

<h3>I heard you're somewhere far away <br>听闻君宿他乡<br>I set out on my way 吾慕名前往<br> I followed the scenic road <br>吾身奔袭在满是风景的路上<br>With your breath in my dreams<br>吾梦满是卿气息的芬芳<br>It's really hard to forget<br>倾心细数过往 <br>The good times when we met<br>始于相遇 美妙如常 <br>We've traveled a lot together <br>同背行囊 共枕风霜<br>Will you return to my side <br>卿啊你会不会再回我身旁<br>Darling I do miss you <br>卿啊 我早已深念成伤 <br>I'm always on the road <br>我一直一直在路上 <br>Just like the winds never stop <br>就像风儿永不曾停航 <br>They'll always blow <br>永不曾停航 <br>The gentle breeze caressing my face<br>清风轻抚我脸上<br>Reminds me of your kiss <br>让我深念卿吻的香 <br>The waves chasing chasing the beach <br>深深地 深深拥抱海滩的浪<br>Remind me of your embrace <br>让我深念卿拥我抱我的狂<br>  I love you as much as before <br>深爱卿一如既往<br>Let's be together for life <br>相爱相拥不散场<br>I need you as much as before <br>深爱卿一如既往<br>just for your gentle smile <br>卿的微笑尤似蜜糖<br><br>​</h3>