
Wenhao Zhou

<p class="ql-block"><br></p><p class="ql-block">In 2021, when the new coronavirus was spreading rapidly in the UK, the British government announced a "live with it" policy, which encouraged people to coexist with the virus to achieve universal immunization. This policy was viewed as "irresponsible" by China, which was taking a more cautious and "extremely strict" approach to virus prevention.</p><p class="ql-block">However, in December 2022, the situation in China reversed: as the virus proved difficult to contain, the government had to adopt a "lay low" stance and appear to coexist with the virus. The government's approach had to abandon its "extremely strict" measures and become more flexible in balancing virus prevention with the needs of the people who were struggling due to lockdowns. An unexpected miracle happened — after three weeks of the virus raging, it suddenly disappeared, and the nation was able to return to normal life.</p><p class="ql-block">From these events, we can draw inspiration that pandemics are natural phenomena that can be prevented and treated, but cannot be completely eradicated through excessive intervention. We must strike a balance between protecting people's health and respecting objective laws. The events of the COVID-19 pandemic in the UK and China demonstrate the importance of a balanced approach to public health policy, one that takes into account both the severity of the virus and the possibility of eliminating it entirely.</p> <p class="ql-block">流行病政策平衡的教训</p><p class="ql-block">2021年,当新型冠状病毒在英国迅速蔓延时,英国政府宣布了“与它共存”的政策,鼓励人们与病毒共存,实现全民免疫。这一政策被中国视为“不负责任”,中国正在采取更加谨慎和“极其严格”的病毒预防措施。</p><p class="ql-block">然而,2022年12月,中国局势逆转:由于病毒难以遏制,政府不得不采取“低调”的姿态,看似与病毒共存。政府逐渐放开了“极其严格”的措施,并变得更加灵活,以平衡病毒预防与因封锁而苦苦挣扎的人们的需求。意想不到的奇迹发生了——病毒肆虐三周后,突然消失,国家得以恢复正常生活。</p><p class="ql-block">从这些事件中,我们可以得到启发,流行病是可以预防和治疗的自然现象,但不能通过过度干预来彻底根除。我们必须在保护人民健康和尊重客观规律之​​间取得平衡。英国和中国发生的 COVID-19 大流行事件证明了采取平衡的公共卫生政策方法的重要性,这种方法既要考虑到病毒的严重性,又要考虑到完全消除它的可能性。</p>