恭賀新禧 - 2023 - 黃憲安 李慧瑛


<p class="ql-block">Happy New Year! Wrapping up the third year of the pandemic, we’ve all been doing well, uninflected and unaffected by the little corona bug, mostly. 新年快樂,萬事如意!疫發三載,我們安然依舊。</p> <p class="ql-block">Sean’s job took him to Atlanta, Chicago, Dallas, Indiana, Philly, and Vegas. His 5-year infatuation with California may be coming to a rude awakening, as he’s offered to relocate to Atlanta with his current employer. Outside the job, his collection of succulents and mastering of Spanish continues to grow. 憲安忙於生計,還是各處奔波。七年一癢,來年我們可能會為他事業播遷,而離開加州。</p> <p class="ql-block">Hui-Ying has variously been a sub, a translator, a registrar, an occasional librarian, and an instructional aid, for kids from the K thru 12th grade. 慧瑛這一年,做過代課,做過助教,做過翻譯,做過註冊,也做過圖書館員,學生遍布幼稚園到高中。</p> <p class="ql-block">Darwin hosted and led the family’s tour of Paris and London, from Arc de Triomphe to Big Ben. In addition, he and Soyoung visited Seoraksan in Korea, the Prague Castle in the Czech Republic, and the Gravensteen Castle in Ghents. He also flew back home to California for business, and met us at friend’s wedding in Manhattan. In his leisure time, he turns himself into a warrior in Genshin Impact and Total War. 大維為我們領遊英法兩國,還與素瑛結伴遊歷了韓國,捷克,與比利時。他年中兩度回到加州家中,一度與我們在紐約相聚。閒時,他依舊是《原神》與《全軍破敵》的忠實擁躉。</p> <p class="ql-block">Daniel has entered his sabbatical after a short stunt in venture capital investment. He worked nomadically, from LA’s San Gabriel valley, to Lower Manhattan, to the City of London, to Singapore, adding to occasional commute to his home office in Wanchai. He then relocated with Steph to Singapore. We were so happy to have kept him home for 3 months during the peak of Omicron in HK, when he rescheduled his returning flight 5 times till HK’s reopening. He enjoys reading books about medical research, listening to Camila Cabello, and watching Light the Night with us. His world tours also took him to see the Aegeans in Santorini, Macaques in Bali, Jakarta in Java, Wombats and Wallabies in Australia, and the Devils in Tasmania. He liked Hawaii so much that he’s returning the 2nd time in a year, contemplating about the future phase of his life. 大猷游擊辦公,三個月美洲,月餘歐洲,餘年亞洲。他初涉風險投資,即已華麗轉身,八月退職,與女友移居獅城。未料公司也接踵而至,移師獅城,請他回山,直到年底再度退隱。工作之餘,他遊歷了希臘,澳洲,峇里,爪哇。他最愛的是夏威夷,將在年內再度回訪,沈思人生未來。</p> <p class="ql-block">Darren is relocating to Boston. During his senior year in college, he was a teaching assistant for Statics, and interned at home for the US Department of Transportation, reviewing grant applications for the Infrastructure Bill. His travels took him and Yuyi to Boston, Chicago, DC, and New York. He also hosted us during his graduation commencement on Campus. He continues to be leading efforts at TASA and TAF. 大倫即將移居波士頓。大學末年,他做過《靜態結構》的助教,與美國交通部的實習生,評審各地基建法案的撥款申請。他與宥儀一起遊歷了波士頓,芝加哥,華府,與紐約。他還招待我們參加了他的畢業典禮。業餘,他繼續擔任臺美社團的核心骨幹。</p> <p class="ql-block">Together, we held our family reunion in Galveston on the Gulf, vacationed by the Pacific in Del Mar and Ensenada, camped in Ojai and Palomar. We also went to the concerts of Wakin Chau and Elton John, and watched the Stars on Ice returning from the Beijing Winter Olympics. We hope the coming year will see the pandemic ending for all. May peace and health be with you and your family in the year ahead. 回顧這一年,我們全家在德州墨西哥灣團聚,去聖地牙哥和墨西哥度假,還利用我們的特斯拉去山上野營。周華健與艾爾頓強洛杉磯演唱會,和美國奧運花滑隊的表演,我們也共享盛舉。希望來年,疫情消退,你們全家都喜樂康健。</p>