

<h1><font color="#167efb"><b>今年又一年,離分手時遠了,離再見時近了</b></font></h1> <font color="#167efb"><b>10月25日,昨天的日子是她生命的結束,也是我生命的開始。1948年10月25日,我呱呱墮地,來到世上。2020年10月25日,她脫離塵土,靈魂歸上帝。從此,她的記憶開始了,在我的記憶中。從此,這是我新生命的開始。</b></font> <b><font color="#167efb">醫生跟她説了。她知道了。She knows.</font></b> <b><font color="#167efb">毛牧師來訪,記錄下當時的我們。We are ever together in mind.</font></b> <b><font color="#167efb">她的堅毅令我餘生不忘。She is drawing.</font></b> <b><font color="#167efb">我們的好時光。We have our happy hours.</font></b> <b><font color="#167efb">我與你相伴,時時絮叨。We are one flesh.</font></b> <h5><b><font color="#167efb">她活出堅毅,勇敢和果斷的人生</font></b><br><br></h5><h1><b><font color="#167efb">周葦葦 , 享年 六十 三 嵗</font></b></h1><br><h3><b><font color="#167efb">1957 年 7 月 10 日生於中國上海,2020 年 10 月 25 日卒於加拿大多倫多。</font></b></h3><b><font color="#167efb"><br></font></b><h3><b><font color="#167efb">1983 年 5 月 20 日下午,我和葦葦跨出上海的一幢政府大樓,成了夫妻。我們直接走進附近一所冰淇淋店,你甜 我蜜,分享香草冰淇淋和摜奶油。嘴上甜,心裡也甜。她取笑我,說:你這樣娶了我,真便宜了你。</font></b></h3><b><font color="#167efb"><br></font></b><h3><b><font color="#167efb">她父母是醫務工作者。她有一個弟弟。她學習上總是蓋住他。她考取男生占優勢的工程專業課程,成績俱佳,是優秀的本科畢業生。</font></b></h3><b><font color="#167efb"><br></font></b><h3><b><font color="#167efb">我們倆都生在上海。她的一位同事,也是我大學同學的侄女,介紹我們認識。那時,我正想著通過與上海女子結婚的方法,回上海。</font></b></h3><h3><b><font color="#167efb"><br></font></b><b><font color="#167efb">葦葦在上海的一所技工學校當老師。我在一所外地大學教書,距離上海有八小時的火車旅程。 我們結婚後,直到我來到多倫多,分居兩地有四年時間。長周末,我可以搭夜班火車來上海團聚,寒暑假就在上</font></b><b><font color="#167efb">海過。</font></b></h3><font color="#167efb" style=""><br></font><h3><font color="#167efb" style=""><b>1995 年,我們一家三口團聚定居多倫多後,我們的兒子得到了完整體面的家庭生活,並且有很好的教育機會。 我們夫妻再次走進大學課堂,為在多倫多就業熱身。</b></font></h3><font color="#167efb" style=""><br></font><h3><font color="#167efb" style=""><b>葦葦在一個星期五考完最後一門課,到下一個星期一,立即開始上班,擔任項目經理助理。她連續在大多倫多地區幾家機械公司工作,一直從事同樣的工作。</b></font></h3><font color="#167efb" style=""><br></font><h3><font color="#167efb" style=""><b>即便到了今天,我還是弄不清,她是認真地,還是在開玩笑地,說過,要說她愛我吧,她說她更愛她父親。她經常提醒我,她父親曾經讀過一封我寫給她的情書,十分贊賞我的文筆。説來算我幸運,她父親鼓勵她愛上我。</b></font></h3><br><h3><b><font color="#167efb">葦葦最喜歡跟孩子搞在一起了。活潑可愛的孩子在她面前走過,她縂會要求孩子的父母停一停,讓她同孩子講講話,玩耍一番。她會拿出碰巧隨身攜帶的小玩意兒,漂亮的髮夾或胸針,送他們。</font></b></h3><h3><b><font color="#167efb"><br></font></b><b><font color="#167efb">我們才有一個孩子。媽媽哄兒子睡覺時,讀故事,念誦詩歌。在兒子十歲出頭的時候,娘兒倆通宵達旦,拼搭</font></b><b><font color="#167efb">3D 拼圖模型。兒子跟從媽媽的專業方向,在多倫多大學攻讀工程科學專業,直到讀了一年博士課程,不讀了, 尋工作去了。現在,他和太太女兒住在美國矽谷。</font></b></h3><br><h3><b><font color="#167efb">不管在她有病或沒病的時期,我們的孫女,Chloe 始終是奶奶心頭的一顆開心果,眼前的一縷陽光。無論是僅有的幾次相聚,還是視頻上的多次交談,奶奶和孫女之間的歡語笑聲總是不斷,特別招人注意。Chloe 的笑聲清脆。 奶奶總會在歡樂之余,跑來爺爺跟前,拿腔拿調模仿孫女的童言稚語和笑聲,逗爺爺開心。</font></b></h3><br><h3><b><font color="#167efb">2018 年 2 月,她被診斷出患有乳腺癌,但她沒有被險惡的三陰性病情鎮住。葦葦在積極接受治療的同時,還在 互聯網上自學繪畫。病情的難忍和藥物的副作用給她帶來了沉重的苦行,而她毅力非凡地在網上自學自娛繪畫課程,幫助自己克服痛苦,幫助自己堅强地管理自己情緒。</font></b></h3><br><h3><b><font color="#167efb">在抗癌治病的三年中,她的畫作展現出一種不可思議的藝術境界,顯示出令人驚嘆的線條和色彩的調配;更重要的是,那些習作展示了她令人肅然起敬的品質:堅毅,勇敢和果斷。</font></b></h3><br><h3><b><font color="#167efb">2020 年 10 月 25 日,星期日下午,生命徵象在她身上漸漸褪去。我俯身吻著她的額頭,在耳旁喃喃地說:“你打 了一場漂亮的仗,你贏了。你好勇敢!我們都愛你!”我吞嚥下她吐出的最後一口氣。</font></b></h3><br><h3><b><font color="#167efb">馮志强,寫在 2021 年 3 月 25 日,加拿大多倫多</font></b></h3> <h3><b><font color="#167efb">Written by Jonathan Fon, husband; March 25, 2021; Toronto Ontario</font></b></h3><b><font color="#167efb"><br>She Lived a Life of Perseverance, Courage and Determination.<br><br></font></b><h1><b><font color="#167efb">WEI WEI ZHOU, 63</font></b></h1><b><font color="#167efb"><br>Born on July 10, 1957 in Shanghai, China;Deceased on October 25, 2020 in Toronto, Ontario。