蝶梦荷塘【原创】Butterfly dream of pond【Original】


<h3>九月初,在方山的山谷之间,秋风带着一丝清凉,吹嘘着黄绿相间的稻谷。</h3><h3>In early September, between the valley of the village fangshan .the autumn wind and a trace of cool, blowing between the rice fields between the yellow and green</h3> <h3>散发着淡淡的稻谷香,旋转着一窜小黄蝶,怎么都青一色的黄,终于找到了一个大蝴蝶歇息在一片叶子上作美梦呢!</h3><h3>Exudes a touch of rice fragrance, rotating a series of small butterflies, how are a yellow, and finally found a big butterfly rest in a leaf on the dream it!</h3> <h3>走过小桥流水潺潺,夏虫在吱吱的叫,蜻蜓在飞来飞去,还几只鸥鹭在飞翔。</h3><h3>Through the sound of small bridges flowing gurgling, summer insects in the creak of the call, dragonflies flying in the fly, but also a few gulls in the flight.</h3> <h3>走进了荷塘,人们正在收采莲子,荷塘一片秋色,偶尔还有几朵荷花,便显得物以稀为美,更加婀娜动人。</h3><h3>Into the pond, people are collecting lotus seeds, pond a autumn, and occasionally there are a few flowers, they seem to be thin for the United States, more graceful.</h3> <h3>傍晚.莲蓬金灿灿的,冒着许多尖尖的小圆脸,盼着星光和月亮,使黑夜里不再孤寂。</h3><h3>In the evening, lotus golden, out of many sharp little round face, looking forward to the stars and the moon out, so that the night is no longer lonely.</h3> <h3>然而花都是需要绿叶的衬托才会更加美丽和美好。</h3><h3>However, flowers are needed to set off the green leaves will be more beautiful and beautiful.</h3> <h3>枯叶的离去,荷花依然妩媚,这就是秋荷的壮观。</h3> <h3>一红一绿一对比,<span style="line-height: 1.5;">一荷一叶一菩提。荷叶有时像荷花的一把伞,有时有像被子,又有时像条船,陪着荷花,所以去也依依。</span></h3><h3>A red one green one contrast, a charge a leaf a Bodhi. Lotus leaves sometimes like an umbrella lotus, sometimes like a quilt, and sometimes like a boat, accompanied by lotus, so go also Yiyi.</h3> <h3>荷花的盛开,带着使命感。<span style="line-height: 1.5;">花的盛开,不是为了引蜂招蝶,而是为了自己的生命的丰盈,不管是在深山还是在丛林,它的依然盛开。</span></h3><h3>Lotus in full bloom, with a sense of mission. Flowers in full bloom, not to attract bee strokes butterflies, but for their own abundance of life, whether in the mountains or in the jungle, it is still in full bloom.</h3> <h3>它的美丽和芳香,<span style="line-height: 1.5;">蝴蝶和蜜蜂才不知疲劳不远千里而来。</span></h3><h3>It's beautiful and fragrant, butterflies and bees do not know tired not far from thousands of miles.</h3> <h3>所以荷花才如此美丽动人,人人喜爱。</h3><h3>So lotus is so beautiful and moving, everyone loves.</h3> <h3>蝴蝶醉恋荷花,就变成了一种蝴蝶醉花,守候着荷塘</h3><h3>Butterfly drunk lotus, it becomes a butterfly drunk flowers, waiting for the pond</h3>