2021 Summer cartoon drawing class

<p>今年暑假是Robbie 第一次尝试教小朋友们一起画画,历时八周,Robbie 尝试了两种风格,一种在纸上画,一种在iPad 上画。小朋友们都非常配合,非常积极地参与。这里收录了部分小朋友们完成的作品。感谢小朋友和家长朋友们的支持和鼓励。</p><p>This Summer I tried teaching a bunch of kids how to draw or to draw better. Now not only</p><p>did I hopefully teach you guys how to draw better but I learned a lot as well! I’ve learned some new techniques on Sketch book and Paper Drawing. I had a lot of fun teaching everyone on how to draw and I loved interacting with you guys!</p> <p>Week 1 Gibble: In week one we drew Gibble, we worked on knowing how to use shapes to help us sketch our figures as a base.</p><p><br></p> <p>Week 2&amp;3 Rowlett: In weeks 2&amp;3 we worked on using our hand motions to help us draw straighter lines this was also the first time we drew backgrounds.</p> <p>Week 4&amp;5 Tom&amp;Jerry: In weeks 4&amp;5 we worked on using the abilities we used and getting used to them we also worked on doing drawings and coloring by ourself!</p> <p>Week 6 Butterfly: First week of Digital Art! We worked on using different tools such as the color selector and knowing how to do gradients!</p> <p>Week 7 Winnie the Poo: This week we mainly worked on making our lines smoother with the straight lines tool, while we traced Winnie.</p> <p>Week 8 Puppy: In this we used all our past digital art skills to make a puppy! We made a background for all those who wanted to, and we did shading as well!</p>