记忆中的年味The taste of the Lunar New Year in memory(上)


<p class="ql-block">此篇文章的作者是我大姐 该文于2017年2月发表于《卫东校友》博客中 故事中所描述的那个年代已很久远 那时我也还很小 所描述的那些情节 又把我带回了人生最美好的童年时光……</p><p class="ql-block">做项目时不时的发一些我制作的美篇给外国朋友 他们很喜欢 但对于有汉字描述的地方 总是问什么意思?所以本篇文章以中英对照的形式做文字描述。</p> 一场冬雨飘洒过后,蓝天白云终于取代了连续多天的阴暗雾霾,阳光下的人们又露出了张张笑脸,加快了辞旧迎新的步伐。微信群里同学们早已经晒出央视春晚的节目单,让我们自觉不自觉的感觉到了春的临近,也嗅到了由远而近的年味。快过年了,又要忙起来了。<div><br></div><div>The sky was washed clean after a winter rain, with white clouds finally replacing the gloomy haze that lasted for many days, and people in the sun showed smiling faces again, speeding up the pace of leaving the old and welcoming the new. The students in the WeChat group had already posted the CCTV Spring Festival Gala program, making us consciously or unconsciously feel that the spring was approaching, and also smelled the taste of the new year approaching closer. and I was accordingly busy again. <br></div> 在生活的磨练中,早已经淡了心底对年的那种渴望和新奇,但却仍能回味出过往的那些年味。这就是老了吧,回忆的年味比现实的年味更让我觉得有滋有味,那才是我心目中喜欢的年味。 <br><br>In the tempering of life, the desire and novelty in my heart for the new year had been already faded away , but the same scene experienced in the past I could still recall . The memories of the New Year make me feel more enjoyable than the reality of the current New Year. That is the taste that I like in my mind. 童年时代的年味是纯美香甜的。那时候虽然懵懵懂懂,不知道过年的意义,不懂得要熬夜守岁,却知道过年是一件大事,是所有的人都盼望的一种形式。过年了爸爸就能从北京回家了,过年了就能吃到平时吃不着的美味,过年了就能有新衣服穿,有新玩具玩,过年了就能受到大人们格外的宠爱,就不用去做自己不想干的事情,就能尽情的吃,忘乎所以的玩。<div><br></div><div>The taste of the childhood is pure and sweet. At that time, although I was ignorant, not knowing the meaning of the New Year, and I didn't know how to stay up all night to watch the New Year, I knew that the New Year was a big event and a ceremony that everyone looked forward to. Dad would be able to go home from Beijing during the Chinese New Year. During the Chinese New Year, we would be able to eat the delicious food that we usually couldn't enjoy. During the Chinese New Year, we could have new clothes to wear and new toys to play with. And be particularly favored by the adults leaving us to do whatever we wanted to do and put those we didn't want to do aside, . ,<br></div> 儿时是非常盼望过年的,一进腊月就开始掰着手指头期待,即便是等待的日子都充满了愉悦和快乐。那鲜艳夺目的年画,那精巧美丽的窗花,那红红火火的灯笼,那噼噼啪啪的爆竹,那家家户户飘出的馋人的香味,那相互拜年时的美好祝福,勾勒出一幅妙趣横生的大年画,美不胜收。童年的年味就是那样的香甜和喜悦,那样的亲切和热闹,住的房子不大但却布置的五颜六色,花哨无比,让我觉得很美,很开心。一次次伸手接过爸爸妈妈给的压岁钱,在他们“你又长了一岁了”的嘱托中,在故作成熟的装模作样里,我们真的一年一年长大了。<br><br>That was why I looked forward to the New Year very much-when I was a child. As soon as it entered the twelfth lunar month, I started to count the date with my fingers. Even the days I waited were full of joy and happiness. The bright and dazzling New Year pictures, the exquisite and beautiful grilles, the red lanterns, the crackling firecrackers, the gluttonous fragrance wafting from every household, and the blessings of greeting each other in the New Year, outline a witty picture. The taste of my childhood was so sweet and joyful, so kind and lively, the house ,which was not big but the decoration was colorful and fancy, made me feel so beautiful and happy. Reaching out again and again to take the New Year's Eve money from Mom and Dad, we really grew up year after year in their exhortations that "you are a year older" and pretending to be mature. 