

<p><b>中秋</b></p><p><br></p><p>作者 冰花 美国</p><p>译者 徐英才 美国</p><p>朗诵 李莉 加拿大</p><p><br></p><p>一颗飘游的心</p><p>最怕中秋月圆</p><p>看看照片</p><p>打个电话</p><p>再发个电子邮件</p><p>这就叫中秋团圆</p><p><br></p><p>秋雨 悄悄扫过窗前的街面</p><p>一地草坪哭过了</p><p>秋风 理性地提醒小草</p><p>你不可能乘月回故乡</p><p><br></p><p>五仁 莲蓉与蛋黄</p><p>在异域的饭桌上</p><p>缺了什么味道</p><p>月 还是圆的</p><p>心 为什么装满了痛</p><p><br></p><p><b>Mid-Autumn Festival</b></p><p><br></p><p>Poem By Bing Hua USA</p><p>Translator Xu Yingcai USA</p><p>Recite By Li Li Canada</p><p><br></p><p>A roaming heart</p><p>Always fights shy of the Autumn moon</p><p>Viewing some photos</p><p>Making some calls</p><p>And sending some emails</p><p>These are the so-called Autumn festival reunion</p><p><br></p><p>Under the rain quietly slanting </p><p>over the street out the 窗</p><p>The lawn looks weepy</p><p>The autumn wind is a reminder to the little grass:</p><p>You can’t ride the moon to return to your hometown</p><p><br></p><p>Moon cakes with five nuts or lotus seed paste or egg yolks</p><p>Are placed on the table</p><p>But some taste is missing</p><p>The moon is round out there</p><p>Yet why the heart is filled with pain</p><p><br></p> <p>视频 2021全球华人迎中秋诗艺音乐会 组委会制作</p><p><br></p> <p>冰花简介</p><p><br></p><p>冰花 , 本名鲁丽华。美籍华裔诗人,被誉为“情诗皇后”。出版诗集《溪水边的玫瑰》《这就是爱》《冰花诗选》等。共同主编享誉海内外诗坛的《世界抗疫诗精选》《世界华人经典诗选》《海外华人诗歌精选》等。</p><p><br></p><p>About Bing Hua</p><p><br></p><p>Bing Hua, born Lu Lihua, is a Chinese-American poet. She has been called “The queen of love poetry”. Her poetry collections include: Roses by the Stream,This is Love, Selected Poems of Bing Hua, She co-edited World Pandemic Poetry (2020), Best Modern and Contemporary Chinese Poetry, and Best Overseas Chinese Poetry.&nbsp;</p><p><br></p> <p>冰花</p> <p>视频 李莉和儿子松松制作</p> <p>徐英才简介</p> <p>徐英才 汉学教师、翻译家、当代诗人。出版过多部译著,有些被用作国礼、教材;主/合编过多部著作。他出版过的诗集有《诗意江南》《来自大自然的灵感――徐英才汉英双语诗集》、纯英语版的《我们在这里绘画》。他是华人诗学会会长,汉英双语纸质诗刊《诗殿堂》总编。</p><p><br></p><p>About Xu Yingcai</p><p><br></p><p>Xu Yingcai, an English teacher from Fudan University, and now works in DePaul University, mostly teaching Chinese studies courses. He loves Chinese and English cultures, Chinese and English languages, English-to-Chinese and Chinese-to-English translation, and Chinese and English poetry and poetics.</p> <p><b>李莉简介</b></p> <p><br></p><p>李莉,毕业于北京大学计算机科学技术系软件专业。 1999年从北京移民加拿大。现在多伦多某保险公司任数据架构师,从事数据交易数据仓库等数据模型的研究设计和建立。华诗会理事及秘书长,双语纸质诗刊《诗殿堂》配音部主编和评访部副主编。诗歌和诗评散布于多处诗刊和网刊。数与字皆喜,文与理兼修,在知识的海洋里浸其内,乐其中!</p><p><br></p><p>About Lily Li</p><p><br></p><p>Lily Li,graduated from Department of Computer Science and Technology of Peking University. She immigrated to Toronto from Beijing in 1999. As a Data Architect, she is engaged in data model architectural design and establishment at a Canadian major insurance company. She is a board committee member and the Secretary of Chinese Poetry Association,editor in charge of Voiceover,and associate editor in charge of Personage and Poetry Appreciation of Chinese and English bilingual Poetry Hall journal. Poems and poetry appreciations are published on a number of poetry journal and web journal. She is interested in both numbers and words, science and literature, she enjoys the good time of diving and swimming in the ocean of knowledge.</p> <p>新加坡黄奥金/果诚法师赠加持墨宝 冰花</p> <p>【冰花文轩】玫瑰诗苑 《海外优秀诗人》简介</p> <p><br></p><p>《海外优秀诗人》是诗人冰花在新浪博客【冰花文轩】玫瑰诗苑 于2008年9月22日开辟的介绍《海外优秀诗人》栏目,深受诗人们和读者的喜爱和欢迎。</p><p><br></p><p>此栏目曾介绍过的海外诗人有非马、冰花、虹影、庄伟杰、姚园、王性初、雪绒、明迪、塞遥、陈九、枫雨、星子安娜、枫舟、慈林、轻鸣、依林、郁乃、梦娜、春野、达文、孟悟、西楠、石碟等(填加中……)。</p><p><br></p><p><br></p><p>《海外优秀诗人》的外延栏目《海外优秀作家》和【冰花文轩】曾介绍或刊发过有关海外著名作家哈金、朱小棣、刘荒田、宋晓亮、文章、六六等的文章。</p><p><br></p><p>转到美篇介绍的诗人有哈金。</p> <p>美国CND网友赠</p>