

<p>Xinhua black tea is hot because of him</p> <p class="ql-block">一场不期而至的冬雨,洒向资江两岸的千年古邑。那些梦幻般美丽的时刻,在时光的河流里被红茶的记忆再次唤回。</p><p class="ql-block">11月27日,新化东煌国际大酒店人来人往,热闹非常。湖南省2020茶产业科技创新论坛在此隆重举行。袅袅茶香,芳华四溢,空气中饱含着对茶业发展的喜悦与期盼。</p><p class="ql-block">中国工程院院士、中国茶叶研究所研究员陈宗懋,中国工程院院士、湖南农业大学教授、博士生导师刘仲华两位中国茶界顶尖科学家应邀莅临论坛,联袂共荐新化红茶。</p><p class="ql-block">刘仲华院士用稍带衡南口音的普通话,脱稿“PPT”,以“新化红茶”沁人心脾的清香与令人忘俗寡欲的幽兰。演绎着新化红茶——“盛唐绿翠,惟在兴致,羚羊挂角,无迹可求。故其妙处,透彻玲珑,不可凑泊,如天门之音,若熊山之色,似资水之月,佛渠江之象。真乃言有尽而意无穷。他在《新化红茶品牌推荐》的一个不经意结束语——新化红茶:“有高度有风度,还有甜度和温度”。道出了新化红茶品牌传播的主打定位语。谓之踏破铁鞋无觅处,得来全不费工夫。而成为本次湖南省茶产业科技创新论坛最绚烂的话语权成果。因为新化红茶深含茶道:</p><p class="ql-block"> </p> <p class="ql-block">历史有深度;茶叶之于新化,始于晋、兴于唐、盛于宋,为明、清两朝皇家贡茶;茶史、茶道、茶礼、茶俗、茶艺、茶歌,烟火、远山、流年,坚硬、柔情、温暖。</p><p class="ql-block">海拔有高度。所有茶园都分布在雪峰山脉中段600—1300米之间的丘峦里坳,日照少,日平均气温低,常年云雾缭绕,有着独特的有利于茶叶生长发育的小气候。谓为“云雾山中出好茶”。</p><p class="ql-block">人文有韵度。早有“把酒临风川月河,熊山碧水一望收。无边佳景无尽梦,有情苏溪有木洲。云影水中天地阔,竹筏江边荡清流。茉莉花开风解语,心旷神怡茶润喉”的唐诗以及资水茶歌流传至今。千秋语汇,月华纷艳。</p><p class="ql-block">观之有风度。风度语出《后汉书·窦融传论》:“尝独详味此子之风度,虽经国之术无足多谈,而进退之礼良可言矣。而新化红茶的“风度”体现在外观形态之美上:条索乌油紧实,汤液蜜香悠长,品味甘鲜醇爽,橙红明亮。1915年获巴拿马万国博览会金奖,近年又获中国地理标志产品,进入湖南十大名茶行列。有着“剪秋萝似的嫩芽尖儿,它从鹅绒到黄橙,柔艳尖瓣攒蕊的叶芽,如同美人底蜷着的指爪,拳心里攫着一撮儿金粟,霭霭的淡烟笼着的茶园,丝丝的疏雨洗着的叶片,金底黄,玉底白,春酿底绿,秋孕深绿。此乃谓之风度也。</p><p class="ql-block"> </p> <p class="ql-block">汤液有甜度。其源于茶叶中茶多糖的含量,酚氨比适中,平均4.0左右,高的达8.0,尤其鲜爽度高,舌感柔粘,余味绵缠,润喉软肺。几杯下来,让心的海,一点点宁静;月的眼,一点点“吴刚”。白居易诗曰:“登得大山高千丈,与君都醉渠江源。”暗蓝色的云,似大裘袍,把整个夜,慢慢盖严。</p><p class="ql-block">感悟有温度。听《洛神赋》的咏叹,又在哪里响起;看唐三彩的珍品,又在哪里生长;摸古茶花的根脉,又在哪里滋生出一条琴弦。真不知道新化红茶的历史是否有过帝王的品茗,或在秦砖汉瓦之上,或于丹桂芳华之间,山环水绕的千年茶乡。此刻,已被院士的豪情所感染,让仲冬的新化红茶——温度陡升,热血沸腾,激情澎湃,山川摇曳。让人感悟到:春雨刷刷地下着,透过外面淌着雨水的玻璃门窗,看见雪峰山西部救崽界边的远峰、土坡,姑娘河上游的竹林、野茶和翘檐木屋,万顷茶山,都笼罩在白茫茫的烟雨中。茶和人都齐聚“新化红茶街”。于是,放置桌上,就老了岁月;进入壶中,就成了琼浆;落在街边,就沸了市井;站到山峦,就美了景色。</p><p class="ql-block">新化红茶公共品牌的创新实践将告诉人们,只有抛弃一切杂念,像圣徒一样把茶业作为茶人一生的精神伴侣,像种子依赖土地一样把自己深深地扎根于“人民”之中,才有可能在茶业可持续发展的路上走得更远一些。</p> <p> An unexpected winter rain sprinkled on the ancient cities on both sides of Zijiang River. Those dreamlike beautiful moments are recalled by the memory of black tea in the river of time.</p><p> On November 27, Xinhua Donghuang international hotel was bustling with people. Hunan 2020 tea industry science and technology innovation forum was held here. The air is full of joy and expectation for the development of tea industry.</p><p> Chen Zongmao, academician of Chinese Academy of engineering and researcher of China Tea Research Institute, and Liu Zhonghua, academician of Chinese Academy of engineering, professor and doctoral supervisor of Hunan Agricultural University, were invited to the forum to jointly recommend Xinhua black tea.</p><p> Academician Liu Zhonghua used Putonghua with a slight Hengnan accent, wrote "ppt" and "Xinhua black tea" with refreshing fragrance and faint orchid. The interpretation of Xinhua black tea - "in the prosperous Tang Dynasty, green, only in the interest, antelope hanging horn, no trace to be found. Therefore, its beauty, thorough and exquisite, can not be together, such as the voice of Tianmen, if the color of Bear Mountain, like the moon of Zishui, the image of Buddha canal river. The truth is that the words are full and the meanings are endless. A casual conclusion of his "brand