</font></b><div><b><font color="#167efb"><br></font></b></div><div><b><font color="#167efb">On the afternoon of May 20, 1983, Wei and I walked out of a Shanghai government building as husband and wife. Right after, we went straight to an ice cream parlour to share a vanilla bar and milk shake. She teased me that, when it came time for wedding presents, I have got a good bargain.<br><br>Her parents both were medical workers. Wei had a brother. She always did better than he did. She was an excellent undergraduate in a male-dominant engineering program at the university.<br><br>Both of us were born in Shanghai. We were introduced to each other by Wei ’s colleague, who was told by my fellow student, her aunt that I was looking for a Shanghai girl to return to Shanghai through marriage.<br><br>Wei taught at a mechanical institute in Shanghai. I was an instructor in a university that was eight hours away by train. In our early marriage, we had a long-distance relationship. I spent long weekends riding on the train for Shanghai to join her. We lived apart for four years after being married but before moving to Toronto.<br><br>Once we settled in 1995, we earned a reunited life and better education for our son. We both became college students again, enrolling at Humber College.<br><br>She started work, the assistant to the project manager, immediately after finishing her last examination. She worked in several mechanical companies in GTA, but stuck to the same career.<br><br>Up till present, I still hardly tell whether she said it seriously or jokingly that she loved her father more than me. She often reminded me that he chanced to read one of my love letters to her and admired it. Luckily for me, he encouraged her to love me.<br><br>It is children that Wei loved most. When she saw lovely children passing by, she'd stop to ask the parents if she could briefly entertain them. She'd give them ornaments she happened to be carrying, beautiful hairpins or brooches.<br><br>We had one child, TK. She read him stories and murmured rhymes before bedtime. In his early teens, they built 3D puzzles together through the night. Following her, he studied engineering, getting a postgraduate degree from the University of Toronto. He lives with his family in Silicon Valley.<br><br>Chloe, our granddaughter, remained her ray of sunshine from her time of health to time of sickness. Whether it was in person or on video, they had a good time. Chloe's laughter was always crisp. She’d repeat her childish words and mimic her laughing to entertain me after those talks.<br><br>In February 2018, she was diagnosed with breast cancer but would not let the illness define her.<br>While receiving the medical treatments, Wei took up drawing by tutoring herself on the Internet. The side- effects of the drugs took a toll on her, and the drawing therapy helped her overcome their hardships and helped her manage her emotions.<br><br>Over the following three years, her drawings revealed an uncanny perspective, showing stunning line- and colour-arrangements, but most of all, demonstrating her best qualities: perseverance, courage and determination.<br><br>On the Sunday afternoon of October 25, 2020, she was slowly going away. I kissed her and murmured, “You fought a beautiful battle and won it. You are brave. We all love you.” I inhaled her last breath. </font></b><br></div> <h3><b><font color="#167efb">2022年10月26日,多倫多;馮志强</font></b></h3>