

<p class="ql-block"><b>石章时代的开启</b></p><p class="ql-block"><b>Beginning of the Stone Seal Age</b></p><p class="ql-block"><br></p><p class="ql-block">战国时代已存在以石质作为印材的现象。汉代以印为殉形成丧葬礼俗,采用滑石制作明器在一些地区比较流行。湖南长沙、常德地区两汉墓葬出土的一批滑石质官私印,以及江苏镇江燕山3号墓出土的滑石质“兰陵太守章”、南京老虎山东晋墓出土的滑石质“零陵太守章”等,都是实用玺印体系以外的替代性制作。石印还没有进入普遍的应用领域。</p><p class="ql-block">There are occasional examples of stone being used as seal material as early as the Warring States Period. Use of seals as funerary objects became a custom during the Han Dynasty, and it was common in some regions to use talc stone to make these objects. The several official and private talc seals excavated from Western Han Dynasty tombs in Changsha and Changde in Hunan Province, the talc “Seal of Lanling Governor”(兰陵太守章)from No.3 tomb at Yanshan Hill in Zhejiang, Jiangsu Province, and the talc “Seal of the Governor of Lingling”&nbsp;unerathed from an Eastern Jin Dydasty tomb at Laohu Hill in Nanjing, were all substitutions items, outside the system of xi and yin seals.</p> <p class="ql-block">▲东晋,“兰陵太守章”,江苏镇江燕山3号墓出土</p><p class="ql-block">“Seal of Lanling Governor”(兰陵太守章). Eastern Jin Dynasty. Excavated from Tomb No.3 at Yanshan Hill in Zhenjiang, Jiangsu Province.</p><p class="ql-block"><br></p><p class="ql-block">两宋时代,文人士大夫用印的品类扩大,传统的铜、晶、玉等印材制作不变、靡费物力成为制约玺印文化功用进一步拓展的因素。寻求便利、简易的印材是必然趋势。中国玺印的质料进入了铜印与其他非传统印材并用的时代。</p><p class="ql-block">During the Northern and Southern Song dynasties, men of letters and scholar-officials started using a wider range of seals, but the difficulty and cost of making traditional bronze, crystal and jade seals restricted the wider use of seals in the cultural field; inevitably, people started to search out cheap and readily available materials to meet social needs, ushering in an age when bronze and alternative, non-traditional, materials were both used for seals.</p><p class="ql-block">瓷业历史悠久的景德镇,在南宋至元代持续制作青白瓷的私印,具体品类包括名号印、藏书印、闲章、姓氏押记等等,说明瓷印的制作在当地形成了商业形态。</p><p class="ql-block">Jingdezhen, with its long history of making porcelian, made private seals of blue-and-white porcelian from the Southern Song Dynasty to the Yuan Dynasty. Its output included name and epithet seals, book collection seals, leisure seals, and monogram seals. This range illustrates that that porcelain seal manufacture had become a commercial activity in that city.</p> <p class="ql-block">▲宋,“拾芳”瓷印</p><p class="ql-block">Porcelain seal 'Shi Fang'(拾芳). Song Dynasty.</p><p class="ql-block"><br></p><p class="ql-block">民间使用木印在北宋曾被推广,铜料的紧缺是其重要的背景。宋真宗大中祥符五年(1012年)诏令“诸寺观及士庶之家所用私记,今后并方一寸,雕木为文,不得私铸”(《宋史·舆服志》)。诏令显然只是限制一般士人庶民私铸铜印,并未产生持久的效果,但倡用木质印,无疑具有积极的社会影响。湖南长沙杨家山宋墓出土的木质“趯”印,年代下限为乾道三年(1167年)。两宋之际的钱世瑞组印与地处北方的阎得源组印,质料与形制相同,年代相近,不是偶然的现象。钱世瑞曾官枢密院副吏,后贬为湖州府尹。木质印材在此际已有进一步的普及,亦为士大夫所乐意采用。</p><p class="ql-block">Wooden seals were widely used by ordinary folk during the Northern Song Dynasty. A shortage of bronze materials played a major part in this. In 1012, the Song Emperor Zhen Zong issued an edict restricting the private casting of bronze seals by temples, shrines and common people. It had no lasting effect, but it did encourage the use of wood seals instead, and undoubtedly had a positive influence. The earliest date for the “Ti”(趯)seal unearthed from a Song Dynasty tomb at Yangjiashan in Changsha, Hunan Province, has been established as 1167. In terms of materials and form, Qian Shirui’s seal series made in the period between the two Song dynasties are identical to those used by Yan Deyuan in Northern China and made around the same time. These similarities are no accident. Evidently, at this point of time wooden seals had become more wide-spread and scholar-officials took pleasure in using them.</p><p class="ql-block">玉、象牙、琥珀、水晶仍是宋元时代流行的印材。但石章的比例上升具有不同寻常的意义。