TB5801 所有的歌曲 / Le Canzoni di tutti 莫里康内电影音乐吧-002


<div style="text-align: center;"><h1><b><font color="#ed2308">TB5801 Le Canzoni di tutti (TV Show) /&nbsp; 所有的歌曲</font></b></h1></div> 电影概要:这是意大利国家电视台RAI在1958年1月-2月播出的一组7集电视秀节目。由 Mario Landi 导演, Bice Valori,Paolo Panelli,Alberto Bonucci 主演。"埃尼奥 莫里康内 (29岁)在一个题为《所有的歌曲》(1958)的电视节目中结识了导演卢西亚诺 萨尔斯,那个节目是由斯科拉和萨尔斯编写的。莫里康内作为一个编曲者在那里工作。萨尔斯还要求莫里康内为他的两部喜剧作品《蜂王浆》(1958)和《幸福的结局》(1959)谱曲"。莫里康内回忆说:“我开始为电视编写其它的音乐。与此同时我也在电视综艺节目《所有的音乐》中为我自己的音乐谱曲 ”- 莫里康内以超级四重奏的形式为意大利RAI电视台的剧院剧电视秀编曲。<br><br><b><font color="#ed2308">Summary of the film</font></b>: This is a group of TV show program with 7 episodes played by Italian RAI TV station in January to February 1958. "Ennio Morricone [aged 29] first met Luciano Salce in a television program written by Scola and Salce, titled Le canzoni di tutti[1958], where Morricone worked as an arranger. Salce asked him to score two of his theatre comedies, La pappa reale [1958] and Il lieto fine [1959]." Ennio Morricone [August 2012]: "I met Luciano Salce in 1958 while doing arrangements for Le canzoni di tutti, a television show of which he was one of the authors". "I started by arranging the music of others for television. In the meantime I kept on composing my own music – Variety Show for television Le canzoni di tutti " <br> <b><font color="#ed2308">音乐概要</font></b>:此片由意大利作曲家 弗朗克 皮萨诺&nbsp; / Franco Pisano (Italy 1922-1977)谱曲。莫里康内参与改编,曲目不详<br><br><b><font color="#ed2308">Summary of the music</font></b>:The film was composed by Franco Pisano. Ennio Morricone participated in the adaptation, specific music catalog is unknown.<br> <br><br>详细内容见此页&nbsp; http://morricone.cn/tfm/tfm-1955-1959.htm <br><br>See here for detail content&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; http://morricone.cn/tfm/tfm-1955-1959-eng.htm <br><br>请关注HAN的美篇专栏总目录<br>Directory of the column<br>https://a.meipian.cn/c/6043913 欢迎访问莫里康内爱好者网站 http://morricone.cn