恭賀新禧 -2021 - 黃憲安 李慧瑛


<p class="ql-block">庚子年,一則以懼,一則以省。瘟疫,政爭,宵禁,山火,天災人禍,滲透到星球每一個角落。至微無影的病毒,讓人類回歸家庭,思考人生至鉅的命題。2020, a year that we wish never had come, and also the year that we’ll remember for years to come. With the pandemic and geopolitical upheaval around the world, the curfews and conflagration in California, among myriads of catastrophic disasters that hits the nerve in every corner of humanity, the invisible vermin kept us closer to home, and pondering more about the meaning of this year and life.</p> <p class="ql-block">陽曆三月,新冠病毒突襲全美,不分東西。我們的生活也隨之波瀾翻騰。Hit both shores of the US in March, COVID-19 turned our lives upside down, and led to a frenzy of juggling priorities, bringing us closer to home.</p> <p class="ql-block">新冠襲港,大猷公司将他遣送返美,回家抗疫。不過兩週,美國疫情急轉直下,他又返航香港。除了到菲律賓與鯊魚共游,他大部分時間堅守銅鑼灣陣地抗疫。他閒來擺弄他的四弦琴,閱讀科幻小說,探索人工智能的未來。Daniel returned home unexpected when the endemic hit Hong Kong, only to be turned back to Hong Kong in 2 weeks when the pandemic outlook in the US turned so much gloomier so quickly. Other than Scuba diving with sharks in the Philippines, he dug in and quarantined himself in his flat in Causeway Bay. He enjoys learning playing his Ukulele, and reading Neal Shusterman.</p> <p class="ql-block">大倫三月回家,在家裡工作了大半年。他上了半學期的網課,從事了一暑期的熱力學研究,秋季到波士頓GE實習,研究渦輪引擎。他還是愛騎山地車,看「辦公室」連續劇,還致力浸淫十來年的台美基金會夏令營,擔任輔導員。Darren came home and worked from home for much of year. Darren did remote learning in the Spring, performed research on combustion mechanics in the summer, and turboshaft engine as a co-op with GE Aviation in Boston during the fall. He likes riding his mountain bike, watching “Office” sequels, and returning to TAF as a camp counselor.&nbsp;</p> <p class="ql-block">大維搬空了舊金山的公寓,將谷歌的工作站設到家中。他負責培訓指導了三位暑期實習生,並得以晉升。在家期間,他給我們引介了許多韓劇,如《愛的迫降》。他剛過聖誕,便與女友飛往首爾歡度新年。Darwin moved out of his San Francisco apartment, and set up his Google workstation at home since March. He was responsible for providing coaching and guidance to 3 summer interns and received his first promotion. He introduced us to many Korean dramas, the favorite among them “Crash Landing on You”. He flew to Seoul with his girlfriend right after the Christmas.</p> <p class="ql-block">慧瑛在家種菜燒菜。隨著疫情蔓延,她的蒙特梭利班關停了。如今,她在我們公立高中督導有特殊困難無法遠程授課的學生。Hui-Ying enjoys gardening at home. Her teaching at Montessori ended with the pandemic. Now she’s teaching students with special needs at our local high school.</p> <p class="ql-block">憲安也在家工作了大半年。除了帶家人到死谷和加州中央海岸度假,他安心居家,愛上多肉植物的盎然生機,還完成了一個菜園和一個倉棚。Sean worked from home for much of the year. Other than a trip to the Death Valley and California Central Coast, he vacationed home and found new love in succulents and home improvement projects, finishing up a vegetable garden and a garden shed.&nbsp;</p> <p class="ql-block">我們養了十年的小貓大可得了癌症,截肢後恢復良好,但昨月離家後不知所終。Doc, our cat for the past decade, had a leg amputated, and survived cancer, but not the rough neighborhood and myriads of adversaries.</p> <p class="ql-block">世事如棋,人生起伏,我們至今無病無災,可說是不幸中的萬幸。希望平安健康如影隨形伴隨您與家人,牛年定會強似庚子年。Thinking of the lives crushed and lost during the tragic year, we are grateful that we are still here today, healthy and unfazed by the critter, with everything in 2021 looking so much brighter and hopeful. May peace and health be with you and your family in the bullish year ahead.&nbsp;</p>