

<p class="ql-block">艺人黄丹艳</p> <p class="ql-block">黄丹艳,英文名:Andy,昵称:丹艳儿、丹艳、艳。世界文化名人,世界文化交流伟大贡献奖得主,世界文化大使勋章获得者,中国青年歌手,词曲创作人,中国音乐著作权协会会员,中国音乐家协会会员, 亚洲国际音乐舞蹈艺术大赛广西组委会主席,中国壮族非物质文化遗产保护第七代传承人之一,CCTV 综艺娱乐及星公益首届春晚特邀嘉宾、爱心大使、全国巡演特邀嘉宾,CCTV 纪念毛主席诞辰126周年座谈会及演唱会特邀演唱嘉宾。城市卫视星动中国达人秀第一季优秀电视展演活动总决赛评委。2022年北京广播电视台《我和我的祖国》元旦跨年特邀节目评委。</p> <p class="ql-block">&nbsp;2023年入围全球华语流行音乐金曲榜八周年盛典,歌曲《中国啊,我的国》荣获最佳金曲奖。2016年受广西南宁市兴宁区政府邀请参加大地飞歌“绿城歌台”节目演出。2017年受广西南宁市兴宁区政府邀请参加兴宁区歌台“三月三”演出活动。2018年受广西南宁市青秀区政府邀请参加“我们的中国梦喜迎自治区成立60周年” 。2018南宁市第六届新春文化庙会演出活动。2018年受邀参加广西南宁市人民政府主办的为民办实事文化惠民工程“送戏下基层”活动演出,演唱原创新民歌《幸福路上》等歌曲。</p><p class="ql-block">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;黄丹艳参加北京“公卿杯”抗击疫情主题原创歌曲排行榜《中国啊,我的国》(词曲唱:黄丹艳)荣获最佳人气奖金奖、最佳作词作曲奖金奖、最佳歌手奖金奖,《中国啊,我的国》荣获全球华语流行音乐金曲榜&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;八周年盛典最佳金曲奖。歌曲《我们的骄傲》由中共中央收集荣登学习强国平台。2012年成功举办“达娃卓嘎”黄丹艳个人独唱音乐会。2012年参加第三届孔雀奖全国高等艺术院校声乐大赛荣获优秀演唱奖,担任丹艳艺术杯2014年~2019年亚洲国际音乐舞蹈艺术大赛广西赛区评委等。</p><p class="ql-block">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;CCTV星公益歌曲大赛颁奖盛典爱心大使;CCTV 综艺娱乐及星公益首届春晚特邀嘉宾;CCTV 纪念毛主席诞辰126周年座谈会及演唱会特邀演唱嘉宾;2020年星公益五一抖音音乐会特邀嘉宾;星公益全国巡演特邀嘉宾;星公益2021中秋晚会特邀嘉宾;2020年全球华语流行音乐金曲榜推广大使;2020年华语金曲奖内地华语民谣流行女歌手优秀新人奖;2021年全球华语流行音乐金曲榜推广大使;为祖国放歌赞辉煌百年2021迎国庆特别节目特邀嘉宾,2022年北京广播电视台《我和我的祖国》元旦跨年王特邀节目评委,2022年星公益首届少数民族春节联欢晚会特邀嘉宾,2023年歌手黄丹艳入围全球华语流行音乐金曲榜八周年盛典。2023年歌曲《中国啊 我的国》入围全球华语流行音乐金曲榜十大金曲奖。2023年黄丹艳成为华语童声音乐金曲榜运营总监。新淅市首届环保摄影大赛公益宣传大使;洋河小海女神之夜暨新淅市名企名媛交流晚会洋河小海女神之夜宣传大使;歌手黄丹艳参加北京“公卿杯”抗击疫情主题原创歌曲排行榜,歌曲名称:《中国啊 我的国》(词曲唱:黄丹艳)荣获:最佳人气奖 金奖、最佳作词作曲奖 金奖,最佳歌手奖 金奖。歌曲《我们的骄傲》由中共中央收集荣登学习强国平台;《你爱我吗》荣获QQ音乐巅峰排行榜第一名;《广西之花》荣获QQ 音乐巅峰排行榜第三名;《印象》荣获QQ 音乐巅峰排行榜第五名;《情怀》荣获QQ 音乐巅峰排行榜第四名;2012年成功举办“达娃卓嘎”黄丹艳个人独唱音乐会;担任丹艳艺术杯2014年~2019年亚洲国际音乐舞蹈艺术大赛广西赛区评委 。担任2015第五届世界华人青少年艺术大赛广西赛区评委。担任由广西电视台联合举办的“少年志中国强”国学艺术交流大赛广西赛区评委。广西黄丹艳文化艺术传播有限公司董事长;中旗女企业家分会文艺副会长;东盟旗袍总会武鸣分会会长;南宁市工商联女企业家商会会员;中国壮族非物质文化遗产保护第六代传承人的弟子;中国壮族非物质文化遗产保护第七代传承人之一;中央音乐学院声乐教授、国家一级演员杨维丽教授的声乐学生;广西民族大学声乐教授、国家一级演员苏燕玲教授的声乐学生;广西师范大学音乐学院古筝教师器乐系主任朗娟娟老师的古筝学生。</p><p class="ql-block">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;黄丹艳词、曲、唱代表原创歌曲有《情怀》《印象》《好事财旺》《你爱我吗》《广西之花》《中国啊我的国》《我的守护神》等,原唱《我会永远陪着你》《明月寄相思》《幸福路上》《心画》《倾城雾》《和寂寞说拜拜》《我们的骄傲》《党的女儿黄文秀》等,翻唱《来生缘》《壮族敬酒歌》《好运来》《谢谢你的爱》《山歌好比春江水》《多谢了》等。</p><p class="ql-block">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;歌手黄丹艳偶尔民族风,偶尔流行风,你喜欢哪种风格?百度、酷狗、Q Q音乐、抖音、快手、微视、全民K歌、KTV、网易云音乐等全网发行:歌手黄丹艳词曲唱代表原创作品《好事财旺》《你爱我吗》等承接各种商演、拼盘演唱会、音乐节、年会、文艺晚会、明星录V#歌手黄丹艳 #原创音乐 #音乐之声 #全球华语流行音乐金曲榜。</p><p class="ql-block">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;兴趣:唱歌、跳舞、弹钢琴、弹古筝、游泳、看书。</p><p class="ql-block">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;座右铭:自信与微笑伴我走向成功!</p><p class="ql-block">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;专业领域:被誉为“壮乡小歌后”“八桂民谣小歌后”、唱作歌手黄丹艳、金牌导师、壮族青年原创歌手。</p><p class="ql-block">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;黄丹艳原创歌曲:《你爱我吗》《广西之花》《我的守护神》《明月寄相思》《幸福路上》《和寂寞说拜拜》《心画》《倾城雾》《情怀》《印象》《我会永远陪着你》《好事财旺》《中国啊我的国》等全网发行,百度、酷狗音乐、QQ 音乐、网易云音乐、KTV 、抖音、微视、火山、快手、全民K 歌等在全球范围数字音乐发行。