故事 107:日用常行饶益,成道非由施钱


<h1><b>故事 107:日用常行饶益,成道非由施钱<br /></b><b>摩罗国是古印度十六国之一,地处印度的北部。佛陀直至晚年才来到这儿。他非常喜欢这个国家,因为这个国家实行的是共和制,民众自由,且安居乐业。<br /></b><b>佛陀到达摩罗国时,已名满天下,恒河上下,如雷贯耳。因此,一到达摩罗国,就有民众前来皈依或追随他。<br /></b><b>一天,佛陀在摩罗国的双树林讲法,从拘尸那城来了三位兄弟,他们要皈依佛陀,并跟随他出家修道。可是,由于他们的双亲还在。三兄弟中,必须有一人要留在家里。让哪两个出家,哪一个留在家里呢?据巴利文的史书记载,佛陀是这样选择的:<br /></b><b>佛陀说:"善来,告诉我,你们做的最高尚的一件事是什么?"<br /></b><b>首先讲的是大哥,他说:"我曾经在邻国做贸易,往来奔波于恒河两岸。一天,我遇到一个陌生人,他对我十分信任,托我把一袋金币交给他在邻国做买卖的儿子,当我游历到他儿子所在的那个城市时,我把金币原封不动地交给了他的儿子。"<br /></b><b>佛陀说:"你做的很好!"<br /></b><b>接着是二哥,他说:"我曾经在恒河上游一带游历。当我来到一个村庄时,刚好碰到一伙强盗打劫,我冲上去帮村民们赶走了强盗,保护了他们的财产。"<br /></b><b>佛陀说:"你做得很好。"<br /></b><b>三弟最后说:"我在生意场上有一个仇人,他千方百计地加害于我,有好几次,我差点就死在他设置的圈套里。有一次,我独自骑马走在冈仁波其山,发现我的仇人因饥渴昏死在路边,当时,我只要轻轻一推,他就会跌入万丈深渊。但我没有那样做,而是抱起他,给他水喝和奶酪吃,最后他走出了大山。几年后,在通往迦尸国的山路上,一只老虎突然从旁边的草丛中蹿出来,朝我飞奔而来。这时,我的仇人带着商队正巧从这儿路过,他一箭就结果了老虎的命。我问他为什么要救我,他说是你救我在先,你的仁爱化解了我的仇恨。不过,尊者!这实在算不上什么高尚的事。"<br /></b><b>佛陀听了,没有言语。据说,后来佛陀把老大、老二收为弟子。让老三回家了。在佛陀的心中,诚实是做人应有的品德。老大做的事,算不上高尚的事。老二做的事,也不算高尚。因为在人有危难时,伸出援手,是每个人的职责。佛陀认为,只有老三做了一件高尚而神圣的事。得饶人处且饶人,这是一种宽容,是一种博大的胸怀,是一种伟大的仁慈。出家修行,就是修忍辱,宽容和仁慈。他既然具备了这些美德,也就没有必要再做他的弟子了。<br /></b><b>佛陀认为,佛性每个人都有,我们每天都在用它,它给我们带来很多的利益;一个人想成就佛道,开显智慧,完全用不着从外境去寻求什么玄妙的义理,那是舍本逐末,永远不可能开智慧的。<br /></b><b>佛性本自具足,是我们自己的妄想分别与执著把我们的佛性给遮盖了,修行佛道就是让自己的清净心现前,自性彰显,而不是拜师学艺,心外求法。<br /></b><b>日用常行饶益,<br /></b><b>成道非由施钱。<br /></b><b>心平何劳持戒,<br /></b><b>行直不须坐禅。<br /></b><b>(附原文:Luo Guo is one of the ancient India, 16, is located in the North of India. Buddha came here only until old age. He liked this country, because the country is a Republic, civil liberties, and to live and work.<br /></b><b>When the Buddha to Bodhidharma Luo Guo, renowned, Ganges, and stirring. Thus, Bodhidharma Luo Guo, there are people to convert to or follow him.<br /></b><b>One day, Luo Guo Shuang Woods the Buddha FA, three brothers from the netted the city, they will convert to the Buddha, and his monastic religious orders. However, because their parents are still there. Three brothers, you must have people to stay at home. So which of the two monks, which left at home? According to the Pali historical records, Buddha is selected:<br /></b><b>The Buddha said: "good, tell me, what is most noble thing you do? "<br /></b><b>First of all talk about big brother, he said: "I used to do trade in neighbouring countries, cross-strait exchanges to go from the Ganges River. One day, I met a stranger, he trusts me, and asked me to give him a bag of gold coins in the neighbouring business's son, when I traveled to the city, where his son, I put the coin intact to his son. "<br /></b><b>The Buddha said: "you're doing great! "<br /></b><b>Followed by a second, he said: "I have traveled in the upper reaches of the Ganges River. When I come to a village, came across a gang of robbers to Rob, I rushed to help the villagers drove the robbers to protect their property. "<br /></b><b>The Buddha said: "you're doing great. "<br /></b><b>Sandy concluded by saying: "I'm in business with an enemy, he is trying to harm me, a couple of times, I almost died when he set the trap. Once, I rode alone in gangrenboqishan, I thirst found the enemy dead on the roadside, I was just with a slight push, he will fall into the abyss)</b></h1>