张清华双语版禅意随笔之六《像庄子那样逍遥》As carefree as Zhuangzi


<p class="ql-block">风吹着口哨, 从我耳边飞过, 我携着一卷经书漫步在松林掩映的山谷中。累了,便坐在石头上小憩,任凭云雾缭绕在我的身边,亲吻我的布裙。</p><p class="ql-block">当夜的帷幕垂落大地,我酣然坠入甜美的梦乡,花香沁入我的心脾 ,竹影在窗上婆娑起舞。</p><p class="ql-block">像庄子那样,过一种诗意而悠闲的生活,不也很快乐吗? 无论贫穷还是富有,任何人都能体验到这样一种生活。</p><p class="ql-block">With the breeze wrestling in my ears and a volume of sutra in my hand, I wander alone along a pine- covered valley. I sit on a stone for a break , the clouds and mist gather to me and kiss my cotton skirt. as the curtain of night hangs down, I fall into a sweet dreamland with the shadows of bamboos dance on the window of my hut and the fragrance of the flowers permeate into my heart house.</p><p class="ql-block">Isn't it a pleasure to live a life as poetic and leisurely as Zhuangzi? Anyone whether the rich or the poor can experience such a life.</p>