</p> <p class="ql-block">2012年成功举办“达娃卓嘎”黄丹艳个人独唱音乐会;2011年,荣获星耀华夏全国青少年优秀艺术人才展评活动民族唱法金奖 ;2010年,荣获第六届世界华人青少年艺术大赛声乐项目青年A组一等奖 ;2010年,荣获桂林第二届“炫动青春之梦”才艺大赛亚军;2012年,在第三届全国大学生艺术展演活动荣获小组唱三等奖;2012年,参加第三届孔雀奖全国高等艺术院校声乐大赛荣获优秀演唱奖;2011年,受CCTV央视网邀请去参加我国北海水上飞机起航仪式“放飞梦想,扬帆起航”的大型演出活动,与众多明星同台演出;2012年,参加中国东盟汽车拉力赛形象大使选拔赛晋级广西桂林赛区前5强;2012年,参加中国东盟汽车拉力赛形象大使选拔赛成功晋级全国30强;2013年,在南宁商贸学校担任音乐教师及班主任,所带的班级荣获新学期开学“开门红”一等奖;2014年,受邀参加2014亚洲群星演唱会,在广西体育中心举行,所带领的公司演员给容祖儿、曹格、玖月奇迹、李佳薇、鸟叔等明星伴舞;2014年,所带的学生参加2014亚洲国际音乐舞蹈艺术大赛上海国际总决赛荣获金奖;2015年,所带的学生参加2015年第六届世界华人青少年艺术盛典香港国际总决赛荣获金奖;2016年,受南宁市兴宁区政府邀请参加大地飞歌"绿城歌台"节目演出;2017年,受南宁市青秀区政府邀请参加2017南宁市第五届新春文化庙会演出活动;2017年,受南宁市兴宁区政府邀请参加兴宁区歌台"三月三"演出活动;2018年,受南宁市青秀区政府邀请参加“我们的中国梦 喜迎自治区成立60周年”2018南宁市第六届新春文化庙会演出活动;2018年,受邀参加南宁市人民政府主办的2018年南宁市为民办实事文化惠民工程“送戏下基层”活动演出,黄丹艳演唱原创新民歌《幸福路上》等歌曲;2018年受邀请参加广西南宁桂平商会“璀璨十年,携手并进”十周年庆典活动担任歌手;2019年受邀请参加致敬改革开放40周年暨全国工商联医药业商会二十周年庆典担任歌手;2019年受邀请参加广西重庆商会新春团拜会担任歌手;2019年受邀请参加投亿鼎集团年会演出担任歌手;2019年受邀请参加广西茶歌晚会20周年庆典担任歌手;2019年受邀请跟随国家一级演员、印象.刘三姐音乐主唱、全国政协委员、广西民族大学声乐教授及研究生导师苏燕玲老师前往澳门大学进行广西少数民族音乐文化交流展演;2020年受邀请参加广西投亿鼎集团2020新年团拜会暨亿鼎公馆答谢会担任歌手;2020年受邀请参加百色布洛陀后裔(贝侬)驻邕迎春联谊会担任歌手;2018年壮乡歌手黄丹艳网上发行原创歌曲《心画》《倾城雾》《和寂寞说拜拜》《幸福路上》《明月寄相思》。2019年内地流行华语女歌手黄丹艳发行原创歌曲《我的守护神》《情怀》《印象》《广西之花》《你爱我吗》《我会永远陪着你》等。2020年壮族青年原创歌手黄丹艳发行原创歌曲《好事财旺》等。</p><p class="ql-block">2012年6月18日成功举办了“达娃卓嘎”黄丹艳独唱音乐会;2009年,荣获星耀华夏全国青少年优秀艺术人才展评活动民族唱法金奖;2010年,荣获第六届世界华人青少年艺术大赛声乐项目青年A组一等奖;2010年,荣获桂林第二届“炫动青春之梦”才艺大赛亚军;2012年,参加第三届孔雀奖全国高等艺术校声乐大赛荣获优秀演唱奖;2012年,在第三届全国大学生艺术展演活动荣获小组唱三等奖;2011年,受央视网邀请去参加我国北海水上飞机起航仪式“放飞梦想,扬帆起航”的大型演出活动,与众多明星同台演出。2012年,参加中国东盟汽车拉力赛形象大使选拔赛晋级广西桂林赛区前5强;2012年,参加中国东盟汽车拉力赛形象大使选拔赛成功晋级全国30强;2011年,在广西电视台总决赛的“第二届南国标准美女选拔大赛荣获优秀奖;2010年,荣获2009—2010年度优秀学生奖学金技能素质奖;2011年,荣获2010-2011年度优秀学生奖学金体艺奉献奖;2010年,暨写的调查报告《暑期社会实践调查报告》被评为2010年度广西师范大学音乐系暑期社会实践调查报告系级一等奖;2011年,暨写的调查报告《暑期社会实践调查报告》被评为2011年度广西师范大学音乐系暑期社会实践调查报告院级三等奖;2010年,在学院《概论》课学生自主实践研究学习成果展示大赛(舞台表演)中,表演的音乐剧《和谐之声永不落》荣获二等奖;2009年,荣获“新生至善杯”我的大学生涯规划及学习生活行动计划竞赛三等奖;2010年,荣获第六届“外语文化活动节”之“阳光晨读”朗读大赛非专业组优秀奖;2010年,荣获桂林市第十九届青春艺术节“舞动青春”青少年舞蹈大赛优胜奖;2010年,荣获TOO第一届高校达人挑战赛十佳歌手;2011年,去91241海军空军部队慰问演出;2010年5月,身为青年志愿者协会会干带队参加支教活动;2010年,代表与学校合唱团参加双威教育集团国际交流会;2009年,被兹聘为二00九年广西师范大学漓江学院第七届田径运动会开幕式大型团体操表演教练员;2012年11月,曾与刘特老师一起主持广西电视台睛彩交通频道《巅峰对决》电视销售冠军挑战赛栏目;2013年1月,曾受邀参加在广西电视台交通频道2013年迎新年会及年末工作总结大会上表演唱歌和古筝演奏;2013年4月受邀请参演由广西电视台录制的《美丽广西》形象宣传片;2014年1月受邀请参加南宁福州商会2014年春节团拜会担任主持人和歌手;2014年1月受邀请参加南宁市良庆区总工会2014年迎新春慰问演出担任歌手和古筝乐手;2012年12月,受邀参加演出“民星大舞台”广西南宁青秀区迎新年会暨第三届乡村社区和谐文艺大展演颁奖晚会;2012年10月,曾参与策划广西某文化传播有限公司开业庆典、某文化促进会及广西某拍卖有限责任公司十周年庆典,并且表演唱歌、跳舞和古筝演奏;2013年1月,曾拍摄采访“我是邕城少儿能帮就帮”为广州植物军人及贫困家境的孩子捐献爱心活动;2012年,受广西南宁市青秀区政府邀请参加广西“十佳乡镇”伶俐镇的原创歌曲《天生伶俐》的MV拍摄并受广西电视台合作单位的邀请下参加伶铜镇口坡壮族百家宴的主持演出活动,演唱原创歌曲《天生伶俐》;2012年,在广西南宁第四中学实习担任音乐老师及班主任;2013-2014年担任广西南宁商贸学校13幼师(2)班班主任以及学校部分专业22个班级的音乐教师等;2014年起开办广西黄丹艳文化艺术传播有限公司和丹艳艺术培训中心;2023年创办北京丹艳艺术文化传播有限公司等。2023年8月25日荣获第6届世界文化交流伟大贡献奖,世界文化大使勋章,其个人近照,杰出成就入编2023中英双语版《世界名人录》(综合卷·音乐卷),世界名人研究院主编,世界圣火艺术研究院,世界文艺界杰出文艺家联合会协编。</p> <p class="ql-block">Huang Danyan, English name: Andy, nickname: Dan Yaner, Dan Yan, Yan. World Cultural Celebrity, Winner of the Great Contribution Award for World Cultural Exchange, recipient of the World Cultural Ambassador Medal, Chinese Young Singer, songwriter, member of the China Music Copyright Association, member of the China Musicians Association, Chairman of the Guangxi Organizing Committee of the Asian International Music and Dance Art Competition, one of the seventh generation inheritors of the intangible cultural heritage protection of the Zhuang ethnic group in China, special guest and caring ambassador of the first CCTV variety entertainment and star public welfare Spring Festival Gala National Tour Special Guest, CCTV Commemoration of Chairman Mao's 126th Anniversary Symposium and Concert Special Guest. Judges for the final of the first season of the Outstanding TV Show of China's Got Talent on City TV. Judge for the New Year's Eve special program of "Me and My Motherland" on Beijing Radio and Television in 2022.