下乡以后的年味是快乐休闲的。走出家门,上山下乡,能自食其力了,觉得自己是个大人了,但是对年的期盼仍旧是迫切的率真的。一是忙碌了一年,终于可以借着过年好好的放松休整,冬闲时期的农活不是那么紧迫,借口过年就可以随着学生一起进入寒假,悠闲自在;二是年终队里开仓分粮,可分得一些米,面,油,菜,在那个物质匮乏的年代,把这些带回家都是很好的年货,让我很有成人感和成就感;三是能够从头至尾地帮着妈妈忙年,可以真正体会到年的意义和年所带来的快乐。从扫房到购买,从洗涮到屠宰,蒸炸煎煮烙,就是从那时候开始,我熟悉了忙年的一套程序和运作,十几个人的年饭不在话下。<br>The taste of the new year after going to the countryside was happy and leisure. I could support myself and felt that I was an adult, but my expectation for the year is still urgent and honest. For the reasons that ,first, after a busy year, I could finally find a chance to relax and take a good rest during the New Year. Farming during the winter slack was not so urgent. I could spend the winter vacation with students because of the New Year. The second was that it was at the end of the year that the warehouse was open to distribute the foods like rice, noodles, oil, and vegetables. In that era of material scarcity, taking these home was good and real support for the New Year, which made me feel adult and fulfilled; third, I could help my mother throughout the whole process of the busy period, truly appreciating the meaning of the year and the happiness it brings from cleaning the house to buying necessities, from washing to slaughter, started learning cooking from that time on regarding steaming, frying, boiling, and roasting, , as a result I was familiar with a set of procedures and operations in busy years, fully confident with myself to prepare New Year’s meals for a dozen people’or even more. 记得有一年妈妈让我和妹妹把家里养的一只不太下蛋的老母鸡杀了以备年用,我们看到过大人杀鸡,都是抓着鸡翅,向后捏住鸡头,拔掉脖子上的鸡毛,用迟钝的刀在鸡脖子上划来划去,总觉得那样好像不太人道,不如来个痛快点的。<div><br></div><div>A fragment in my memory was that one year my mother asked me and my sister to kill an old hen for the preparation for the new year . We did have seen adults kill chickens by holding chicken wings and pulling feathers on the neck out. And a chicken was scratched with a dull knife on the neck. I always felt that it seemed inhumane ,thinking it's better to shorten its suffering time. <br></div> 我负责按住鸡,让妹妹一刀剁下了鸡头,吓得我把鸡扔了出去,谁知那没了头的鸡仍旧在地上扑棱,鸡血四处飞溅,在我们的惊恐中家里的一只公鸡又冲了过来,我拉着妹妹就跑“公鸡来报仇了!公鸡来报仇了!”呵呵,挺有意思,就杀过一次鸡,记了一辈子不忘。<div><br></div><div>So I was responsible for holding down the chicken, letting my sister chop off the chicken,s head with a single cut, after that I threw the chicken out, but I was greatly shocked that the headless chicken was still fluttering on the ground, and the blood was splashing everywhere. In our panic the rooster rushed over again, "The rooster is here for revenge! The rooster is here for revenge!" Hehe.... I took my sister and ran away........It was funny. The only experience of killing a chicken remains in my memory for a lifetime. <br></div> 年啊年,就是这样的让你感受着快乐着,在长辈的爱抚中享受着。在盼年忙年中,学会了迎年过年;在欢乐的融入中,体验出了年的味道。一年又一年,人们在辞旧迎新的年夜里拥抱着幸福,憧憬着明天,期盼着未来……<br><br><div>This is the taste of spending New Year in a family, feeling happy and enjoying yourself in the caress of your parents. In the careful planning and busy preparation of a new year of , I learned to welcome the New Year, in the joyful integration, I experienced the taste of the New Year. Year after year, people are embracing happiness on the eve of farewell and welcome the new year, looking forward to tomorrow, looking forward to the future...</div>