recommendation of Xinhua black tea" -- Xinhua black tea: "it has a high degree of grace, as well as sweetness and temperature.". The main positioning language of brand communication of Xinhua black tea was expressed. It is said that there is no place to find, and it takes no effort to get it. And become the most brilliant achievements of the Hunan tea industry science and technology innovation forum. Because Xinhua black tea contains tea ceremony deeply</p><p> There is a high level of history; tea originated from Jin Dynasty, flourished in Tang Dynasty and flourished in Song Dynasty, which was the Royal tribute of tea in Ming and Qing Dynasties; tea history, tea ceremony, tea ceremony, tea custom, tea art, tea song, fireworks, distant mountains and fleeting years are hard, tender and warm.</p><p> There's altitude. All the tea plantations are located in the hilly area between 600-1300 meters in the middle of Xuefeng mountain range, with less sunshine, low daily average temperature, and surrounded by clouds all year round, which has a unique microclimate conducive to the growth and development of tea. It is called "good tea comes out of Yunwu Mountain".</p><p> There is a high level of humanity. There is a long time ago that "the wine faces the wind, the moon river, the Bear Mountain and the clear water.". Boundless scenery, endless dreams, love, Suxi, muzhou. Cloud shadow water, heaven and earth wide, bamboo raft riverside swing clear. The Tang poetry and Zishui tea song have been handed down to this day. Thousands of years of vocabulary, the moon colorful.</p><p> There is grace in the view. It refers to people's manners and manners. According to Dou Rong Zhuan Lun in the book of the latter Han Dynasty, it is said that "although there is not enough talk about this son's demeanor in detail, it can be said that the propriety of advancing and retreating can be said. The appearance of Xinhua black tea is reflected in the beauty of appearance and shape: the oil of Tiaoshui is tight, the honey fragrance of soup is long, the taste is sweet and fresh, and the orange red is bright. In 1915, he won the gold medal of Panama world exposition, and in recent years, he was awarded the product of geographical indication of China, and became one of the top ten famous teas in Hunan Province. It has a "cut autumn rose like bud tip, it from goose down to yellow orange, soft and colorful leaf buds with sharp petals, like the fingers and claws at the bottom of a beauty, holding a pinch of Golden Millet in the heart of the fist, a tea garden with mist and light smoke, leaves washed by drizzle, yellow on gold, white on jade, green at the end of spring brewing and deep green in autumn pregnancy. This is called demeanor.</p><p> The soup has sweetness: the tea polysaccharide content is high, the phenol ammonia ratio is moderate, the average is 4.4, the high is 8.0, the freshness is high, the tongue feels soft and sticky, the aftertaste is soft and winding, moistening the throat and lung. A few cups down, let the heart of the sea, a little quiet; the eye of the moon, a little bit "Wu Gang.". Bai Juyi said in his poem, "when you climb the mountain, </p>