
晴阳 Yang Qin Zhou

<h3></h3><h1><font color="#167efb"><b>新西兰湖北经贸文化协会 供稿<br></b></font><font color="#167efb"><b>袁燕、高开元、张树纯 等 摄影</b></font></h1><div><font color="#167efb"><b><br></b></font></div> <h1><b><font color="#ed2308"><br></font></b></h1><h1><b><font color="#ed2308">感谢</font> Harcourts <font color="#ff8a00">gold</font> <font color="#ed2308">的大力赞助!</font></b></h1><h1><b><font color="#ed2308">感谢各方的鼎力支持!</font></b></h1><div><b><font color="#ed2308"><br></font></b></div> 9月2日晚,新西兰湖北经贸文化协会和 Rangiora 图书馆合办了一场别具文学艺术韵味的文化节,首次在Rangiora 图书馆通过展示古今中外诗词、毛利、新中音乐和歌舞、中国字画、恩施摄影展的大型新中文化交流活动,庆新中建交50年,贺Waimakariri恩施姊妹城市7周年!<div>On the night of September 2nd, NZ Hubei Economy Trade Cultural Association and Rangiora Library held a unique cultural festival with art and literature charm. At Rangiora Library, a large China and New Zealand cultural exchange event for the first time showcased ancient and modern Chinese and foreign poetry, Maori, NZ and Chinese music, dance, Chinese calligraphy, paintings, Enshi photography exhibition to celebrate the 50th anniversary of diplomatic ties between China and New Zealand, and 7 years of sister city between Waimakariri and Enshi.<br></div> <div>Waimakariri 市长 Dan Gordon、新西兰国会议员 Waimakariri的 Matt Doocey 、中国驻 Christchurch 总领馆 何颖 总领事、廖红燕主任等领事,新西兰内政部少数民族事务部高级顾问 伍翠群,Waimakariri 的 Oxford、Ohoka 议员 Wendy Doody, 西海岸地区议员 Latham Martin 等嘉宾兴致勃勃地出席,基督城新中友协主席 David Stringer, 基督城中国姊妹城市委员会主席 Michelle MacWilliam、新西兰湖北经贸文化协会会长 周亚非博士,新西兰知名诗人、作家、企业家、华社侨领及代表、当地学校校长及代表,文学诗词爱好者等百余人应邀参加。<br></div><div>Dan Gordon, Mayor of Waimakariri, Matt Doocey, MP of NZ, Consul General of the Chinese Consulate General in Christchurch He Ying, direct HongYan Liao and other Consuls, Candy Wu Zhang, Senior Diversity and Engagement Adviser of The Office of Ethnic Communities, Wendy Doody, councilor of Oxford、Ohoka of Waimakariri, Latham Martin, councilor of Westland, David Stringer, Chairman of Christchurch NZ China Friendship Society, Michelle MacWilliam, Chairman of Christchurch Sister city committee, Dr Yafei Zhou, president of NZ Hubei Economy Trade Culture Association, and other guests attended the event with great interest and delivered speeches. More than 100 guests, including well-known New Zealand poets, writers, entrepreneurs, representatives of the Chinese community and overseas Chinese, principals and representatives of local schools, and lovers of literature and poetry attended the event.<br></div> 中国驻 Christchurch 总领馆 何颖 总领事(中)第一次见到Waimakariri 市长 Dan Gordon(右),便亲切友好地交谈起来,气氛十分轻松愉快。<div>Consul General He Ying (middle) of the Chinese Consulate General in Christchurch met Mayor Dan Gordon (right) of Waimakariri district for the first time and talked with him in a friendly and very relaxed atmosphere.<br></div> Waimakariri 地区图书馆 Paula Eskett 馆长<div>致欢迎辞<br></div><div>Welcoming remarks by Waimakariri District Libraries Manager Paula Eskett<br></div> 谈吐风声,妙趣连珠,新西兰知名诗人及资深节目主持人 <div>Ciaran Fox。