

<p class="ql-block"><i style="font-size:22px; color:rgb(57, 181, 74);">Academician Liu Zhonghua: Xinhua black tea has high elegance, sweetness and temperature</i></p> <p class="ql-block">11月27日,以“融合创新,高质发展”为主题的湖南省茶产业科技创新论坛在新化县东煌国际大酒店举行。本论坛由湖南省茶叶学会、大湘西茶产业发展促进会、湖南省茶业协会、湖南省红茶产业促进会、湖南省茶产业技术体系委员会主办,娄底市农业农村局、新化县人民政府承办,娄底市茶业协会、新化县茶叶产业协会协办。中国工程院院士陈宗懋、刘仲华教授,湖南省军区原副司令员黄明来,娄底市人民政府副市长谢君毅、湖南农科院副院长许靖波、湖南省科学技术协会二级巡视员张学军、湖南省茶叶学会理事长、湖南农大教授肖力争、湖南茶业集团董事长、湖南省茶业协会会长周重旺,湖南省茶叶研究所所长、研究员张曙光,湖南省农业农村厅种植业处副处长成智涛以及茶企代表、资深茶人近400人出席。</p><p class="ql-block"> </p> <p class="ql-block">大会围绕如何结合供给侧结构性改革创造市场消费新需求、构建多元化多主体的现代市场、更好地打造新化红茶品牌等话题进行交流,探讨茶业驱动内核,解读茶产业科技创新路径。娄底市农业农村局党组副书记、副局长作《娄底茶产业发展报告》、陈宗懋发表《茶叶绿色防控》主旨演讲、刘仲华作《新化红茶品牌推荐》《湖南省茶产业高质量发展报告》,中国农业科学院茶叶研究所研究员、国家茶叶产业技术体系经济研究室主任姜爱芹作《2020茶产业现状与市场营销策略探讨》主题报告;湖南农业大学教授朱旗作《全球变革环境下的中国茶产业发展》报告;张曙光发布《新化红茶标准》,新化委副书记、县长左志锋作《新化县茶产业发展报告》,谢君毅作重要讲话。 </p> <p class="ql-block">新化县委书记朱前明在欢迎辞中指出,近年来,我们高度重视茶叶产业发展,把茶叶产业列为精准扶贫、产业脱贫的三大支柱产业之首,加大政策、资金、技术扶持力度,全力推动茶叶产业高质量发展。先后获评全国茶叶生产基地、全国商品茶出口基地、中国绿色生态茶叶之乡,“新化红茶”荣获国家地理标志证明商标和湖南十大名茶等称号,新化茶产业已进入规模化、产业化、集团化发展阶段,成为助推脱贫攻坚和乡村振兴的重要潜在产业。</p><p class="ql-block"> 谢君毅强调,近年来,娄底茶界内产生了一批有情怀、有思想的优秀企业家。他们敢想敢干,勤于实践,脚踏实地,不断进取,于荒山野岭种植茶树,开辟茶园,让荒丘变茶园,成为山区经济的一道靓丽风景线。正是他们的勤奋努力,撑起了娄底茶叶产业的春天,他们是娄底茶产业发展的基石,为山区经济发展、助力产业扶贫、助推乡村振兴做出了贡献。此次活动以茶为媒,相聚相识、共话茶经,探讨培育新化红茶公共品牌;还要求各县、市政府职能部门切实当好市域茶业发展的“指导员、技术员、宣传员”,让娄底茶业重振发展雄风。</p> <p class="ql-block">论坛指出,随着新经济引发消费革命影响的逐渐深入,娄底茶产业发展已然面临较大升级压力。因此,我们政府主管部门、科研院所、业内商家、经营主体以及从业人员,要更加注重提高单位种植效益,更加注重优化产品结构,更加注重优势品牌打造,要以绿色有机栽培理念抓好有机认证为抓手,生产有品牌识别度和统一共识的好茶叶。快速做强红茶、升级绿茶、优化黑茶、适度发展白茶;提高加工装备与工艺技术水平,提高劳动生产效率;提高技术创新与产品创新含量,开发出更多品质风味独特的新产品;打造差异化发展的龙头企业集群,实现公共品牌与企业品牌相结合,推动娄底茶业规模、效益与品牌影响力的全面提升;发掘有利于市场拓展的娄底茶文化内涵,大力宣传饮茶与健康研究成果,以文化和健康元素驱动茶叶消费;与市域品牌形成抱团营销的态势,强市场体系建设,搭建公共电商平台,全力优化品牌设计。</p><p class="ql-block"><span style="color:rgb(255, 138, 0);">刘仲华院士还在品牌推荐时特别强调,新化红茶“不仅有高度(海拔高1000米)、有风度(云雾缭绕)、更有甜度(甘爽味)和温度(热点产业),已然为新化乃至湖南茶业高质量发展打下良好基础。</span></p><p class="ql-block"> </p> <p class="ql-block">下午,新化县委、县政府根据谢君毅副市长指示,约请中国工程院院士陈宗懋、刘仲华、包小村、周重旺等茶叶行业顶尖专家召开座谈会。他们从新化茶产业发展现状,提出强化产业领导、标准制定、项目支持、质量安全、茶园管理、人才培训、品牌营销等6个方面提出建议;强调好茶“五个”标准——安全:质量底线、关注焦点;形美:视觉冲击、购买欲望;好喝:香高味醇,留住顾客;健康:养生诉求,消费动力;文化:传播动力,生活品味。聚焦以打造新化红茶领域全方位产学研交流与合作平台为抓手,突出茶产业转型升级,带动乡村振兴,务实推动娄底茶产品、茶文化通过“一带一路”更好地“走出去”;最终实现“变产区为景区、变茶园为公园、变产品为商品、变劳动为运动、变农舍为民宿”的目标。并庄重聘请刘仲华院士为新化县红茶产业发展总顾问。</p> <p> On November 27, the Hunan tea industry science and technology innovation forum with the theme of "integration and innovation, high quality development" was held in Xinhua Donghuang international hotel. The forum is hosted by Hunan Tea Industry Association, Hunan new tea industry association and Hunan Tea Industry Promotion Association. Chen Zongmao and Liu Zhonghua, academicians of Chinese Academy of engineering, Huang Minglai, former deputy commander of Hunan Military Region, Xie Junyi, deputy mayor of Loudi Municipal People's government, Xu Jingbo, vice president of Hunan Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Zhang Xuejun, second level inspector of Hunan Science and Technology Association, Xiao Zhengli, chairman of Hunan Tea Association, Professor of Hunan Agricultural University, chairman of Hunan tea industry group and President of Hunan Tea Association Zhang Shuguang, director and researcher of Hunan Tea Research Institute, Cheng Zhitao, deputy director of planting Department of Hunan agricultural and rural department, and nearly 400 tea enterprise representatives and senior tea people attended.