</p><p class="ql-block">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;In 2023, she was nominated for the 8th Anniversary Celebration of the Global Mandarin Pop Music Golden Melody Chart, and her song "China, My Country" won the Best Golden Melody Award. In 2016, he was invited by the Xingning District Government of Nanning City, Guangxi to participate in the performance of the "Green City Song Channel" program of the Earth Flying Song. In 2017, he was invited by the Xingning District Government of Nanning City, Guangxi to participate in the "March 3rd" performance event of the Xingning District Song Channel. In 2018, we were invited by the Qingxiu District Government of Nanning City, Guangxi to participate in the "Our Chinese Dream Celebrates the 60th Anniversary of the Establishment of the Autonomous Region". The 6th Spring Festival Cultural Temple Fair Performance Activity in Nanning City, 2018. In 2018, he was invited to participate in the "Sending Off Dramas to the Grassroots" activity organized by the Nanning Municipal People's Government in Guangxi, and performed the original new folk song "Happy Road" and other songs.</p> <p class="ql-block">Huang Danyan participated in the Beijing "Gongqing Cup" anti epidemic theme original song chart "China, My Country" (lyrics and songs sung by Huang Danyan) and won the Gold Award for Best Popularity, Gold Award for Best Lyrics and Composition, and Gold Award for Best Singer. "China, My Country" won the Best Golden Melody Award at the 8th Anniversary Ceremony of the Global Chinese Pop Music Chart. The song "Our Pride" was collected by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and won the platform for learning and strengthening the country. In 2012, Huang Danyan successfully held a solo concert titled "Da Wa Zhuoga". In 2012, he participated in the 3rd Peacock Award National Vocal Competition for Higher Education Arts and won the Excellent Singing Award. He served as a judge for the Guangxi region of the Danyan Art Cup 2014-2019 Asia International Music and Dance Art Competition.</p><p class="ql-block">CCTV Star Public Welfare Song Competition Award Ceremony Love Ambassador; CCTV Variety Entertainment and Star Charity First Spring Festival Gala Special Guest; CCTV Commemoration of Chairman Mao's 126th Anniversary Symposium and Concert Invited Singers; Special guest of Star Charity May Day Tiktok Concert in 2020; Special Guest of Star Public Welfare National Tour; Special guest of Star Public Welfare 2021 Mid Autumn Festival Gala; Ambassador for the Promotion of the 2020 Global Mandarin Pop Music Gold Chart; Outstanding New Artist Award for Mainland Chinese Folk Pop Female Singer at the 2020 Mandarin Golden Melody Awards; Ambassador for the Promotion of the 2021 Global Mandarin Pop Music Gold Chart; Singing praises for the glorious centenary of our motherland, special guest of the 2021 National Day special program, judge of the 2022 Beijing Radio and Television Station's New Year's Eve special program "Me and My Motherland", special guest of the 2022 Star