<div>Ciaran Fox, an NZ poet and senior MC who is relaxed, natural, and full of fun.<br></div></div> 合唱 Waimakariri 的毛利歌 <div>Waimakariri Maori song</div> 小女孩也加入了合唱 Waimakariri 的毛利歌 <br>A little girl joined the group singing Maori song 本次活动的部分策划、组织者、支持者、赞助者。<div>Part of the event organizers, supporters, and sponsor.</div> Waimakariri 地区市长 Dan Gordon 致辞<br><div>在庆祝新中建交50周年的日子里,Dan Gordon市长回顾了过去7年在新西兰湖北经贸文化协会的推动和帮助下,Waimakariri 与恩施在农业科技、教育、文化及经贸等方面的互动,相识, 了解,友好交流的事例,充分肯定民间交流为新中两国友好关系的发展做出的积极贡献。他谈到恩施土壤富硒,而Canterbury地区缺硒,有着良好的合作前景。他代表Waimakariri 地区政府,他感谢周亚非、周晴阳 及新西兰湖北经贸文化协会 为发展两地友谊作出的努力。在新冠疫情期间两地仍保持联系。本次活动报名创纪录提前爆满, 令他感到欣慰。</div><div>Addressed by Dan Gordon, Mayor of Waimakariri District:<br></div><div>Mayor Dan Gordon reviewed the past seven years of interaction, understanding, and friendly exchanges between Waimakariri and Enshi in agricultural science and technology, education, culture, economy and trade with the help of NZ Hubei Economic Trade Culture Association. Fully affirmed the positive contribution of people-to-people exchanges to the development of friendship between NZ and China. He said Enshi's soil was rich in selenium, while Canterbury's was deficient in selenium, and had good prospects for cooperation. On behalf of the Waimakariri District Government, he thanked Dr Yafei Zhou, Yang Zhou, and the NZ Hubei Economic Trade Culture Association for their efforts in developing the friendship between the two districts. The two have remained in contact during the Covid-19 pandemic. He was pleased to know that the registration for the event was full quickly which hit a record.</div> Waimakariri 选区新西兰国会议员 Matt Doocey 致 辞<br><div>Matt Doocey 从自己年轻时到中国以背包客的身份旅游一个月,后来又以新西兰国会议员的身份访问中国的经历,谈到了解中国的人文,乃至唐诗宋词、、、他用英语朗读了几句杜甫的诗句。他喜欢中国人文历史、美食、美酒。他风趣、引人入胜的演讲,博得听众阵阵掌声、喝彩和欢笑。他赞扬了 Jason 为当地社区做了大量的社会工作,新西兰庆幸有着大量像 Jason 这样的人,使新西兰成为我们幸福生活的地方。他祝新中友谊开启新篇章。<br></div><div>Addressed by Matt Doocey NZ MP for Waimakariri<br></div><div>Matt Doocey, visited China for a month as a backpacker when he was young, and then visited China as a member of NZ Parliament. He talked about Chinese culture and even the poetry of the Tang and Song dynasties and read a few verses of Du Fu in English. He likes Chinese culture and history, food and wine. His witty and engaging speech elicited applause, cheers, and laughter from the audience. He praised Jason for doing a lot of social work for the local community. NZ is blessed with a large number of people like Jason, making NZ a happy place for us to live. He wished for a new chapter in the NZ-China friendship.<br></div> 中华人民共和国驻Christchurch总领馆<br>何颖 总领事 致辞<div>何总领事说:这是一次别开生面的活动,以诗歌朗诵和歌舞表演的形式庆祝新中建交50周年和友城的友新中交流。她感谢活动组织者们的辛勤工作。赞扬了恩施与 Waimakariri 在教育、文化、农业、科技、经贸等领域开展了许多积极而富有成效的交流合作,为两地区人民带来实实在在的好处。<br></div><div>Addressed by Madam He Ying<br></div><div>Consul General of the People's Republic of China in Christchurch<br></div> 中华人民共和国驻克赖斯特彻奇总领馆<br>何颖 总领事 赠书仪式 <div>让 Waimakariri 广大读者了解中国。