

Before, he was a headsome young man with a promising career and a sweet girlfriend, "the successful man" in every perspect. She was a country girl with ridiculous clothes, optimistic personality and a not-well-paid job, maitaining her family. Until the awful accident brought them together… 曾经的他,是翩翩公子,青年才俊,事业有成,美眷相伴。 而她不过是一名农村女娃,衣品庸俗,生活拮据,却从不失乐观开朗。 他们的差异之大犹如两条永不相交的平行线,直到命运之神安排了一场车祸使他高位截瘫,而她,以护工的身份进入了他的视野。 她试图用最轻松快乐的旅行让他放弃安乐死,但轮椅上的生活并不是他曾经拥有过的生活。 曾经活在金字塔顶端的他,无法忍受被歧视、被禁锢的生活,更加无法接受拖累心上人的生活。而她,应该拥有更广阔的经历,不该因为贫困而禁锢在家庭中。因此,按照遗嘱,她收到了一笔经费,让她能去巴黎走走,走他走过的街道,品他品过的咖啡,学习她心往已久的时装。去生活,去大胆地生活!不要辜负自己,也不要辜负他的嘱托。 这一场不可避免的相恋并没有挽留他对生活的向往,而是在拥有最美的回忆后选择了安乐死。我曾经为此纠结多日,为什么?为什么!为什么! 反复看了几遍,尤其是细节,我才明白男主的选择——他曾经热烈地尽情地生活过,而瘫痪的躯体禁锢了他狂放的灵魂,磨灭了他作为人、作为男人的尊严。当了解到露因为家庭的贫困而难以看看外面的世界,他所能做的就是推她一把,鼓励她大胆尝试,不辜负生活之美。 曾经我以为的“好死不如赖活着”,其实与露和家人一开始不肯放手的心情一样——不曾明白他的内心:灵魂,不可禁锢;生活,不可辜负。 与其说是一部爱情片,不如说是一部哲学片,直面生死,探讨人生的终极选择权力是否应该由自己决定。 俩人在海滩上的争吵十分感人,现将台词抄录于下,因本人水平有限,难免有误,敬请谅解,欢迎补充。 Louisa: Listen, I know this is not how you would choose it. But I can make you happy. Will: No. Louisa: What? Will: No, Clark. I hence this would be a good life, but it’s not MY life. It’s not even close. You never saw me before. I LOVED my life. I’ve REALLY loved it. I can’t be the kind of man that has got used to accept this. Louisa: You are not giving it a chance. You are not giving ME a chance. I have become a whole new person these last six months because of you. Will: I know. That’s why I can’t have you entitled to me. I don’t want you to miss all the things that someone else could give you. And selfishly, I don’t want you to look at me one day and feel even if a tiniest bit of regret or pity. Louisa: Oh, never think of that! Will: You don’t know that. I can’t watch you wandering around the annex in your crazy dresses, or see you naked and not…not be able to do… Oh, God! Clark, if you had any idea what I want to do to you right now. I CAN’T live like this. Louisa: Please! Will, please! Will: Shh… Listen, this, tonight being with you, is the most wonderful thing you could’ve ever done for me. But I need it to end here. No more pain and exhaustion and waking up every morning already wishing everything was over. It’s not going to get better than this. The doctors know it. I know it. When we get back, I’m going to Switzerland. So I’m asking you if you feel over, if you do say you feel, come with me. Louisa: I thought I was changing your mind. Will: Nothing was ever going to change my mind. I promised my parents six months and that’s what I’ve given them. Louisa: No, no! No… Don’t say another word. You’re so selfish. I do my heart entirely in front of you. Here all you can say is no. And now you want me to come and watch the worst that you could‘ve possibly imagined. Do you have any idea what you are asking? I wish I had never taken this stupid job. I wish I had never met you. 以下是网上摘录的一些经典台词: 1. You are pretty much the only thing that makes me want to get up in the morning. 你是我每天早上起床的唯一动力。 2. Don’t think of me too often. I don’t want to think of you getting all maudlin. Just live well. Just live. 別经常想我,我不希望你伤感。要好好的…好好的活下去。 3. You only get one life. It’s actually your duty to live it as fully as possible. 生命不重来,你的义务就是竭尽所能地活得精彩充实。 4. Live boldly. Push yourself. Don’t settle. 勇敢面对人生,突破自己,別轻言放弃。 5. I don’t… I don’t want to go in yet. I just want to be a man who has been to the concert with a girl in red dress. Just a few minutes more. 在此附上Will的最后一封书信。