中旭·弗尼亚CEO一娇美篇 中国(国际)著名书画艺术家周曦100幅作品


<p class="ql-block">Still believe that love is a person's happiest mood. His appearance must come to your life sooner or later. If he is in his twenties, he will find it against the scorching sun and wind and waves. It was the youth's vitality, the passionate years burst out, and it was the flame of youth burning, irresistible. However, time drowns the good time when we can talk about love and leave our enthusiasm to our career. That is the fiery life course, fluttering the unique self-confidence in my heart. The mood flows slowly, like a clear stream, swimming in the mountains and shuttling through the lush forest. Nothing can replace your own dream, especially the feeling expressed due to emotion. It is so hearty. Because of love, so love, taste the good memories in life, and give yourself a beautiful and moving love story! Creation and struggle will be the eternal persistence of life. No one is kept by time. In real life, I believe that everyone has an independent spirit in his heart. He works hard and sticks to his dream and creates his own miracle of life!</p><p class="ql-block"> 依然相信爱情,是一个人最幸福的心情,他的出现,一定不早不晚,不偏不倚,来到你的生命中,如果二十几岁,一定会顶着烈日,乘风破浪来找寻。那是年轻的活力,迸发出来的激情岁月,那是青春燃烧的火焰,不可阻挡。然而,时间淹没了可以谈情说爱的美好时光,把满腔的热情留给了事业。那是火红的人生历程,飘扬着心中独一无二的自信。心情缓缓的流淌,就像清澈见底的小溪,畅游在山间,穿梭于枝繁叶茂的森林。没有什么可以替代属于自己的美梦,尤其是因情感而抒发的感觉,是那样的酣畅淋漓,因为爱,所以爱,品味着生命里的美好回忆,给自己一个美丽动人的爱情故事!创造与奋斗,将是人生永远的执着。没有谁被时光留住,在现实生活中,相信每个人心中都有独立精神,为着梦想,拼搏坚守,创造出属于自己的人生奇迹!</p>