<br></div><div>Books presented by Madam He Ying<br>Consul General of the People’s Republic of China in Christchurch<br></div> 新西兰湖北经贸文化协会会长 周亚非 博士 致辞<div>Addressed by Dr Yafei Zhou, President of NZ Hubei Economy Trade Culture Association<br></div> 周会长说:自2015年来,在新西兰湖北经贸文化协会的帮助和推动下, Waimakariri与恩施曾举办过多次文化、教育、农业科技、经贸等领域的交流和互动,增进了两地人民的了解、交流和友谊。 本次活动的举行,以丰富多彩的新中诗词、字画、歌舞等文学艺术形式互动,促进了新中民间文化的了解与交流。<div>President Zhou said: Since 2015, with the help and promotion of NZ Hubei Economic Trade Culture Association, Waimakariri and Enshi have held many exchanges and interactions in the fields of culture, education, agricultural science and technology, economy, and trade, which has enhanced the understanding, communication, and friendship between the people of the two places. The event promoted the understanding and exchange of NZ and Chinese culture with a variety of NZ and Chinese poetry, calligraphy, painting, dancing, and other literary and artistic forms.</div> 周会长代表协会颁发感谢信,真诚感谢赞助商 Harcourts Gold,他们的慷慨赞助使本次活动更加完美。<br>Harcourts Gold曾两次赞助协会举办的大型文化交流活动,并为协会支援武汉抗击新冠疫情的筹款活动慷慨捐赠善款。<div>On behalf of the association, president Zhou awarded a thanks letter, would like to thank our sponsors Harcourts Gold for their generous support to make this event a better one.<br>Harcourts Gold has sponsored two of the Association's large-scale cultural exchange events and donated generously to the association's fundraising in support of Wuhan's fight against COVID-19.</div> 协会执行会长 秦工博士专题书法作品助兴,从武汉遥寄给Waimakariri 市民。<div>Dr Qin Gong, executive president of our association, gifted his calligraphy to the Waimakariri people from Wuhan.<br></div> <div>诗人、活动主持人 Ciaran Fox 英语解释秦工博士专题书法作品:天涯若比邻。</div>Poet, MC explained what Dr Gong Qin's calligraphy means: Though we may be a world apart, friendship makes us neighbors at heart.<br> <div>恩施土家族苗族自治州人民政府 <br>州长 贺信<br></div><div>Congratulations <br>from The Governor of the People's Government of Enshi Tujia and Miao Autonomous Prefecture<br></div> <div>湖北省人民政府 外事办公室 贺信<br></div><div>Congratulations <br>from Foreign Affairs Office of Hubei Provincial People's Government<br></div> <div>武汉市人民政府 侨务办公室 贺信<br></div><div>Congratulations <br>from the Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of Wuhan People's Government<br></div> 武汉市归国华侨联合会 贺信<br><div>Congratulations<br>from Wuhan Return Chinese United Society<br></div> 2018年,协会引荐Waimakariri 的诗人 Doc(Jason) 作为新西兰文学传播的使者访问了恩施,在恩施的学校介绍了新西兰的文化,进行了新中文化交流,被中方授予在新西兰传播中国文化的文化使者。随后在新西兰开启了中国的“诗”绸之路。<div>In 2018, Waimakariri poet Doc(Jason) was introduced by the association to visit Enshi as the envoy of NZ literature dissemination. He introduced NZ culture in the school of Enshi, conducted cultural exchanges between NZ and China, and was awarded as the cultural envoy of spreading Chinese culture in NZ. He then opened China's "poetic Silk Road" in NZ.