疫情下的旅行:Hotel California


美国的疫情一直不见好转,十月份开始第三波又来了,可是本蝎的生日要到了,怎么也得出去庆祝一下。十一月初,美国大选的那周,飞到疫情最严重和选情最悬殊的加州。加州太蓝了,作为共党党员,俺要把加州变红一点,虽然力量微薄,但星星之火可以燎原。加州的同学立马跟我急了,你别来了,我们都燎原破纪录了,大火一个接一个,搞不好加州没变红你们州变蓝了。艹,真让他们说中了,我离开的时候是红州,回来时变蓝州了 On a dark desert highway<br>Cool wind in my hair<br>Warm smell of colitas<br>Rising up through the air<br>Up ahead in the distance<br>I saw a shimmering light<br>My head grew heavy and my sight grew dim<br>I had to stop for the night<div><br></div><div>There she stood in the doorway<br>I heard the mission bell<br>And I was thinkin' to myself<br>'This could be heaven or this could be hell<br>Then she lit up a candle<br>And she showed me the way<br>There were voices down the corridor<br>I thought I heard them say<br></div><div><br></div><div>Welcome to Madonna Inn,</div><div><br></div> <p class="ql-block">Madonna Inn 是一个非常有特色的宾馆,建于1958年,原来是一家只有10个房间的汽车旅馆,其独特的设计深受大众欢迎,需求非常旺盛,经几次扩建,现在一共有110间客房,每一间客房的装修风格都不一样,但主色调是粉色。 这里离Hearst Castle不远,本想再去一趟Hearst Castle,但是因为疫情,Hearst Castle关闭了,基本上加州所有Meseum及 amusement parks都关门了,我们只能找一些户外活动</p> 我们选的房间在Hillside Building, 旋转楼梯很漂亮,但是没有电梯 <p class="ql-block">我最喜欢的房间没订上,就选了这个Floral Fantasy,确实够Fantasy的,虽然有心理准备,但还是被这鲜艳的红色惊到了</p> 这个是Madonna Suite Love Nest Everything Nice Yahoo 泳池也很漂亮,但十一月的气候有点冷了 <p class="ql-block">Madonna Inn 有餐厅,当时这里还允许在室内就餐,这是我们加州之行唯一一次在室内就餐 </p> So I called up the Captain "Please bring me my wine". Cheers, Happy Birthday To Me And in the master's chambers They gathered for the feast Such a lovely place, I don't want to check out