Kenya Safari: Last Day


<h3><font color="#010101">African savanna is a perfect balance of beauty and beast. Although witnessing lions ferociously hunting a buffalo was exhilarating, our safari trip did end on a beautiful note. Here is a compilation of memorable beauties of Maasai Mara.</font></h3><h3><font color="#010101">非洲大草原尽管有像狮子抓水牛之类的惊心动魄的生死搏斗,但是更多的是美丽与和谐。 </font></h3> <div><br></div><div>Shortly after we landed in Maasai Mara, we stopped by this grey crowned crane. Our guide Leko played a recording of bird singing on his phone. Lo and behold, the crane started dancing.</div><div>我们的导游用手机播放了一段鸟叫的录音, 结果这只鸟居然真的开始翩翩起舞。</div> <div><br></div><div>"Hi, I am giraffe. Who are you?"</div><div>“ 你好。我是长颈鹿,请问你是谁?”</div> <div><br></div><div>I was told by a friend who is a birding expert, that this is Kenya national bird.</div><div>一位懂鸟的朋友告诉我说,这是肯尼亚的国鸟。</div> <div><br></div><div>Don't fall into this mouth!</div><div>谁要是掉进这张嘴里可该倒霉了!</div> <div><br></div><div>Genet, a cat-like carnivore with long and thick tail. Visiting our camp every night when we had dinners.</div><div>Genet 中文名字可能是香猫。 这种食肉动物长得像猫, 但是有又粗又长的尾巴。 每天我们在营地吃晚饭的时候都会过来光顾。</div> <div><br></div><div>Giraffe trying to smell something on the ground. It had to spread the forelegs in order to reach the ground.</div><div>长颈鹿想要闻一下地上的一个什么东西。它必须把前腿叉开,头才能够得着地。</div> <div><br></div><div>Topi is abundant in Maasai Mara. I love its beautiful tan body.</div><div>Topi 的中文翻译不清楚。这是一种羚羊,有很漂亮的棕色皮肤。</div> <div><br></div><div>Hippo with many scratch marks. Why do they have to play so hard?</div><div>河马身上有大量的抓痕。 打架的时候不能轻点吗?</div> <div><br></div><div>It is fun to look at animals in pairs.</div><div>成双成对的动物看起来总是很有意思。</div> <div><br></div><div>Topi A: "Let's fight"</div><div>甲:“ 咱俩打架”</div> <div><br></div><div>Topi B: "Wait, there are visitors. Let's check them out."</div><div>乙:“ 等会儿,有游客。看看这些游客都是什么德性。”</div> <div><br></div><div>Topi A: "They are boring. Let's continue to fight."</div><div>甲:“ 这帮游客看着真没意思,咱俩接着打架。”</div> <div><br></div><div>Fighting is everywhere.</div><div>打架的动物比比皆是。</div> <div><br></div><div>"We don't have to fight. We can graze in peace."</div><div>“ 咱俩不用打架。咱俩和平相处,共享青草。”</div> <div><br></div><div>Giraffes in pair.</div><div>成双成对的长颈鹿。</div> <div><br></div><div>Animal in large groups.</div><div>成群结伙的动物。</div> <div><br></div><div>Hippos in morning river.</div><div>清晨,河马在河里聚集。</div> <div><br></div><div>Ostrich lining up.</div><div>鸵鸟排队。</div> <div><br></div><div>Zebra conference.</div><div>斑马大聚会。</div> <div><br></div><div>Gazelle gathering. Note that all the gazelles in the foreground are females, except one male in the middle. This one male gazelle has defeated all the males running farther away, and therefore owns all the females to himself. How about that for being dominant?</div><div>羚羊聚会。 注意到照片前面的一大群羚羊全部是雌性羚羊,但是中间有一只雄性羚羊。他打败并赶走了其它所有的雄性羚羊,所以所有的雌性羚羊都归他所有。</div> <div><br></div><div>Same group of gazelles photographed at wider angle. There are 17 defeated males in the distance. The dominant male is located on the right side of the picture near the center. How many females are under his dominance? You can see the full picture on a large computer screen at the following link and count yourself. My estimate: 110.</div><div><br></div><div>用更广角的镜头拍摄的同样一组羚羊。 在照片的远处可以看到17只被打败的雄性羚羊。 这一只称雄的雄性羚羊下有多少只雌性羚羊归他所有? 我的估计是110只。</div> <h3><br></h3><h3>Storm Gathering</h3><h3>草原上风起云涌</h3> <h3><br></h3><div>Sunrise in Maasai Mara</div><div>非洲草原日出</div> <h3><br></h3><h3>Sunset last day in Africa.</h3><h3>非洲旅行最后一天的日落。</h3> <h3>So long, magnificent African savanna and warm Kenyan people. It was a short yet unforgettable journey.</h3><h3><br></h3><div>此行虽然短暂, 但是多彩多姿的非洲大草原和热情友好的肯尼亚人民让我们流连忘返。</div>