<br></div> (点击中间的箭头可观看短视频:)<div>Waimakariri 的新老市长和新西兰湖北经贸文化协会的会长 <div>朗诵 Doc(Jason)创作的百首诗集《与李白共饮》中 姊妹城市 的一组俳句。</div><div>(Click an arrow in the middle to view a short video:)</div><div>The Mayor and former mayor of Waimakariri and President of the NZ Hubei Economic Trade Cultural Association<br>Read a set of haiku from sister cities in Drinking with Li Bai, a collection of 100 poems by Doc (Jason).<br></div></div> 诗人 Doc(Jason) 朗诵他创作的百首诗集《与李白共饮》中 姊妹城市 的一组俳句。<br><div>Poet Doc Drumheller (Jason) reads a set of haiku Sister City in his 100-poem collection Drinking with Li Bai.<br></div> 中文朗诵者:新西兰湖北经贸文化协会<br>姜翼、 Daniel 赵<div>Chinese reciters: John Jiang and Daniel Zhao of NZ Hubei Economy Trade Culture Association<br></div> 朗诵者:<br>《少年作家写作学校》少年中文写作爱好者<br>Yaxin 张 -《勿忘我》, 《炫目之夜》<br><div>Young Chinese writers from<br>Write on School for Young Writers, recite by:<br>Yaxin Zhang - "Forget-me-not" and "Blinding Night"<br></div> 新西兰毛利诗人<br>Ben Brown 激情朗诵他自创的诗词,吸引了在场的听众,为他自强不息的精神而深深地感动。<div>NZ Maori poet Ben Brown recited his own work with passion and inspired the audience with his unyielding spirit.</div> 何颖 总领事用中英文朗诵唐代诗人杜甫的《春夜喜雨》,<div>英文由 路易 艾黎 翻译。李丽娜 古筝伴奏。<div><div>Madame He Ying recites Good Rain On A Spring Night,of a Chinese poem of Tang Dynasty by poet Du Fu, translated by Rewi Alley, <br></div></div><div>Accompanied by Li Lina, on a plucked instrument.<br></div></div> 在用中文朗诵的时候,何总邀请在场的的华人华侨跟她一起朗诵,大家齐响应,在场的新西兰人钦佩不已,他们耳闻目睹中国诗词千古流传,感叹中华文化的博大精深。<div>When reciting in Chinese, Madam He invited all the Chinese who were present to recite with her, and they all responded, admired by the New Zealanders who were present. They had heard and witnessed ancient Chinese poetry and were touched by the broad and profound Chinese culture.<br></div> 幸运抽奖之一:<br>伍翠群, 内政部少数民族社区办公室 高级顾问(右2)<div>基督城新中友好协会主席 David STRINGER(中)</div><div>Waimakariri 地区政府社区组 经理 Tessa Sturley(左1)<br></div><div><div>One of the Lucky Draw<br>Candy Wu Zhang, Senior Adviser, The Office of Ethnic Communities(right 2)</div></div><div>David STRINGER, president, Christchurch NZ - China friendship socerty (middle)<br></div><div>Tessa Sturley, Waimakariri District Council Community Team Manager (left 1)<br></div> 幸运抽奖之一:<div>Michelle MacWilliam, 基督城姊妹城市委员会 主席(中)</div><div>Emmie King,新西兰坎特伯雷华人协会 会长(右)<br><div>One of the Lucky Draw<br></div><div>Michelle MacWilliam, Chairman of Ch China Sister Cities Committee (Left)</div><div>Emmie King, President of NZ Chinese Association Canterbury (right)</div></div> 何总领事抽到一张幸运奖,这是一张恩施大美茶园的优秀摄影作品,她当场就送给 Wainakariri 的市长啦,还认真讲着照片上的风景呢。<div>Consul General He drew a lucky prize. It was an excellent photo of a tea plantation in Enshi. She gave it to the mayor of Waimakariri and talked about the scenery in the picture.</div> 愿姊妹城市友好关系持续,愿新中友谊长存!<div>May the friendship between our sister cities continue and the friendship between NZ and China last forever!<br></div> 西海岸地区议员 Latham Martin 幸运中奖。