月圆天下 共“画”美好——高青双语学校小学部英文画报Show


中秋节  Mid-Autumn Festival <p class="ql-block">  每年的农历8月15日是中国民间传统节日中秋节。中秋节也称月亮节、团圆节,起源于上古时代的天象崇拜—敬月,以月圆兆人之团圆,为寄托思念故乡、亲人之情,2006年被列入非物质文化遗产名录,流传为弥足珍贵的传统文化。</p><p class="ql-block"> The Mid-Autumn Festival, which falls on annual eight 15th of lunar month, is a Chinese traditional festival. Also named by Chinese folks the Moon Festival and the Reunion Festival, the Mid-Autumn Festival originated from the reverence to the moon dating back to ancient times. The full moon signifies family reunion, which conveys the sentiment of missing hometown and relatives. In 2006, the Mid-Autumn Festival was listed as a catalogue of intangible cultural heritage, and became a precious traditional culture.</p> 民间传说 Mid-Autumn Festival <p class="ql-block">  中秋节的民间传说口耳相传、数不胜数,知名的有嫦娥奔月、吴刚折桂、玉兔捣药、玄宗游月、貂蝉拜月等等,这些民间传说体现了人们对月亮的崇拜。“但愿人长久,千里共婵娟”,月亮蕴含了人们的无限希冀与寄托。</p><p class="ql-block"> There are countless folklores about the Mid-Autumn festival. Chang’e rushing to the moon, Wu Gang cutting down the laurel, Yu Tu ramming medicine, Xuan Zong travelling to the moon and Diao Chan worshiping the moon, etc. These folklores reflect people’s respect to the moon. “May we all be blessed with longevity though far apart, we are still able to share the beauty of the moon together.” The moon contains so much hope and wishes.</p> 节日风俗  Mid-Autumn Festival <p class="ql-block">  “走月”:皎洁的月光下,人们衣着华美,三五结伴,或游街市,或划舟河上,或登楼赏月,谈笑风生。</p><p class="ql-block"> “Walking under the moon”: under the bright moonlight, people wear gorgeous clothes and walk in groups on the street, or row on the river, or climb the stairs to enjoy the moon, talking and laughing.</p> <p class="ql-block">  “祭月”:设大香案,置月神牌,摆月饼、瓜果等祭品,红烛高燃,全家人依次拜月亮、祈福佑。</p><p class="ql-block"> “Worshiping the moon”: set up a large burner table, put on a moon god memorial tablet, serve moon cakes, melons, fruits and other sacrifices, and light up the red candle. The whole family worships the moon and prays for blessings in turn.</p> <p class="ql-block">  “赏月”:于开阔之地落一方桌,置素月饼,焚香一束,香茶一壶,全家共赏中秋月。</p><p class="ql-block"> “Enjoying the moon”: set up a square table in an open area, place vegetarian moon cakes, burn a bunch of incense and a pot of fragrant tea, and enjoy the mid autumn moon with the whole family.</p> 中秋诗歌 Mid-Autumn Festival <p class="ql-block">  海上生明月,天涯共此时。</p><p class="ql-block"> As the bright moon shines over the sea,</p><p class="ql-block">From far away you share this moment with me.</p> <p class="ql-block">  明月几时有?把酒问青天。</p><p class="ql-block"> How rare the moon, so round and clear!</p><p class="ql-block"> With cup in hand, I ask of the blue sky.</p> 英文画报 <p class="ql-block">  为了加深同学们对中华传统文化的了解和热爱,同时营造浓厚的英语学习氛围,激发同学们学习英语的兴趣,培养同学们规范书写的习惯,展示同学们的才华和风采,大力培养学生动手、动脑能力,激发学生热爱生活及创新能力,高青双语学校小学部举办了“我们的节日--中秋节”主题英文画报设计比赛。</p><p class="ql-block"> 本次比赛中,同学们热情高涨,踊跃参加,他们精心设计版面,用漂亮工整的英文书写,配以精美的插画,或彩铅或水彩,无不凝聚了同学们辛勤努力和智慧,无不赏心悦目,新颖独特。</p> <p class="ql-block">  </p> <p class="ql-block">  宠辱不惊,闲看书画奥秘;去留无意,漫随书卷人生。同学们笔下的世界,时而安静,时而俏皮,时而满是童真,时而充满力量。</p> <p class="ql-block">  孩子们在自己的画报上留下了各式各样的风情,带我们走进一幅幅充满意境的图画里,这一张张小报弥漫着浓浓的中秋情。</p><p class="ql-block"> 本次英文画报活动,将语言知识巩固与艺术创作相结合,融知识性与趣味性于一体,既能够提高学生参与的积极性,又能提升学生们设计创作的能力。通过开展英文画报活动,进一步激发了同学们对英语学习的兴趣,也提升了同学们对中华民族优秀传统文化的认同感与自豪感!</p>