Public Welfare First Ethnic Minority Spring Festival Gala, and singer Huang Danyan was nominated for the 8th anniversary celebration of the global Chinese pop music chart in 2023. In 2023, the song 'China, my country' was nominated for the Top 10 Golden Melody Awards on the Global Mandarin Pop Music Chart. In 2023, Huang Danyan became the Operations Director of the Chinese Children's Voice Music Gold Chart. Ambassador for Public Welfare Promotion of the First Environmental Protection Photography Competition in Xinxi City; Yanghe Xiaohai Goddess Night and Xinxi City Famous Enterprise Celebrity Exchange Evening Party Promotion Ambassador for Yanghe Xiaohai Goddess Night; Singer Huang Danyan participated in the original song chart of the Beijing "Gongqing Cup" anti epidemic theme. The song title: "China, My Country" (lyrics and songs sung by Huang Danyan) won the Gold Award for Best Popularity, Gold Award for Best Lyrics and Composition, and Gold Award for Best Singer. The song "Our Pride" was collected by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and won the platform for learning to become a strong country; Do You Love Me "won the first place on the QQ Music Summit Chart; Guangxi Flower won third place on the QQ Music Summit Ranking; Impression "won fifth place on the QQ Music Summit Chart; Love "won the fourth place on the QQ Music Summit Ranking; In 2012, Huang Danyan successfully held a solo concert titled "Da Wa Zhuoga"; Served as a judge for the Guangxi region of the Asian International Music and Dance Art Competition at the Danyan Art Cup from 2014 to 2019. Served as a judge for the Guangxi region of the 5th World Chinese Youth Art Competition in 2015. Served as a judge for the Guangxi region of the "Youth Strong China" Chinese Studies and Art Exchange Competition jointly organized by Guangxi Television. Chairman of Guangxi Huangdanyan Culture and Art Communication Co., Ltd; Vice President of Literature and Art, Zhongqi Women Entrepreneurs Branch; President of the Wuming Branch of the ASEAN Cheongsam Association; Member of the Women Entrepreneurs Chamber of Commerce of Nanning Federation of Industry and Commerce; The disciple of the sixth generation inheritor of the intangible cultural heritage protection of the Zhuang ethnic group in China; One of the seventh generation inheritors of intangible cultural heritage protection for the Zhuang ethnic group in China; A vocal student of Professor Yang Weili, a vocal professor at the Central Conservatory of Music and a national first-class actor; Vocal student of Professor Su Yanling, a vocal professor at Guangxi University for Nationalities and a national first-class actor; Teacher Lang Juanjuan, Director of the Instrumental Music Department of the School of Music at Guangxi Normal University, is a student of Guzheng.</p><p class="ql-block"><br></p> <p class="ql-block">Huang Danyan's lyrics, songs, and songs represent original songs such as "Emotions", "Impressions", "Good Things and Prosperity", "Do You Love Me", "Flowers of Guangxi", "China, My Country", "My Guardian God", etc. The original songs include "I will always be with you", "The Bright Moon Sends Acacia", "The Happiness Road", "Heart Painting", "The Mist of the City", "Say Goodbye to Loneliness", "Our Pride", and "The Daughter of the Party, Huang Wenxiu", etc, Cover songs such as' Eternal Love ',' Zhuang Tribe Toast Song ',' Good Luck Comes', 'Thank You for Your Love', 'Mountain Songs Like Spring River Water', and 'Thank you very much'.