
Zi Ping Lin

<h3><b>Algebra</b></h3><h3><b></b>The Algebra Camp will help students improve their understanding of algebraic expressions, functions, and solving problems using algebraic tools. Topics include algebraic manipulations, functions, equations, inequalities, sequences, series and applications. Students are encouraged to think from different viewpoints for math competitions (MathCounts, AMC10/12) and other challenges. </h3><h3><br></h3><h3>Future topics and activities: </h3><h3>* More advanced Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry, Calculus, and SAT</h3><h3>* USAMO / USACO / USAPhO contests</h3><h3><b><br></b></h3><h3><b>代数</b>夏令营的目的是帮助学生提升对于代数式、函数、方程的理解和用代数工具解决问题的能力。内容包括代数运算,函数,方程,不等式,序列,和应用题。我们鼓励学生从不同的角度去分析、考虑问题,从而更好地面对数学竞赛 (MathCounts, AMC10/12) 和其他的挑战。</h3><h3><br></h3><h3>后续的主题和挑战: </h3><h3>* 更进一步的代数、几何、三角,微积分,以及 SAT</h3><h3>* 奥林匹克数学、物理、计算竞赛</h3> <h3><b>Geometry</b></h3><h3><b></b>The purpose of this camp is to help students improve their understanding of shapes and their applications. Topics include axiom systems, planar and spatial shapes, coordinate systems, and trigonometry. Students are encouraged to think from different viewpoints for math competitions (MathCounts, AMC10/12) and other challenges. </h3><h3><br></h3><h3>Future topics and activities:</h3><h3>* More advanced Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry, Calculus, and SAT</h3><h3>* USAMO / USACO / USAPhO contests</h3><h3><br></h3><h3><b>几何</b>夏令营的目的是帮助学生提升对于图形的理解和应用。内容包括公理系统,平面和立体几何,坐标系,和三角几何。我们鼓励学生从不同的角度去分析、考虑问题,从而更好地面对数学竞赛 (MathCounts, AMC10/12) 和其他的挑战。</h3><h3><br></h3><h3>后续的主题和挑战:</h3><h3>* 更进一步的代数、几何、三角,微积分, 以及SAT</h3><h3>* 奥林匹克数学、物理、计算竞赛</h3> <p>任课老师 / Instructors</p><p><br></p><p>林子平 / Lin, Zi Ping就学于浙大求是小学, 浙大附中,曾获杭州第一届数学竞赛一等奖。先后获浙江大学学士学位、上海交大硕士学位。留学美国,曾就读于加州大学,U. C. Davis, 统计系, Ph.D. Program,后获休斯敦大学硕士学位。1990起从事计算机软件开发工作,2004后开始GT Prep,初高中数学, SAT, 和计算机方面的教学及辅导。</p><p>Under the influence from his father, who was a math professor of ZheJiang Univ., and many best educators from ZheJiang University and his high school (ZheJiang Univ. Affiliated High School), Mr. Lin had shown great intertest in Math and won top award for the 1st Hangzhou Math Competition. Mr. Lin graduated from ZheJiang Univ. with a Bachelor degree of Arts and Shanghai JiaoTong Univ. with a Master degree of Science. Coming to the U.S., he studied at the Univ. of California, Davis, Dept. of Statistics, in Ph.D. program. Mr. Lin graduated from the Univ. of Houston with a Master degree of Engineering. He had been a software developer for many years, working for Halliburton, Exxon, and BMC Software. Mr. Lin has been enjoying tutoring students in various areas ranging from GT Prep, Pre-Algebra, Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II, and SAT to Calculus.</p>









