Wechat Language Buddy Program

Giggles and Grins

<h1><b>"微友"项目介绍:<br /></b></h1><h1><b>随着网络和社交媒体的快速发展, "世界化"不再只是一张空头支票。 美国文华国际教育交流中心希望能在中美之间搭建一个平台----微友语伴, 让中国学生学习英语的过程突破传统,变得更加生动有趣。微友旨在提高孩子英文口语,听力能力,并通过每周话题准备、查资料、广泛阅读、微信发帖等,进一步提高英文阅读和写作的能力,同时拓宽知识面,提前了解美国同龄孩子学习、生活和美国文化与习俗等,为未来来美留学学习奠定良好基础。每个报名的中国学生,通过面试,找到合适美方语伴,美国华裔家庭子女或者美国学生每周进行视频交流。提高英语学习兴趣,焕发学习内力。<br /></b><b>WeChat Language Buddy Program Introduction:<br /></b><b>​With the popularity of networking and social media, globalization has stepped into our life quickly. Culture Impressions International cordially hope to work out a platform – Language Partner Program, to enable Chinese students to learn English in alively interactive environment. This program aims to improve English listening and speaking ability, in the meantime, through this program students prepare these weekly topics by searching online , books , post summer in wechat group etc , also can to improve reading and writing level. After interview students can pair with their buddy in the United States, through weekly video chatting learn their culture and traditions etc. Every registered Chinese student can have opportunities to communicate with students who were born in USA. Chinese and American students and teachers can video communicates using WeChat or Skype of othersimilarmediasto communicate, encourage each other, inspire their potentials.<br /></b><b>Registration 报名方式:</b><b><br /></b><b>请填写网上申请表格或下载以下表格报名:</b></h1><h1><b>www.cultureimpressions.com</b></h1><h1><b>请点击learning center , 再点击language Buddy 微友</b></h1><b>​</b><h1><br /></h1><b></b> <h1>语伴项目自2017新年开始以来已如火如荼地进行。国内语伴从一开始不敢开口,逐渐开口讲话,到积极主动聊天。他们有的开始感到聊天时间不足。美方语伴渐渐从语伴转换成小老师角色。聊天前他们主动搜索有关话题,主动引导聊天方向。随着时间的向前推移,语伴间的友谊逐步建立,他们正信心满满地将这种伙伴关系深入下去.以下来自过去几周语伴家长点评和交流结束语伴学生群里概括总结。<br />Language Buddy program has been gong on for 3 weeks. Buddies from China started from shyness to open their mouth, to gradually starting to talk, to active engagement. Some buddies even feel the chat time is short. American buddies gradually switch the part from buddies to little teachers. Before chatting, they diligently research on topics, during chatting time, they direct conversation directions. With time going on, friendships between buddies are gradually built. They have more confidence on their future conversation. Following is the part of feedbacks from parents and summary from students buddies last night . </h1> <h1><b>语伴项目稳步发展,随着国内语伴报名数量的增长,美方语伴需求数量增加。现在开始继续接受美华裔子女和纯美国人报名。详细请见宣传单。谢谢!<br />Now open registration for American born Chinese family students and Native American Students. For more details pleaded check the flyer below. Thanks ! </b></h1> <h1><span style="color: rgb(237, 35, 8);"><b>For more info please got to :&nbsp;</b></span></h1><h1><span style="color: rgb(237, 35, 8);"><b>http://www.cultureimpressions.com/oclc-langauage-buddy</b></span></h1>