Hays Payroll Managers 背景调查

Lighthouse Payroll职业教育发展

<h3>Hays 在最近的一次430份澳洲Payroll Managers的调查问卷显示 仅仅百分之五十七的Payroll Manager是从别的行业做起然后转做Payroll的,百分之九十二的Payroll Manager表示她们会推荐Payroll这个行业作为新人的Career Path,原文如下:</h3><h3><br /></h3><h3><b>BACKGROUND &amp; QUALIFICATIONS</b></h3><h3><br /></h3><h3>Payroll Managers are typically women who started their career in another field before moving into payroll. They therefore possess a wide range of qualifications, and value on-the-job learning and practical experience.</h3><h3><br /></h3><h3>Payroll Managers 尤其是女性很多都是从其他领域转入做Payroll的,这也就是为什么Payroll Managers很多都拥有不同类别的qualifications,以及不断的在工作中学习和积攒的实践经验。</h3><h3><br /></h3><h3>A career change into payroll is possible</h3><h3><br /></h3><h3>Just 43 per cent of our survey respondents have always worked in payroll.</h3><h3><br /></h3><h3>仅仅有百分之四十三的Payroll Managers是从一开始就做Payroll本行的。</h3><h3><br /></h3><h3>Our survey shows that over half (57 per cent) of todays Payroll Managers did not start their career in payroll. These professionals have a wide range of prior experience and moved into payroll for various reasons, such as looking for a new challenge, a desire to work with numbers, or after gaining exposure to payroll in a prior HR or accounting position.</h3><h3><br /></h3><h3>而另外的百分之五十七的Payroll Managers都不是原本就从事Payroll工作,他们在转做Payroll之前都有各种个样不同的工作经验,出于不同的原因,比如说寻求新的挑战,喜欢做和数字相关的工作,很多做Payroll的都有一些HR,Accounting的工作经验。</h3><h3><br /></h3><h3>Some say they always wanted to work in payroll and eventually made it, while others say they simply fell into it.</h3><h3>They are, on the whole, happy with their decision to work in payroll.</h3><h3><br /></h3><h3>还有一些参加调查问卷的Payroll Managers说他们很早就一直想做Payroll,并且最后如愿以偿。还有些是偶然机遇做了Payroll,不管如何,他们都为当初的这个决定感到开心。</h3><h3><br /></h3><h3>Committed to the sector</h3><h3><br /></h3><h3>92 per cent would recommend a career in payroll.</h3><h3>Once they gain experience, todays payroll professionals quickly see the benefits of a career in this field, so much so that they would willingly recommend a payroll career to others.</h3><h3><br /></h3><h3>百分之九十二的Payroll Managers表示会推荐Payroll这个职业介绍给新人,尤其是现如今Payroll Professionals都看到了这个职业所带来career的发展,更加的会把Payroll作为一个Career为发展方向推荐给别人。</h3><h3><br /></h3><h3>Karen McKay, Payroll Services Manager for RACV, has forged a successful career in payroll. She has worked in numerous Payroll Officer jobs, and found each one professionally fullfilling. However she didnt set out to be a Payroll Manager. "When I hit my mid-40s I thought to myself that I could sit at the top of payroll," she explains. "Its an achievement to reach this role and find a way to turn a company around so that it has the best possible processes and documents in place."</h3><h3><br /></h3><h3>Karen McKay, RAVC的 Payroll Services Manager,一个成功的职业道路上的Payroll Manager,她说她曾经做过非常多的Payroll Officers的工作,每一个都是非常让她满意的professional的工作经验,她说当她到了四十多岁的时候,她就对自己说她希望她能做到Payroll工作的顶尖职位,因为这是一项非常了不起的成就,也是她职业生涯的最佳可能。</h3> <h3><b>QUALIFICATIONS</b> </h3><h3><br /></h3><h3>Just 30 per cent of Payroll Managers have no post school qualications.</h3><h3><br /></h3><h3>只有百分之三十的Payroll Managers是没有任何的文凭或证书的。</h3><h3><br /></h3><h3>Payroll Managers hold a wide range of quali cations. Just 30 per cent of Payroll Managers have no post school qualifications. Of the remaining 70 per cent, a degree or above is the most common qualification (held by 28 per cent), followed by a diploma (27 per cent) then certi cate (21 per cent). The remaining 14 per cent hold a range of other qualifications, including CPA, business administration, TAPS or NZPPA courses, and general courses.