<div>Westland Councilor Latham Martin got lucky prize</div> 幸运的中奖人<div>2017 曾支持过协会在 Oxford 恩施摄影巡展文化交流活动的Waimakariri 的 Oxford、Ohoka 议员 Wendy Doody(左)</div><div>少年作家写作学校的少年中文写作爱好者 Yaxin 张 (右)</div><div>The lucky winner<br>Wendy Doody (left), Councilor for Oxford and Ohoka, Waimakariri, who supported the Association's cultural exchange activities, the Enshi Photography Exhibition in Oxford 2017.<br>Yaxin Cheung (right), a young Chinese writing enthusiast at the Young Writers Writing School<br></div> 幸运的中奖人手捧恩施富硒茶<div>The lucky winners holding Enshi selenium-rich tea</div> 主持人 Ciaran Fox 向大家介绍:恩施利川红(红茶) 和 恩施玉露(绿茶)是恩施驰名的富硒茶。 礼轻情意重,这旅游伴手礼飘洋过海送到了南半球幸运的新西兰友人手中。<div>恩施硒茶,传情万里,一红一绿,香飘无际!<br><div><div>Event MC Ciaran Fox introduced that Enshi Lichuan Red (black tea) and Enshi Yulu (green tea) are famous selenium-rich teas. The gift is light and the affection is heavy. The traveling companion gift is delivered to the lucky NZ friend across the southern hemisphere.</div></div></div><div>Enshi Selenium tea, love goes thousands of miles, a red and green, fragrance drifting endlessly!<br></div> 新西兰知名诗人 Erik Kennedy 朗诵他自创的诗词 <br><div>NZ poet Erik Kennedy presented his own work<br></div> Group recite in Chinese and English, Prelude to Water Melody, Mid-Autumn. An ancient Chinese poem of Song Dynasty by famous poet Su Shi, accompanied by piano and a plucked instrument, as well as background performance. <br> 集体情景朗诵小品之一: 中文朗诵 安富宽,英文朗诵 李逸冰。<div>One of the group scene recitings: An Fukuan reciting in Chinese, Li Yibing reciting in English.<br></div> 集体情景朗诵小品之一: 周淑芳 绣花, 王敏 书法。<br>One of the group scenes reciting show, embroidered by SuFang Zhou, calligrapher by Ming Wang. 集体情景朗诵小品之一: 陈文瑛 茶艺,郑明明 阅读。<div>One of the group scenes reciting show: Tea Art by Chen Wenying, reading by Zheng Mingming.</div> <div>集体情景朗诵小品之一: 画家陈福堂老师现场即兴作画,4分钟速写友谊之花。</div>In one of the group scenes reciting show, impromptu sketched flowers of friendship in 4 minutes by FuTang Chen, a painting artist. 集体情景朗诵小品之一: 周晴阳 插花,<div>One of the group scenes reciting shows, arranging flowers (in a vase) by Yang Qin Zhou<br></div> 集体配乐诗朗诵,李佳时 钢琴伴奏, 李丽娜 古筝伴奏.<div>Group poem recitation with music, accompanied by Li JiaShi on piano, and Li Lina on a plucked instrument. </div> 新西兰知名诗人 Annabel Wilson<div>朗诵她自创的诗词<div>NZ poet Annabel Wilson presenting her own work<br></div></div> 由武汉市人大常委会副主任、武汉市原副市长李强博士于2022年4月创作的 雅芳河。(李博士2016年访问基督城,40年来创作诗歌1000余首)。基督城中国姊妹城市委员会委员陈曦朗诵,雷杰翻译.<div>Avon River by Dr Qiang Li, Deputy Director of the Standing Committee of the Municipal People’s Congress Wuhan, Former deputy mayor of Wuhan, in April 2022. (Dr Li visited Christchurch in 2016, and wrote over 1000 poems in the past 40 years). Translated by Jie Lei.</div> 李佳时 钢琴伴奏。<div>Accompanied by JiaShi Li piano.<br></div> 北京知名诗人北塔的 关与失,由 Christchurch 新西兰-中国友好协会新西兰人 Alex Fu 朗诵。<br><div>Close and Lose by BeiTa, a poet in BeiJing, reciter: Alex Fu, committee member of Christchurch NZ-China Friendship Society.