TB6203 安逸人生 / The Easy Life 莫里康内电影音乐吧-016


<div style="text-align: center;"><h1><b><font color="#ed2308">TB6203 Il Sorpasso / The Easy Life&nbsp; / 安逸人生</font></b></h1></div> <font color="#ed2308"><b>电影概要</b></font>: 1962年意大利电影。由 Dino Risi 导演,&nbsp; Vittorio Gassman,Jean-Louis rintignant,Catherine Spaak 主演,时长 105 分钟。1962年的夏天,罗伯托和布鲁诺结伴去托斯卡纳地区游玩,这两人的性格年龄都大相径庭。罗伯托是个羞涩内向的学生,而布鲁诺则是个精力旺盛、反复无常的中年人。在旅途中两人慢慢熟悉了解,布鲁诺成功人士和上流社会的派头让罗伯托心生艳羡,但同时他也看到了布鲁诺空虚、肤浅和不快乐的另一面。<br><br>Plot: Bruno Cortona and Roberto Mariani meet by chance as Roberto helps Bruno one day while everything is closed in Rome for the holiday weekend. The two men could not be more different. Thirty-six year old Bruno is extroverted, a man who seizes opportunities as they arise, is an excitement seeker, has never really grown up, but is a person to who many are drawn because of his exuberance and masculine good looks. Law student Roberto is introverted, controlled and so unsure of himself that he doesn't really know why he chose law as a career and is afraid not only to let the girl who lives across the way from him, Valeria, know that he likes her, but even to speak to her. He even has a photograph of her in his wallet that he took clandestinely. Roberto reluctantly gets caught up in the whirlwind of Bruno's last minute change in plans for the holidays as the two head off together in Bruno's Lancia Aurelia sports car, their joy ride which will be largely at Bruno's whim. That reluctance is ...<br> <div style="text-align: center;"><h1><br></h1><h1><b><font color="#ed2308">视频 "安逸人生“ 完整电影&nbsp; (本站上传56网 101'44")</font></b></h1><h1><b><font color="#ed2308">VIDEO Full film "Il Sorpasso / The Easy Life" (101'44")</font></b><br></h1></div> <b><font color="#ed2308">音乐概要</font></b>:此片由意大利作曲家 里兹 奥特兰尼 / Riz Ortolani (Italy 1926-2014) 谱曲,其中三首乐曲由莫里康内改编 (见底部OST播放表)<br><br><font color="#ed2308"><b>Summary of the music</b></font>: The film was composed by Riz Ortolani, Morricone arranged 3 music<br> <div style="text-align: center;"><h1><b><font color="#ed2308">原声音乐试听 (仅为和莫里康内有关的乐曲)</font></b></h1><p><br></p><h1><b><font color="#ed2308">Audition of OST&nbsp; (Only for Ennio Morricone) </font></b><br></h1></div> <br>001 Guarda come dondolo (02:33) / 看似跷跷板&nbsp; Edoardo Vianello Composer Vocals; Ennio Morricone Arranger Conductor;<br><br><br> 002 Pinne, fucile e occhiali (02:36) / 鳍,步枪和眼镜&nbsp;&nbsp; (Edoardo Vianello Composer Vocals; Ennio Morricone Arranger Conductor)<br> 003 Gianni (01:53) / 詹尼 (Nino P. Tassone Composer; Ennio Morricone Arranger Conductor)<br> <br><br>详细内容见此页&nbsp; http://morricone.cn/tfm/tfm-1962.htm <br><br>See here for detail content <br>http://morricone.cn/tfm/tfm-1962-eng.htm<br><br><br><br> <br><br>请关注HAN的美篇专栏总目录见这里&nbsp; https://a.meipian.cn/c/6043913 <br><br>欢迎访问莫里康内爱好者网站 http://morricone.cn