japan and is called the sacred mountain.</h3> <h3>这是到达富士山二合目的证书。</h3><h3>This is the certificate of arrival at Mount Fuji.</h3> <h3>日本是一个长寿国,平均年龄达83岁。其中他们的饮食文化很值得赞赏,清淡、美味而又讲究营养。值得一提的是自助餐早餐也提供“益力多”和维生素片,可见他们对每一顿饮食的重视程度。</h3><h3>Japan is a country of longevity, with an average age of over 83. Among them, their food culture is very praiseworthy, light, delicious and pay attention to nutrition. It is worth mentioning that buffet breakfast also provides "yakult" and vitamin tablets, which shows the importance they attach to every meal.</h3> <h3><br></h3><h3>寿司,一定要吃的美味料理,一级棒!</h3><h3>Sushi, must eat delicious cuisine, a great!</h3> <h3>最后一站, 参观浅草雷门观音寺。</h3><h3>Last stop: visit the kwan-yin temple at asakusa thunder gate.</h3> <h3></h3><h3>东京银座,购物的天堂。<br></h3><h3>Tokyo ginza, shopping heaven.</h3> <h3>uniqlo.</h3><h3>优衣库。</h3> <h3>六天的行程很快就结束了,非常愉快和难忘...。</h3><h3>The six-day trip was soon over, very pleasant and unforgettable... .</h3> <h3>  对了,最感兴趣的是他们温暖的马桶坐板,非常贴心又卫生,值得拥有。</h3><h3> By the way, what I am most interested in is their warm toilet seat, which is very intimate and sanitary and worth having. </h3> <h3><br></h3><h3> 最后的结束语:日本🇯🇵 是一个岛国,只有一亿三千万人口的小国。但绝不能小看他,首先是他的民族精神很值得我们学习,这里的百年企业很多,不折不挠的匠人精神一直传承,大事做不了的,小事做到极至,所以他们的创造力很强。其次是利他主义,他们干什么事情都为他人着想,不会损人利己,所以他们同行企业很团结,不是想方设法赚快钱,而是赚长久的钱。再次是每人都有一颗谦卑的心(鞠躬),这使我想起“虚心使人进步,骄傲使人落后”。可是感觉如今国人的价值观大多都是相反的,无语=_=。虽是小日本,却是大智慧之国,希望今后不要带着有色眼镜看日本。</h3><h3> 以上英文省略。</h3><h3> 日本是一个来过了,还想再来的国家,因为他很有吸引力!</h3><h3> Japan is a country that has been here before and would like to come again, because it is so attractive!</h3><h3> </h3>