

<p class="ql-block">&nbsp;&nbsp;偶然参观了一个美国小学校。每个教室门口,每个班主任都有一张自己的教室规则。这是二年级班主任弗洛伦滋小姐的教室规则。</p><p class="ql-block">善良,尽力而为,诚实,笑的开心点,倾听,交朋友,每天学习。</p><p class="ql-block">Accidentally visited an American elementary school. Each classroom door, each teacher in charge of the classroom has a piece of their own rules. These are the rules of the second grade headteacher, Miss Florenz.</p><p class="ql-block">Be kind, do your best, be honest, laugh, listen, make friends, learn every day.</p> <p class="ql-block"> 在学校大门口,还有一块牌子,上面有很多激励的话语。鼓励,责任心,灵活,强壮,感激,值得信赖,有礼貌,热情,太棒了,有想象力,友好,独特,公平,确定的,恭敬,专注,有用的,耐心,有同情心,合作,善良……但最重要的是“做好你自己”。</p><p class="ql-block">In the school gate, there is a board, above a lot of encouraging words. Encouragement, Responsible, Flexible, Strong, Appreciate, Trustworthy, Courteous, Warm, Wonderful, Imaginative, Friendly, Uniunique, Fair, Determinant, Respectful, ed, Useful, Patient, Compassionate, Cooperative, Kind... But the most important thing is "be you"</p>