</p><p class="ql-block">Singer Huang Danyan occasionally has a national style or a pop style. Which style do you prefer? Baidu, Kugou, Q Q Music, Tiktok, Kwai, Microvision, National karaoke, KTV, NetEase Cloud Music and other online distribution: singer Huang Danyan's lyrics and songs represent the original works "Good Fortune", "Do you love me" and so on to undertake various commercial performances, assorted concerts, music festivals, annual meetings, cultural arts parties, star recording V # singer Huang Danyan # original music # sound of music # global Chinese pop music golden list.</p><p class="ql-block">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Interests: singing, dancing, playing the piano, playing the guzheng, swimming, reading.</p><p class="ql-block">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Motto: Confidence and smile accompany me towards success!</p><p class="ql-block">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Professional field: Known as the "Zhuang Township Little Song Queen" and "Ba Gui Folk Song Queen", singer Huang Danyan, gold medal mentor, and Zhuang youth original singer.</p><p class="ql-block">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Huang Danyan's original songs: "Do you love me", "Flowers of Guangxi", "My Guardian God", "The Moon Sends Acacia", "Happy Road", "Say Goodbye to Loneliness", "Heart Painting", "Falling City Fog", "Feeling", "Impression", "I will always be with you", "Good Fortune", "China ah my country" and other online releases, Baidu, Kugou Music, QQ Music, NetEase Cloud Music, KTV, Tiktok, Microvision, Volcano, Kwai National karaoke and other digital music releases worldwide.</p><p class="ql-block">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <p class="ql-block">In 2012, Huang Danyan successfully held a solo concert titled "Da Wa Zhuoga"; In 2011, he was awarded the Gold Award for National Singing Method in the Xingyao Huaxia National Youth Excellent Art Talent Exhibition and Evaluation Activity; In 2010, won the first prize in the Youth A group of the vocal music project of the 6th World Chinese Youth Art Competition; In 2010, won the runner up of the second Guilin "Splendid Youth Dream" Talent Competition; In 2012, won the third prize in group singing at the third National College Student Art Exhibition; In 2012, he won the Outstanding Singing Award in the Third Peacock Award National Higher Art College Vocal Competition; In 2011, invited by CCTV to participate in the large-scale performance event of "Flying Dreams, Sailing and Setting Sail" at the North Sea seaplane departure ceremony in China, performing alongside numerous celebrities; In 2012, he participated in the image ambassador selection competition of the China ASEAN Auto Rally and advanced to the top 5 in the Guilin region of Guangxi; In 2012, participated in the image ambassador selection competition of the China ASEAN Auto Rally and successfully advanced to the top 30 nationwide; In 2013, I served as a music teacher and class teacher at Nanning Business School, and my class won the