<br></div> <div>傅一诺 竖琴伴奏。<br></div>Accompanied by Jessica Fu with a harp. <div>精彩压轴戏: 少年独舞 像鸟一样自由<br>余小涵 表演 <br>Fantastic Solo Dance by Sara Yu, A young NZ Chinese dancer<br>Free as Bird<br></div>向着美好的未来,飞翔吧!<div>Fly! Toward a better future!<br></div> 2016年,4位湖北艺术大师来基督城展览了他们的优秀画作,庆贺武汉基督城姊妹城市10周年。<br>这次他们从网上送来他们的画作,以画传情,共庆新中建交50周年,怀马可里里恩施友城7周年!<br><div>In 2016, four Hubei art masters came to Christchurch to exhibit their outstanding paintings to celebrate the 10th anniversary of Christchurch Wuhan sister city. Here, they sent their paintings to convey their love, to celebrate the 50th anniversary of diplomatic ties between NZ and China, and the 7th anniversary of Waimakariri Enshi sister city!<br></div> The fun of panda on snow, by ChangZhong Jiang<br>熊猫醉雪<br><div>蒋昌忠 国家一级美术师,文化部中国画学会理事,清华大学美术学院,中国艺术研究院客座教授<br></div> Enshi grand canyon by Ling Qin<br>恩施大峡谷<br>秦岭 湖北美术学院教授,国画系主任,中国美术家协会会员 Queenstown gondola by Feng Fan<br>皇后镇缆车<br>樊枫 武汉美术馆馆长,二级教授,武汉文史馆官员,中国美术家协会会员。<br> Fun to fly a kite by XiaoHong Xie<br>风筝乐<br>谢晓虹 湖北美术院副院长,国家一级美术师,中国美术家协会会员,湖北省美术家协会副主席<br><br> <div>恩施摄影展一角。</div>A part of the Enshi Photo Exhibition 恩施摄影展一角。<br>A part of the Enshi Photo Exhibition 恩施摄影展一角。<br>A part of the Enshi Photo Exhibition 难忘今宵!<div>文字表多意,诗意更深远,我们以诗会友,赋诗传情,通过文学、文化交流增进新中人与人之间的相互了解和友谊。<br>What an unforgettable night!</div><div>The words have more meaning, and the poetry is more profound. We meet friends with poetry love and enhance understanding and friendship through literary and cultural exchanges.<br></div> <h1><b><br></b></h1><h1><b>文<font color="#ed2308">化</font><font color="#167efb">节</font> <i><font color="#ff8a00">花</font><font color="#39b54a">絮</font></i></b></h1><h1><b><font color="#167efb">Interesting</font> <font color="#ff8a00"><i>sidelights</i></font></b></h1> 华人华“桥”的作用!<div>会场上,新西兰湖北经贸文化协会副会长周晴阳向何总领事介绍 Waimakariri 的 Dan gordon 市长,他们十分高兴地聊了起来。</div><div>The role of the Chinese "bridge"!<br>At the event, Yang Qin Zhou, vice president of NZ Hubei Economic Trade Culture Association, introduced Mayor Dan Gordon of Waimakariri to Consul General madam He. They had a very happy conversation.<br></div> 文化节正式开场前,职业钢琴老师,新西兰湖北经贸文化协会理事 Henry吴 在会场旁的艺术厅倾情演奏。他的学生将在晚会上为诗朗诵伴奏两首钢琴曲。<div>Before the official opening of the festival, Henry Wu, a professional piano teacher, and executive committee member of NZ Hubei Economic Trade Culture Association gave a performance in the art hall beside the venue. His students will accompany two piano pieces for the poem recitation at the festival.<br></div> 幸运奖获得者们得到了 Doc Jason 的中英文诗集。<div>Lucky winners received a collection of poetry by Doc (Jason) in English and Chinese.<br></div> 扣人心弦,掌声阵阵。<div>Applause bursts<br></div> 本次活动的部分策划、组织者、支持者、赞助者。<br>Part of the event organizers, supporters, and sponsor. Though we may be a world apart, friendship makes us neighbours at heart.<br> We are neighbors though apart tenth thousands miles away