

<h3>  来到了向往已久的九寨沟,进入景区,那一汪汪的海子立刻勾住了我的魂魄,仿佛曾经在哪里见过,似梦中。烟雨如帘,青山环绕中海子的面容在雾纱的后面若隐若现,欲窥还羞地将我张望,分明知道来者是谁,惊喜于来续前缘。<br></h3><div><br></div><div> 细雨霏霏,似思念的泪水千线万线落入水面,润开圈圈漪涟,将前世慢慢倾诉,一点点唤醒忘却的记忆。曾经,我们牵手而行,春天里在燕子的呢喃声中形影不离,依偎在山峦脚下,看生命的新绿在树尖伸展;夏日的浮云也曾在头顶漫游,蓝天里,你恬静地将微笑向我频抛,用水彩遮蒙住我的双眼,一直到玉兔东升,然后用清风将我熏陶;秋天我们登高远望,漫山的红叶伴着沙沙的脚步,一起仰望大雁行行南飞,痴情里发誓也要如是不离不弃;冬装将你包裹得素雅,远山如黛,晶莹剔透的冰天雪地到处荡漾着你的朗朗笑声,风雪中你一回眸,忍不住将你拥抱,一起凝固在山崖边变成冰雕。分明记得你低头喃语:来世我们还要有个约会。</div><div><br></div><div> 我来了,人声嘈杂中来到你身边,不知何时变成了凡夫俗子,一介书生。可你,还是那样安详地躺在烟蕴群山的怀抱里,盛装打扮,胭脂染颊,清新脱俗。时光一点也没有将你改变,颜容姣好。你文静温柔的仪态让我想起了往昔的你。可是那微微低下的眼帘,分明遮不住你内心里涌动的情愫。当我站在山崖瀑布前,方才明了你内心深处蕴藏的澎湃和激情,飞泄直下的奔流是你敞开的胸怀,四溅的水花将思念尽情宣泄。天长地久有时尽,此意绵绵无绝期。我站在瀑布前,你的泪水打湿了我的脸,透着丝丝凉意和柔情。可是我不得不再次离开,又一次失约。其实我是多么地不舍啊。我要走了,去那遥远的地方。没法将你带走,只有用相机留下你的倩影,伴随我浪迹天涯,一世珍藏。我仿佛听见了你轻声的呼唤,一路珍重。我们还是那个约定,来世相会。</div><div><br></div><div> 后记:九寨沟的水是一片片的海子和一层层的瀑布构成,静动相宜,加上四周的山峦烘托,色彩艳丽,巧秀无比,相得益彰。游览时正值下雨,谨以此文记之。</div><div><br></div> <h3>1、箭竹海</h3> <h3>2、</h3> <h3>3、</h3> <h3>4、熊猫海</h3> <h3>5、</h3> <h3>6、五花海</h3> <h3>7、</h3> <h3>8、</h3> <h3>9、</h3> <h3>10、树正沟/犀牛海、老虎海</h3> <h3>11、</h3> <h3>12、</h3> <h3>13、藏寨</h3> <h3>14、</h3> <h3>15、熊猫海瀑布</h3> <h3>16、珍珠滩瀑布</h3> <h3>17、</h3> <h3>18、</h3> <h3>19、诺日朗瀑布</h3> <h3>20、卧龙海</h3> <h3>21、</h3> <h3>22、</h3> <h3>23、</h3> <div><br></div><div>【Smoking Jiuzhaigou</div><div> I wanted to visit Jiuzhaigou for a long time. Once I set my feet inside the park, the beauty of the lake instantly hooked my soul, as if I had seen it all before. Perhaps in a dream? The misty rain fell down like a curtain on the lake, surrounded by green hills. The lake half revealed her face peeping out from the behind, knowing who I was. I could tell she was overjoyed to see me coming and fulfill the commitment we had made before.</div><div><br></div><div> Endless rain needles were falling into the lake, stirring up circle ripples on the surface, which seemed to tell me the past, which gradually aroused my memory: Once upon a time in the Spring, we held hands together, walked in the swallow’s twittering sound, and nestled down at the hill foot to watch fresh green spouts growing and stretching to the tips of the trees. In the summer, clouds roamed over our heads. Under the blue sky, you often smiled quietly at me, and blindfolded my eyes with colorful blankets. Until the moon arose, you nurtured me with cool breeze. In the autumn we climbed afar and walked on the mountain trails, with leaves rustling under our footsteps. We looked at the lines of wild geese flying south, swearing that we would never abandon each other like them. The winter snow wrapped your figure in an elegant shape. The crystal world echoed you laugh everywhere. You looked back and flashed a smile at me. I couldn't help to hold you up as we transformed into an icy statue together on the edge of the cliff. I clearly remembered you whispering in my ear: we have to see each other again in afterlife.</div><div> Here I was, coming with noisy crowds, not sure since when I became so ordinary, nothing but a scholar. But you were quietly lying in the arms of the smoking mountains, dressed up so elegantly, waiting for me to come. Time had never changed you, still with that pretty look. Your gentle and quiet manner reminded me of how I knew you before. I could tell from your half-closed eyelids, you tried to cover your surging feelings in your heart. Standing by the waterfall, I suddenly realized that this was your chest open to express your emotion. The splashes were your tears to show your sadness and yearning, which had lasted for a long time. Your tears wet my face, cold and touching. But I had to leave again -- heartbreak again. I really didn’t want to go. I was going to travel faraway, bringing you with me in my camera. Your pretty pictures would accompany me forever, as a treasure and soulmate. Let’s make the same promise and commitment: meet in the next lifetime.</div><div><br></div><div>Post: The water landscape in Jiuzhaigou is comprised of a stacking lakes and waterfalls, quite dynamic and entertaining. Together with the surrounding mountain contrast, they exhibit incomparable elegancy and beauty. I wrote this small piece to record my feeling and thankful thinking of Jiuzhaigou.</div> <h3><br></h3><div>如果本篇为您带来了美的享受,别忘了与他人分享。祝您愉快。</div><h3><br></h3><div>——————————————————————</div><div><br></div><div>作者简介</div><div><br></div><div>旅行家,作家,诗人兼摄影师,现为美国医学院教授。出版有长篇小说《海鸥教授》《杜鹃花开》《玫瑰血》,中篇小说《留学生》《寒星》,短篇小说《悔恋》《小倩绝恋》等,并著有大量散文,游记,摄影专集。</div><div><br></div><div><br></div><div>Amazon 亚马逊网站书店 (检索 cong yan)</div><div>Barnes &amp; Noble 书店</div><div>Books A Million 书店</div><div>Border's Group 书店</div><div><br></div><div><br></div><div>玫瑰血 长篇小说</div><div>https://www.createspace.com/6895888 (Bloody Rose)</div><div><br></div><div>杜鹃花开 长篇小说</div><div>https://www.createspace.com/6827216 (Blooming Azalea)</div><div><br></div><div>海鸥教授 长篇小说</div><div>https://www.createspace.com/6800114</div><div>(Seagull Professor)</div><div><br></div><div>【旅游摄影集】 黄龙-九寨沟-熊猫 (Huang Long - Jiuzhaigou - Panda)</div><div>https://www.createspace.com/6758135</div><div><br></div><h3><br></h3><h3><br></h3>