first prize of "Getting Started" at the beginning of the new semester; In 2014, he was invited to participate in the 2014 Asian Stars Concert, held at the Guangxi Sports Center, and led company actors to dance with celebrities such as Rong Zu'er, Cao Ge, Jiuyue Miracle, Li Jiawei, and Bird Uncle; In 2014, the students they brought won the gold medal in the Shanghai International Finals of the 2014 Asia International Music and Dance Art Competition; In 2015, the students they brought won the gold medal in the Hong Kong International Finals of the 6th World Chinese Youth Art Festival in 2015; In 2016, invited by the Xingning District Government of Nanning City, he participated in the performance of the "Green City Song Channel" program of Dadi Feige; In 2017, invited by the Qingxiu District Government of Nanning City to participate in the performance activities of the 5th Nanning New Year Cultural Temple Fair; In 2017, invited by the Xingning District Government of Nanning City to participate in the "March 3rd" performance event of Xingning District Song Channel; In 2018, invited by the Qingxiu District Government of Nanning City to participate in the "Our Chinese Dream Celebrates the 60th Anniversary of the Establishment of the Autonomous Region" performance event of the 6th Nanning New Year Cultural Temple Fair;&nbsp;</p> <p class="ql-block">In 2018, Huang Danyan was invited to participate in</p><p class="ql-block">the 2018 Nanning Municipal Government sponsored "Sending Off the Drama to the Grassroots" activity of the Nanning Municipal Cultural and Benefiting Project for the People. Huang Danyan sang the original new folk song "Happiness Road" and other songs; In 2018, I was invited to participate in the 10th anniversary celebration of the "Brilliant Decade, Hand in Hand" of the Guangxi Nanning Guiping Chamber of Commerce as a singer; In 2019, he was invited to participate in the celebration of the 40th anniversary of the reform and opening up and the 20th anniversary of the All China Federation of Industry and Commerce Medical and Pharmaceutical Chamber of Commerce as a singer; Invited to participate in the Guangxi Chongqing Chamber of Commerce New Year Gala as a singer in 2019; Invited to perform as a singer at the annual meeting of the Investment Yiding Group in 2019; Invited to participate in the 20th anniversary celebration of Guangxi Tea Song Gala as a singer in 2019; In 2019, she was invited to participate in the Guangxi Minority Music and Culture Exchange Exhibition at the University of Macau with the lead singer Liu Sanjie, member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, vocal professor and graduate supervisor of Guangxi University for Nationalities, Professor Su Yanling, as a national first-class actor and impression; Invited to participate in the Guangxi Investment Yiding Group's 2020 New Year Celebration and Yiding Mansion Appreciation Ceremony as a singer in 2020; In 2020, he was invited to participate in the Baise Blotto Descendants (Beinon) Spring Festival Friendship in Yong as a singer; In 2018, Zhuang singer Huang Danyan released her original songs online, including "Heart Painting", "Falling City Mist", "Say Goodbye to Loneliness", "Happy Road", and "Mingyue Sends Acacia". In 2019, mainland Chinese pop singer Huang Danyan released original songs such as "My Guardian God", "Emotions", "Impressions", "Guangxi Flower", "Do you love me", and "I will always be with you". In 2020, Zhuang young original singer Huang Danyan released original songs such as "Good Fortune and Prosperity".