除了前面所揭南宋“默盦”、元“仲文”石章外,见于发表的出土资料还有:1960年南京太平门外王家湾北宋墓出土“引意”石章一方。1973年黑龙江绥滨县金代墓群3号墓出土石质“郎”押。</p><p class="ql-block">Jade, ivory, amber and crystal remained popular seal materials during the Song and Yuan dynasties. But the incrasing use of stone seals and their increasing proportion of the mix had unusual significance. Apart from the previously mentioned Southern Song ”Quiet Study”&nbsp;and the Yuan Dynasty “ZhongWen”&nbsp;stone seals, published stone seal discoveries include: In 1960, a stone seal with the inion “Yin Yi”(引意)was unearthed from a Northern Song tomb at Wangjiawan, outside Taiping Gate, Nanjing. In 1973, a stone seal with the name inion “Lang”(郎)was unearthed from No.3 tomb of a Jin Dynasty tomb, Suibin County, Heilongjiang Province.</p> <p class="ql-block">▲金,虎钮玉押,上海博物馆藏</p><p class="ql-block">Jade monogram seal with tiger knob. Jin Dynasty. Shanghai Museum.</p> <p class="ql-block">▲元,“直敬堂”,象牙,珍秦斋藏</p><p class="ql-block">Ivory seal 'Zhi Jing Chamber'(直敬堂). Yuan Dynasty. Zhen Qin Studio Collection.</p> <p class="ql-block">▲宋,“引意”,石,南京太平门外王家湾北宋墓出土,南京市博物馆藏</p><p class="ql-block">Stone seal 'Yin Yi'(引意). Song Dynasty. From a Northern Song tomb at Wangjiawan, outside Taiping Gate, Nanjing. Nanjing Municipal Museum.</p> <p class="ql-block">▲“郎”押,黑龙江绥滨县金代墓群3号墓出土</p><p class="ql-block">Monogram seal 'Lang'(郎). From Tomb No.3 of the Jin Dynasty tombs in Suibin County, Heilongjiang Province.</p><p class="ql-block"><br></p><p class="ql-block">近年发现的宋元时代石章,石质包括滑石、福建寿山石、浙江青田石。从“默盦”、“如斗”的钮式雕刻来看,已经脱离了此期常见橛钮的实用风格,动物的造型和整体布局都表现出十分成熟的技法,揭示了当时铜、玉、瓷、石等印材的钮式雕刻已经完全融合,纳入了社会应用性的印材。这为过去推测元代文人用印已有石章刻制的推论提供了可靠的印证。这些石章来自不同的地区,从内容和风格上看多是文人用印,其应用已经不是初始期的状况。以目前发现的两宋印章而言,远早于文献记载的王冕使用石章的年代,更比文彭出生的时间至少早出200年以上。</p><p class="ql-block">Stone seals dating from the Song and Yuan dynasties have been found in recent years. The stone materials include talc, Shoushan stone from Fujian Province and Qingtian stone from Zhejiang Province. As evident in the seal knob carving on the seals “Quiet Study”(默盦)and “RuDou”(如斗), there was already a stylistic departure from the practicality of the peg-knob style prevalent at this time. The animal forms and overall composition display very mature carving embraced bronze, jade, porcelain and stone materials, and that all these materials were applicable in seal making. This is reliable confirmation of the proposition that stone seals were already used by men of letters during the Yuan Dynasty. These stone seals come from different regions of China, and their inions and styles identify most of them as being used by scholars. Plainly their use was no longer that of seals cut in the early period. These predate by one or two centuries the documentary mentions of stone seals used by Wang Mian(1278—1359)and by Wen Peng(1497—1573). The curtain was being raised on the age of stone seals. &nbsp;</p> <p class="ql-block">▲宋,“默盦”,石,采自《唐宋元私印押记集存》</p><p class="ql-block">Stone seal 'Quiet Study'(默盦). Song Dynasty. Source: Collection of Private Seals of Tang, Song and Yuan Dynasty(唐宋元私印押记集存)</p> <p class="ql-block">▲元,“如斗”,寿山石,采自《唐宋元私印押记集存》</p><p class="ql-block">Shoushan stone seal 'Ru Dou'(如斗). Yuan Dynasty.&nbsp;Source: Collection of Private Seals of Tang, Song and Yuan Dynasty(唐宋元私印押记集存)</p><p class="ql-block"><br></p><p class="ql-block">* . *💥. * * . 🌙* . . * .. ✨* . * . * .</p><p class="ql-block">本文节选自孙慰祖:《中国印章-历史与艺术》,外文出版社,2010年。</p><p class="ql-block">Sun Weizu: The History and Art of Chinese Seals, Foreign Languages Press, 2010</p><p class="ql-block">责任编辑:戴梦岚</p><p class="ql-block"><br></p> <p class="ql-block"><a href="http://www.360doc13.net/wxarticlenew/614442618.html" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">查看原文</a> 原文转载自www.360doc13.net,著作权归作者所有</p>