TB-6101 亨利的61 / Enrico '61 莫里康内电影音乐吧-009


<div style="text-align: center;"><h1><b><font color="#ed2308">TB-6101 Enrico '61&nbsp; / 亨利的61</font></b></h1></div> <b><font color="#ed2308">电影概要</font></b>: 1961年意大利电视音乐喜剧。由 Pietro Garinei, Sandro Giovannini 导演,&nbsp; Renato Rascel&nbsp; 主演,全长 226 分钟。这部音乐喜剧由意大利电视台RAI于1964年在电视上播出。它是为意大利的统一(1861年3月17日)的100周年而编写的。从1861-1961,罗马的中产阶级人士亨利恰好度过他的百岁生日,剧本从1861年开始,回顾了从他的童年起,100年来在意大利发生的最重要的各种历史事件。意大利著名喜剧明星雷纳托 拉希尔在剧中扮演百岁老人亨利,他也是这部音乐喜剧的作曲家。<br><br><b><font color="#ed2308">Summary of the film</font></b>: Enrico '61 (1961) was a musical comedy starring revue and comedy star Renato Rascel, theatre and comedy stars Gianrico Tedeschi, Gisella Sofio and Renzo Palmer, and variety and comedy star Gloria Paul. In 1964, Enrico '61 was broadcasted on TV by RAI-Radiotelevisione Italiana.Enrico '61 was written for the 100th anniversary of the Unification of Italy (17th March 1861). Roman middle-class Enrico has his 100th birthday: he recalls the most important facts of his life in association with the most relevant facts of Italian history from 1861.<br> <br><br>在线视频 “亨利的61” (本站上传土豆网 48:51)<br>VIDEO Enrico '61 (48:51)<br> <b><font color="#ed2308">音乐概要</font></b>: 此片由雷纳托 拉希尔 / Renato Rascel ( Italy 1912–1991) 谱曲,莫里康内为其中4首乐曲改编 (见下面OST总表)<br><br><b><font color="#ed2308">Summary of the music</font></b> : The film was composed by Renato Rascel, Morricone arranged 4 music (See below OST list)<br> “亨利的61“ OST原声音乐 (仅为和莫里康内有关的乐曲)<br><br>001&nbsp; Vent'anni (02:46) / 20年<br>002&nbsp; Dopo l'inverno viene sempre primavera (02:42) / 冬天过后总是春<br>003&nbsp; ...E non addio (02:45) / 不要说再见<br>004&nbsp; Com'è bello volersi bene (02:32) / 爱是多么美好<br><br>以上4首均为 Renato Rascel Composer Vocals; Ennio Morricone Arranger Conductor; <br><br>本站暂无此音乐资源<br><br> <br><br>音乐视频 “不要说再见” (本站上传土豆网 02:46)<br><br>Music VIDEO "...E non addio" (02:46)<br> <br><br>详细内容见此页&nbsp; http://morricone.cn/tfm/tfm-1961.htm <br><br>See here for detail content&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; http://morricone.cn/tfm/tfm-1961-eng.htm <br><br>请关注HAN的美篇专栏总目录<br>Directory of the column<br>https://a.meipian.cn/c/6043913 <br><br>欢迎访问莫里康内爱好者网站 http://morricone.cn