</p><p class="ql-block">On June 18, 2012, Huang Danyan's solo concert "Da Wa Zhuoga" was successfully held; In 2009, he was awarded the Gold Award for National Singing Method in the Xingyao Huaxia National Youth Excellent Art Talent Exhibition and Evaluation Activity; In 2010, won the first prize in the Youth A group of the vocal music project of the 6th World Chinese Youth Art Competition; In 2010, won the runner up of the second Guilin "Splendid Youth Dream" Talent Competition; In 2012, he won the Outstanding Singing Award in the Third Peacock Award National Higher Art School Vocal Competition; In 2012, won the third prize in group singing at the third National College Student Art Exhibition; In 2011, invited by CCTV to participate in the large-scale performance event of "Flying Dreams, Sailing and Setting Sail" at the North Sea seaplane departure ceremony in China, performing alongside numerous celebrities. In 2012, he participated in the image ambassador selection competition of the China ASEAN Auto Rally and advanced to the top 5 in the Guilin region of Guangxi; In 2012, participated in the image ambassador selection competition of the China ASEAN Auto Rally and successfully advanced to the top 30 nationwide;</p> <p class="ql-block">In 2011, Won the Excellent Award in the "Second South China Standard Beauty Selection Competition" of the Guangxi TV Finals; won the Excellent Student Scholarship Skills and Quality Award from 2009 to 2010 in 2010; won the Excellent Student Scholarship Sports and Art Contribution Award from 2010 to 2011 in 2011; and wrote the survey report "Summer Social Practice Survey Report" in 2010 Awarded the first prize at the departmental level for the 2010 Summer Social Practice Survey Report of the Music Department of Guangxi Normal University; In 2011, the survey report "Summer Social Practice Survey Report" was awarded the third prize at the school level for the 2011 Summer Social Practice Survey Report of the Music Department of Guangxi Normal University; In 2010, in the "Introduction" course of the college, the musical "The Sound of Harmony Will Never Fall" won the second prize in the exhibition competition for students' independent practical research and learning achievements (stage performance); In 2009, I won the third prize in the "Freshman's Best Cup" My</p><p class="ql-block">College Career Planning and Learning Life Action Plan Competition; In 2010, won the Outstanding Award in the Non Professional Group of the "Sunshine Morning Reading" Reading Competition at the 6th Foreign Language Cultural Activity Festival; In 2010, won the winning prize in the "Dancing Youth" Youth Dance Competition of the 19th Guilin Youth Art Festival; In 2010, he was awarded the Top 10 Singers in the first TOO College Talent Challenge; In 2011, went to the 91241 Naval Air Force to perform a condolence performance; In May 2010, as a member of the Youth Volunteer Association, I led a team to participate in volunteer teaching activities; In 2010, representatives and school