《 September Lily’s in love 》 九月荷花的爱情诗

Lily Chu 陳立

<p>  《 September Lily’s in love 》</p><p><br></p><p>Blue sky and borderless, maple autumn is</p><p>Wildest imaginations, white cloud brings</p><p>Golden chiffons over the ponds, glorious sun shines</p><p>Delightful smiling faces,water Lilys’ full blooms</p><p>A Sunny September day, I came to this fascinating world</p><p><br></p><p>Mama raised me up from the murkiest water</p><p>Growing into a purist beauty of the universe </p><p>“ Standing up tall above the mud and water</p><p> Trusting the sunshine and kindness souls</p><p> Not letting storms and evil breaking your bones ”</p><p><br></p><p>My innocent beauty attracted several </p><p>My elegant fragrance chased by many</p><p>They were no where to be seen after Septembers </p><p>Only Sunny — you stood by me days and nights</p><p>You were my shelter from the hails</p><p><br></p><p>My heart fulfilled with your boundless love</p><p>From this day 33 years ago till today and beyond </p><p>Sunny, oxygen, water and engraved love</p><p>I grow,September after Septembers......</p><p>My full bloom is your entire desire </p><p><br></p><p>Sunshine shepherds your cuddling of affection </p><p>Wind echos your whisper words of comforting</p><p>On my Patels I feel your tender touches</p><p>In my sweetest dreams I keep your kisses</p><p>You're watching over me days and nights </p><p><br></p><p>If you see tears on my petals </p><p>Grieving is the price to pay for our eternity love</p><p>If you hear my mumblings in the air</p><p>That’s our song of “ Somewhere a place for us ”</p><p>I am rich in love!</p><p><br></p><p>Las Vegas</p><p>09 / 29 / 2020</p><p>Sunny, Aaron’s nickname from childhood </p> <p><br></p><p> 《 九 月 荷 花 的 爱 情 诗 》</p><p><br></p><p>蔚蓝的天空无边无际,这是秋天</p><p>魔幻神奇的白云,这是放纵的遐想</p><p>金纱覆盖着荷花池,这是阳光的魅力</p><p>灿烂微笑的脸庞,这是盛开的荷花</p><p>九月的一天,我来到这迷人的世界上</p><p><br></p><p>Mama 哺育我从淤泥和磨难中成长</p><p>出落成世界上最纯洁美丽的荷花</p><p>“ 出淤泥而不染 濯清漣而不妖</p><p> 中通外直.....香远益清</p><p> 可远观不可亵玩焉 ”</p><p><br></p><p>爱慕者欲摘取单纯无暇的美丽</p><p>追随者只爱优雅飘远的清香</p><p>来去如蜂,九月后便无处可见</p><p>只有Sunny,日夜守护在旁</p><p>你是我的避风港,再不怕雷雨冰霜</p><p><br></p><p>我珍藏你无条件的爱</p><p>从三十三年前的今天到今天直到永远</p><p>你的爱是水,空气和阳光</p><p>养育着我继续生长开花</p><p>那是你所有的期望</p><p><br></p><p>阳光带来你温暖的拥抱</p><p>风声传来你风趣的言语</p><p>绿叶微动那是你的触摸</p><p>你的亲吻滞留在我的梦中</p><p>你从没离开,依然守护着我</p><p><br></p><p>如果你在花瓣上看到我的泪水</p><p>那是我为刻骨铭心的爱付出的代价</p><p>如果你听到我的喃喃细语</p><p>那是我为你唱的歌—“Some where a place for us”</p><p>I am rich in love!</p><p><br></p><p>Las Vegas</p><p>09 / 29 / 2020</p>