2017 Emily 高中毕业记!


<h3>2017年5月27日,晴空万里,Emily 毕业典礼前夕来到高中拍照留念!从学前班到高中,Emily 顺利完成了美国K-12的义务教育阶段,13年间一直在都柏林学区(Dublin School District)学习!都柏林地处俄亥俄首府哥伦布市西北郊,人口四万多,多次被评为全美适宜居住的小镇的前几名!我们2003年搬到这里,一晃14年过去了,深深地爱上了这个小镇的安宁舒适和美国中西部人民的热情朴实,感恩女儿们可以在这样的环境里慢慢长大成人!</h3><h3><br /></h3><h3>Dublin is a city in Franklin, Delaware, and Union counties in the U.S. state of Ohio. The population was 41,751 at the 2010 census. Dublin is a suburb of Columbus, Ohio. </h3><h3><br /></h3><h3>Although its earliest settlements date back to 1802, the village that became Dublin did not begin to take shape until the arrival of the Sells family from Huntingdon, Pennsylvania. Brothers Peter and Benjamin Sells purchased 400 acres (1.6 km²) of land on the west bank of the Scioto River as a gift for their brother John. In 1808, John Sells brought his family to the region, and by 1810 he had begun to survey lots for the new village with his partner, an Irish gentleman named John Shields. According to historians, Shields is responsible for naming the town after his birthplace:</h3><h3><br /></h3><h3>"If I have the honor conferred upon me to name your village, with the brightness of the morn, and the beaming of the sun on the hills and dales surrounding this beautiful valley, it would give me great pleasure to name your new town after my birthplace, Dublin, Ireland."</h3><h3><br /></h3><h3>By 1833, Dublin contained several mills and only one store. In 1970, Dublin was still a small town with only 681 residents. However, the construction of Interstate 270 facilitated a population boom, spearheaded by the acquisition of major corporate headquarters such as Ashland Inc and Wendy's International. In addition, the growth of the Muirfield Village Golf Club and its residential subdivision attracted numerous affluent citizens to the rapidly growing suburb. Dublin was officially declared a city in 1987, after reaching a population of 5,000 residents.</h3> <h3>高中大门口拍照留念!</h3> <h3>从学前班到高中毕业13年的好朋友Laura Jacob! 友谊长存!</h3> <h3>好朋友们一起拍照留念!从左到右:Joanna, Brittany, Laura, Karli, Emily and Lily! </h3> <h3>毕业典礼入场式!</h3> <h3>Dublin School District Board of Education Chairwoman Lynn May 给Emily 发毕业证书!</h3> <h3>Dublin Coffman 高中校长Mr Ulring 握手祝贺Emily!</h3> <h3>校长的拥抱!</h3> <h3>Dublin School District Superintendent Dr. Hoadley 祝贺Emily! </h3> <h3>正式毕业了!Hat off!</h3> <h3>顺利完成学业的各种荣誉称号!Emily 是高中十二个IB毕业生之一!IB International Baccalaureate Diploma Candidate! </h3><h3>IB的教育哲学是Education for Life(终生的教育),通过综合的平衡的学科及富有挑战性的评估,国际文凭组织旨在帮助学校努力发展青年人的个人才智,教会他们把教室里学到的知识与外部世界相结合。<br /></h3><h3>IB课程设计主要集中在中学的最后两年,通过两年的扎实教育,培养出受全球大学认可并优先录取的精英型人才。</h3><h3>高中十一和十二年级学生设置的大学预科课程。IB课程不以世界上任何一个国家的课程体系为基础而自成体系,广泛吸收了当代许多发达国家主流课程体系的优点,涵盖了其主要的核心内容。因此IB课程体系即具有与世界各国主流教育课程体系之间的兼容性,又有自己教育理念发展下的独特性。<br /></h3><h3>IB课程分配在六个基础学科领域里,学生既要学习科学科目,又要学习人文科目。所有参加文凭项目的学生,必须在这六个学科组中每组选一门课程进行学习。每一门课程又分为高级课程和普通课程。</h3><h3>IB课程是富有挑战性并享有较高承认度的相对而言更难的课程,它为学生进入大学学习并取得国际学士学位证书做准备。学生获得这个证书后就取得了直接进入英国大学及大多数其他国家大学学习的资格,他们也可能获得最多一年的学分进入美国的大学。IB课程按深度开展,学生的学习将不断深化。</h3><h3>IB课程被全球教育界认可为具有较高学业水准的教育项目,被更广泛的大、中学所接受,在全球范围内迅速发展、壮大,成为国际学生考取国外大学的最理想选择。已有一千多所大学认可国际文凭,其成员校遍布十几个国家。根据2013年6月16日IB日内瓦总部的最新资料显示, 全世界己有1425所IB学校[1]分布在115个国家同步教授IB课程,有成千上万的该证书取得者进入了世界上几百所大学。</h3> <h3>快乐的毕业生们!</h3> <h3>和好朋友Laura在拍张合影!</h3> <h3>Emily and Emily Taylor 高中四年朋友,舞校八年好伙伴!舞台上的搭档!</h3> <h3>给2020届毕业的妹妹授证书!搞笑一幕!</h3> <h3>Coffman National Honor Society 的领导班子!四位好朋友共同努力做好2016-2017学年的NHS各项工作!</h3> <h3>和好朋友Jackie一起并肩携手同行去亚特兰大迎接大学新生活!</h3> <h3>毕业典礼后的全家福!带着全家人的美好祝福,Emily 开始迎接大学生活!</h3>