

联系人:林老师<br>联系方式:15335288105<br>联系微信号:sy15335288105<br>联系地址:苏州市高新区浒墅关镇城际路21号2幢412、413室<br>关于国外餐桌礼仪的相关表达,以下是一些常用的英文表达:<br><br>1、入座与餐具使用<br><br>Please take your seat. <br>请就座。<br><br>Place your napkin on your lap. <br>把餐巾放在你的膝盖上。<br><br>Use your fork in your left hand and knife in your right. <br>左手持叉,右手持刀。<br><br>2、用餐过程<br>Wait for everyone to be served before starting to eat. <br>等大家都上菜后再开始吃。<br><br>Never speak with your mouth full. <br>说话时嘴里不要塞满食物。<br><br>If you need to leave the table, please excuse yourself.<br> 如果需要离开餐桌,请先告知大家。<br><br>3、餐桌礼仪<br>Always thank the host or hostess for the meal. <br>总是感谢主人提供的餐食。<br><br>It's polite to offer to pass dishes or condiments to others. <br>主动为别人传递菜肴或调料是礼貌的。<br><br>Never reach across the table for something. <br>不要伸手越过桌子去取东西。<br><br>4、餐桌上的交流<br>Keep the conversation light and avoid controversial topics. <br>保持谈话轻松愉快,避免争议性话题。<br><br>Compliment the host on the meal. <br>称赞主人的餐食。<br><br>Ask questions about the dishes or the host's culture to show interest. <br>询问关于菜肴或主人文化的问题以表示兴趣。<br><br>这些表达涵盖了从入座到用餐结束整个过程的餐桌礼仪,有助于在国外用餐时更好地融入当地文化,展现良好的餐桌礼仪。