口罩 Face Mask

<p>从未想到过,这辈子会和口罩结缘!</p><p>I never thought that my life would be connected with a mask!</p> <p><br></p><p><br></p><p>2020是一个不平凡之年。 从天而降的 COVID-19 给全世界人民的生活,工作和学习带来了巨大的挑战。在这场无硝烟的你死我活的战争中,我们拿起武器保护家人,保护自己,保护朋友,最重要的是要保护我们的医护人员!这个武器就是口罩!</p><p>2020 is an extraordinary year. COVID-19, which has fallen from the sky, has brought great challenges to the lives, work and study of people all over the world. In this smoke-free life-and-death war, we took up weapons to protect our family members, protect ourselves, protect our friends, and most importantly to protect our medical staff! This weapon is a mask!</p> <p><br></p><p><br></p><p>众所周知,当 COVID-19 开始在美国泛滥之时,医护人员的 个人保护设备极度缺乏。大约在三月末,丹佛的 SCH Health 和几个自愿者发起了“我们能缝!”运动。目标是缝制4万个口罩。大家积极响应,我们也不例外。在周琦女士的带领下,我们这些美籍华人,当仁不让,分工合作。有人跑来跑去传送物资;有人熨烫出无数美丽的“面条”,还有专门做记录的美丽女士耐心,细致的记下了每一份大家的爱心。这六,七个星期以来,从一开始时把自己家闲置的床单,被罩剪光到自己出钱买各种和做口罩有关的材料,设备,夜以继日奋战,做出了5820个三种不同的口罩。这些口罩和丹佛及来自其它38个州自愿者缝制的口罩,截止到上个星期,已经捐到至少65个医院,警署及养老院。</p><p>As we all know, when COVID-19 began to spread in the United States, PPE (personal protection equipment) for medical personnel was extremely scarce. Around the end of March, Denver’s SCH Health and several volunteers launched the “We Can Sew It” campaign. The goal is to sew forty thousand masks. Everyone responded positively, and we are no exception. Under the leadership of Ms. Zhou Qi, we Chinese-Americans did our part and cooperated with each other. Some people ran around to deliver supplies, some people ironed out countless beautiful "noodles", and a beautiful lady who patiently made records and meticulously took note of everyone's loving effort. In the past six or seven weeks, from the beginning, everyone cut their unused sheets until we ran out of sheets to cut; then we went out and bought all kinds of materials and equipment related to making masks. We worked countless hours and made three different types of masks, and about a total of 5820 masks. These masks and masks sewed by volunteers from Denver and 38 other states have been donated to at least 65 hospitals, police stations, and nursing homes up till last week.</p> <p><br></p><p><br></p><p>这六个星期的日子,对自己来说,收获颇丰。不但结识了一群志同道和的朋友,还和我的缝纫机成了朋友。由于这是我一生中第三次使用缝纫机,对它还不甚了解。开始做口罩时,它不是跳线,断线就是不工作。做一个口罩,一半的时间都是和它在做“斗争“。经常做错。曾经一针一线的拆掉三十个做了一半的口罩。一针一线的码了三十个口罩开口的边。这些”痛苦“的经历,换来了今天的和它和平共处。谢谢你,兄弟缝纫机。</p><p>These six weeks were very rewarding for myself. Not only did I meet a group of like-minded friends, but also became friends with my sewing machine. Since this is the third time I have used a sewing machine in my life, I didn’t know everything about it. So when I started to make a mask, it either skipped a stitch, broke the thread, or it didn’t work at all. When I first started making masks, half of the time spent was to "fight" with the sewing machine. I made so many mistakes, I had to remove the thread from 30 masks’ thread one stitch at a time. Although these experiences were “painful”, in the end, all this hard work paid off. Thank you, my brother sewing machine.</p> <p><br></p><p><br></p><p>特别感谢捐赠给我们布料,线,及松紧带的朋友。由于你们提供的“弹药”,我们才能得以不断的做出这么多实用又漂亮的口罩。还要感谢我们的家人,长期的忍受着我们制造的噪音(缝娘耳中的优美音乐)。</p><p>Special thanks to friends who donated fabrics, threads, and elastics to us. Thank you for the "ammunition" you provided so we could continue to make so many useful and beautiful masks. We also want to thank our family members who have endured the noise we made (the beautiful music to the ears of the seamstress) for a long time.</p> <p><br></p><p><br></p><p>至于我们众多的缝纫能手们,自不必说,她们的创造力和想象力如何,请大家来做裁判吧!</p><p>As for our many sewing experts, needless to say, their creativity and imagination is unmatched; however, you be the judge of the masks!</p> <p><br></p><p><br></p><p>我们帅气的小模特 </p><p>Our young handsome model </p> <p><br></p><p><br></p><p>再来看看我们美丽志愿者们的倩影.</p><p>Let's take a look at our beautiful </p><p>volunteers.</p><p><br></p>