</p><p> The conference ed on how to combine the supply side structural reform to create new demand for market consumption, build a diversified and multi-agent modern market, and better create a brand of Xinhua black tea. The conference discussed the driving core of the tea industry and interpreted the scientific and technological innovation path of the tea industry. The report on the development of Loudi tea industry was made by deputy secretary and deputy director of the Party group of Loudi agricultural and rural Bureau, Chen Zongmao delivered the keynote speech of "green tea prevention and control", Liu Zhonghua wrote "brand recommendation of Xinhua black tea" and "report on high quality development of tea industry in Hunan Province" by Jiang Aiqin, researcher of Tea Research Institute of Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences and director of national tea industry technology system economic research office The report of "the development of China's tea industry in the context of global change" by Zhu Qi, Professor of Hunan Agricultural University;Zhang Shuguang released the standard of Xinhua black tea, Zuo Zhifeng, deputy secretary of Xinhua Committee and county head, made a report on the development of tea industry in Xinhua County, and Xie Junyi made an important speech.</p><p> In his welcome speech, Zhu Qianming, Secretary of the Xinhua county Party committee, pointed out that in recent years, we have attached great importance to the development of the tea industry, listed the tea industry as the first of the three pillar industries of targeted poverty alleviation and industry poverty alleviation, and strengthened the support of policies, funds and technology to promote the high-quality development of the tea industry. It has been awarded the national tea production base, national commodity tea export base and China's green and ecological tea town. "Xinhua black tea" has won the national geographical indication certification trademark and the top ten famous tea titles in Hunan. The Xinhua tea industry has entered the stage of large-scale, industrialization and collectivization development, and has become an important potential industry for poverty alleviation and Rural Revitalization.</p><p> Xie Junyi stressed that in recent years, a number of outstanding entrepreneurs with feelings and ideas have emerged in the Loudi tea industry. They dare to think and do, diligent in practice, down-to-earth, and constantly enterprising, planting tea trees in the wild mountains, opening up tea gardens, turning barren hills into tea gardens, and becoming a beautiful landscape of mountain economy. It is their hard work that has held up the spring of Loudi tea industry. They are the cornerstone of the development of Loudi tea industry, and they have made contributions to the economic development of mountainous areas, helping industry poverty alleviation and boosting rural revitalization. In this activity, tea was used as a medium to meet and talk about the tea classics, and explore the cultivation of public brand of Xinhua black tea. The functional departments of the county and municipal governments were also required to be "instructors, technicians and propagandists" for the development of tea industry in Loudi.</p>