

<h1 style="text-align: center;">“Kaleidoscopic Maple Land” </h1><h1 style="text-align: center;">Canada 150 Gala</h1> <h3>The Kaleidoscope Chinese Performing Arts Society (KCPA) will be producing in partnership with more than 10 different ethno-cultural groups and artists a “Kaleidoscopic Maple Land” Canada 150 Gala at Mississauga Living Arts Center, Hammerson Hall on Sept. 17, 2017 at 7:00-9:30pm to celebrate Canada's 150th Anniversary of Confederation and to showcase the rich and diverse cultures and harmonious integrity of Canada. </h3><h3></h3> <h3>Funded by the Government of Canada, this event will be celebrating the rich cultural diversity and multiculturalism of Canada through participation of the various communities in magnificent cultural performances. The various participating communities will not only showcase their own cultures but will also be able to learn about the rich history of Canada and Canadian mainstream culture through collaborative performances with mainstream artists. </h3><h3></h3><h3><br></h3> <h3></h3><h3 style="text-align: left;">The Gala will feature the finest cross-cultural performances of various forms of traditional arts including Chinese, Indian, Polish, Ukraine, Brazilian and Hawaiian Hula dance, Ballet dance, Italian opera, and Chinese instrumental music as well as Canadian artists such as Marshall Dane and Canadian patriotic songs and contemporary dance. It will be a wonderful feast of Canada's diverse arts and cultures to please any artistic palate and to show our love of Canada and our pride in being Canadian.</h3><h3></h3><h3><br></h3> <h3></h3> <h3></h3> <h3></h3> <h3></h3> <h3></h3> <h3></h3>