“银企携手 共绘蓝图”福建中沙石化项目融资推介会圆满举行!


<p class="ql-block">2023年6月15日,福建中沙石化项目融资推介会在漳州举行,这是中沙古雷乙烯项目推进过程中又一个重要里程碑。</p><p class="ql-block">On June 15, 2023, SABIC Fujian Project Financing Roadshow was held in Zhangzhou, Fujian, which is another significant milestone in the process of advancing SABIC Fujian Gulei Ethylene Project.</p><p class="ql-block">推介会上,中沙古雷乙烯项目管理层向各银行代表介绍了项目的主要情况、融资需求及时间计划,并就银行关心的技术、产品销售、原料供应和安全营运等方面的问题进行了交流。与会银行代表纷纷表示对中沙古雷乙烯项目将会给予积极支持,希望能参与到如此重要的项目中来,为福建经济和社会发展做出支持和贡献。</p><p class="ql-block">At the Roadshow, Senior Management of SABIC Fujian Gulei Ethylene Project introduced the overview, financing needs and schedule of the project, and exchanged with bank representatives on concerns about technology, product sales, raw material supply and safe operation, etc. Banks representatives have actively expressed their support for the SABIC Fujian Gulei Ethylene Project, hoping to participate in such an important project and make contributions to the economic and social development of Fujian.</p><p class="ql-block">中沙古雷乙烯项目是中沙两国产能与投资合作重要项目之一,也是全面践行中国“一带一路”倡议和沙特“2030愿景”对接的重要抓手,得到了中沙两国领导人的高度重视,目前双方股东和合资公司正全力以赴加快项目全面推进和建设。</p><p class="ql-block">The SABIC Fujian Gulei Ethylene Project is one of the important projects of energy and investment cooperation between China and Saudi Arabia. It is an important lever for fully implementing China's "The Belt and Road" Initiative and aligning with Saudi Arabia's "Vision 2030", to which leaders of the two countries have attached great importance. At present, the shareholders and joint venture are sparing no efforts to accelerating the construction of the project.</p><p class="ql-block">沙特基础工业公司(SABIC)、福建省能化集团、漳州市九龙江集团、中沙石化有限公司相关领导和负责人,以及受邀来自15家银行的一百多名嘉宾参加了会议。</p><p class="ql-block">The Roadshow has a great number of participants, including relevant leaders and heads of Saudi Basic Industries Corporation ("SABIC"), Fujian Energy Petrochemical Group, Zhangzhou Jiulongjiang Group and SABIC Fujian Petrochemicals Co., Ltd. and more than 100 guests from home offices and outlets of 15 banks.</p><p class="ql-block"><b>来源:福建漳州古雷港经济开发区管理委员会</b></p>









