English Time


<p>Hello,How are you?</p><p>I am fine, thank you.</p><p>What day is today?</p><p>Today is Tuesday&nbsp;</p><p>What day was yesterday?</p><p>Yesterday was Monday&nbsp;</p><p>What day is tomorrow?</p><p>Tomorrow is Wednesda</p> <p>Hello Song </p> <p>Words:sneakers.shorts.T-shirt.sandals.socks.pans.jacket.cap.dress.sunglasses.hat.</p><p>Let's talk about what kind of clothes we are wearing today</p> <p>Game time: the children are divided into two groups for competition, the teacher shows the clothing table, who first said the fastest, will win ✌️</p> <p>Picture book time:school monsters </p>