choirs participated in the Shuangwei Education Group International Exchange Conference; In 2009, I was appointed as a coach for the large-scale group gymnastics performance at the opening ceremony of the 7th Track and Field Games of Lijiang College, Guangxi Normal University in 2009; In November 2012, he co hosted the TV sales championship challenge program "Peak Duel" with Teacher Liu Te on Guangxi Television's Jingcai Traffic Channel; In January 2013, he was invited to perform singing and guzheng at the 2013 New Year's Meeting and year-end work summary meeting of Guangxi Television Traffic Channel; In April 2013, he was invited to participate in the promotional video of "Beautiful Guangxi" recorded by Guangxi Television Station; In January 2014, invited to participate in the Nanning Fuzhou Chamber of Commerce's 2014 Spring Festival Gala as the host and singer; In January 2014, he was invited to participate in the 2014 Spring Festival condolence performance of the Liangqing District Federation of Trade Unions in Nanning City as a singer and guzheng musician;&nbsp;</p> <p class="ql-block">In December 2012, he was invited to participate in the "Minxing Grand Stage" Guangxi Nanning Qingxiu District New Year Reception and the 3rd Rural Community Harmonious Literature and Art Exhibition Award Ceremony; In October 2012, participated in the planning of the opening ceremony of a cultural communication limited company in Guangxi, the 10th anniversary celebration of a cultural promotion association and an auction limited liability company in Guangxi, and performed singing, dancing, and guzheng performance; In January 2013, I filmed an interview titled "I am a child in Yongcheng, can you help me?" to donate love to Guangzhou plant soldiers and children from impoverished families; In 2012, invited by the government of Qingxiu District, Nanning City, Guangxi Province, to participate in the MV shooting of the original song "Born to Be Smart" by Lingli Town, one of the "Top Ten Towns" in Guangxi. At the invitation of a cooperative unit of Guangxi TV station, he participated in the hosting performance of the Hundred Family Banquet for the Zhuang people in Koupo, Lingtong Town, and sang the original song "Born to be Smart"; In 2012, interned as a music teacher and class teacher at Nanning No. 4 Middle School in Guangxi; From 2013 to 2014, served as the head teacher of Class 13 preschool teacher (2) at Nanning Business School in Guangxi, as well as music teachers in 22 classes of certain majors at the school; Since 2014, Guangxi Huangdanyan Culture and Art Communication Co., Ltd. and Danyan Art Training Center have been established; Established Beijing Danyan Art and Culture Communication Co., Ltd. and other companies in 2023. On August 25, 2023, he was awarded the Great Contribution Award for the 6th World Cultural Exchange and the World Cultural Ambassador Medal. His personal recent photo and outstanding achievements were included in the 2023 Chinese English bilingual version of the "World Who's Who" (Comprehensive Volume · Music Volume). He is the editor in chief of the World Celebrity Research Institute, the World Flame Art Research Institute, and a co editor of the World Federation of Outstanding Literary and Artists in the Literary and Art Circles.</p>