

<p class="ql-block">靖江红烧河豚鱼,餐桌上常见的一道菜。味 道鲜甜,肉质肥嫩,汁水浓醇。先要将河豚 的眼睛、内脏、鳃全部挖掉,再经过血水严 格漂洗干净,确保无毒。把锅烧热,放入豆 油,葱姜爆香,再放入河豚加少量白酒,倒 入高汤,大火烧开后改用文火烧至酥烂,装 盘上桌。Jingjiang braised puffer fish is a common dish on the table. The taste is fresh and sweet, the meat is fat and tender, and the juice is thick and mellow. First, the eyes, viscera and gills of the puffer fish should be dug out, and then the puffer fish should be strictly rinsed with blood and water to ensure that it is non-toxic. Heat the pot, add soybean oil, onion and ginger, add puffer fish and a small amount of Baijiu, pour in stock, boil it over high heat, then use Wenhuo to burn it until it is crisp, and then put it on the table.</p> <p class="ql-block">高港胡庄蟹黄包,用料讲究,别具匠心,风 味独特,远近闻名。Gaogang Huzhuang crab roe bun is famous for its exquisite materials, ingenuity and unique flavor.</p> <p class="ql-block">兴化醉蟹选用蜈蚣湖、大纵湖出产的淡水 蟹,经过21道工序,采用特制的秘方和名 贵药材,结合现代技术醉制而成。这种醉 蟹,色如鲜蟹,放在盘中,栩栩如生;其肉 质细嫩,味道鲜美,且酒香浓郁,香中带 甜,营养丰富。Xinghua Drunken Crab is made from fresh water crabs produced in Wugong Lake and Dazong Lake through 21 processes, using special secret recipes and rare medicinal materials, combined with modern technology. This kind of drunk crab, like fresh crab, is lifelike when put on the plate; Its meat is tender, tastes delicious, and the wine is rich in aroma, sweet and nutritious.</p> <p class="ql-block">黄桥烧饼是古老的汉族传统小吃,产于江苏 省泰兴巿黄桥镇,属江苏菜系,流传于江淮 带,色泽金黄,外观美观,香酥可口,不 油不腻。黄桥烧饼店出售的一般是圆形和椭 圆形两种,咸甜皆备。Huangqiao sesame cake is an ancient traditional snack of the Han nationality. It is produced in Huangqiao Town, Taixing City, Jiangsu Province. It belongs to the Jiangsu cuisine and is spread in the Jianghuai River. It is golden in color, beautiful in appearance, crisp and delicious, not greasy. Huangqiao Barbecue Shop generally sells round and oval cakes, both salty and sweet.</p> <p class="ql-block">泰州干丝,江苏泰州汉族传统名菜,以豆腐 干为原料,而不是百页。制作豆腐干选用的 黄豆是里下河地区纯大豆为主,是泰州特有 的豆腐干,一般厚27厘米,首先将豆腐干 切开,要先用月牙刀横着削成厚薄均匀的 20多层,这种横削的功夫泰州人称之为“飘”,“飘风”出的干丝长短一律、粗细均匀,再 斜铺切成丝,真可谓薄如纸、细如丝。 2008年,干丝制作技艺,被泰州市政府批 准为该市第二批非遗名录。Taizhou dry silk, Jiangsu Taizhou Han traditional famous dish, using dried tofu as raw material, not a hundred pages. The soybean used to make dried bean curd is mainly pure soybean in Lixiahe area, which is a unique tofu dried bean curd in Taizhou, which is usually 27 centimeters thick. First, the dried bean curd is cut horizontally into more than 20 layers of thick and thin, which is called "floating" by the people of Taizhou, which is called "floating". It can be described as thin as paper, as thin as silk. In 2008, dry silk production technology, approved by the Taizhou municipal government as the city's second batch of non-legacy list.</p>