</h3><h3><br /></h3><h3>Payroll Managers 们拥有着广范围的各种qualifications,只有30%是没有任何的qualifications。大部分的有学历的70%中,拥有学位的占28%,有diploma的27%,Certificate的占14%,而剩下的14%则有CPA,Businessaadministration,读过TAPS或者NZPPA courses。</h3><h3><br /></h3><h3>Of those who hold a degree, the most common is a Bachelor or Master of Business, followed by a Bachelor or Master of Arts and a Bachelor or Master of Science.</h3><h3>Given that over half of the Payroll Managers we spoke to started their career outside payroll, its somewhat of a surprise that only 49 per cent have gone on to study payroll special courses. Of these, TAPS (in Australia) and NZPPA (in New Zealand) courses are the most common.</h3><h3><br /></h3><h3>其中拥有学位的大部分是商科学位,其次有艺术类、科技类学位。比较57%的Payroll Managers都来自于其他领域,49%中的他们读过Payroll的其他课程。</h3><h3><br /></h3><h3>While not as popular, many Payroll Managers have also completed taxation courses, as well as various systems courses.</h3><h3><br /></h3><h3>其中不是很普遍的小部分的Payroll Managers还读过Taxation course,以及system courses.</h3><h3><br /></h3><h3>Some respondents have also attended seminars on legislative changes as and when necessary, and on specialist subject areas such as fringe benefits, superannuation or end of financial year.</h3><h3><br /></h3><h3>有些调查问卷中的Payroll Managers也参加关于legislation changes的seminars,比如说FBT,superannuation,和财政年末的seminars。</h3><h3><br /></h3> <h3><b>EXPERIENCE</b></h3><h3><b><br /></b></h3><h3>Two-thirds of respondents held at least three roles before becoming a Payroll Manager.</h3><h3><br /></h3><h3>三分之二的Payroll Managers在升至Managers之前做过至少三份Payroll工作。</h3><h3><br /></h3><h3>It takes time and experience to acquire the necessary knowledge and skills to become a Payroll Manager. While 42 per cent of respondents held three to four roles in payroll before being appointed to their first Payroll Manager role, 24 per cent held five or more.</h3><h3><br /></h3><h3>想要获取成为managers的知识和经验需要时间和实践的积累,42%的人表示他们在升至manager职位之前做过三到四份payroll 工作,24%表示他们做过五份甚至更多的工作。</h3><h3><br /></h3><h3>Just one third of respondents reached Payroll Manager in two roles or less 31 per cent had one or two roles while 3 per cent said they held no other role before being appointed to their first Payroll Manager job.</h3><h3><br /></h3><h3>仅有三分之一中的他们称他们在升职以前做过两份payroll工作,也有少数3%的少数幸运儿是直接做到manager职位。</h3><h3><br /></h3><h3>Meanwhile 57 per cent said they had six or more years of experience in payroll before becoming a Payroll Manager. 22 per cent managed to reach the role in four to ve years, while 13 per cent did it in two to three years.&nbsp;</h3><h3>The final 8 per cent say they became a Payroll Manager with one year or less payroll experience.</h3><h3><br /></h3><h3>57%中的他们花了六年以上的时间升值到manager,22%花了四到五年,13%花了两到三年,也仍有8%的不到一年就升职到manager职位。</h3><h3><br /></h3><h3>Take away: Given that Payroll Managers are responsible for the wide range of tasks related to paying an organisations employees, it takes a number of years of experience to gain a suitably high standard of skills, knowledge and expertise. When looking for your next role, look for an opportunity to advance your skills and understanding of payroll systems and relevant legislation and awards. Strive to become an expert by ensuring your skills continue to develop, either in-house or by changing roles. And always aim for a consistently accurate and error-free calculation of deductions and pay in every role you hold.</h3><h3><br /></h3><h3>总而言之,因为Payroll Managers要为整个公司的员工薪金发房负责各个方面,所以需要花几年的时间学到做manager的技巧、经验和专业知识。所以每次当你换下一份工作时,寻找能够提高你对系统,法律,awards有更多认识的机会。立志于不断的提高自己,立志于一直准确无误的对待每一个Payroll工作。</h3> <h3>原文摘自" What it takes to be a payroll manager". </h3><h3>Hays.com.au</h3> <h3>欢迎加入我们的Payroll职业培训讨论大群。</h3>