读书配图: 春去春来年复年(标题清香自拟)


<p>拍摄 清香及家人</p><p>编辑 清香</p> <p>写在前面的话:</p><p> 明天就是立夏了! </p><p> 今晚硬是来了一场“风雨送春归”的仪式! 雷声隆隆, 雨声啪啪! </p><p> 春归何处?</p><p> 春去春来,年复年,花相似,人不同。从古至今无数文人骚客留下千秋美文来咏春抒怀,我不才,且借三篇古典诗词配小图来定格春天的那么几个情境。像以往读书配图一样,这些图片只停留在文字表层,未能表达作品的内涵,请大家多多指导。另外,关于英文翻译,除了选取了许渊冲老先生翻译的《滁州西涧》,还选取了网上的未署名的译文,在此特别致谢。</p><p> </p><p> </p> <p>滁州西涧 </p><p> ——韦应物</p><p>独怜幽草涧边生,</p><p>上有黄鹂深树鸣.</p><p>春潮带雨晚来急,</p><p>野渡无人舟自横.</p><p><br></p><p>英译文一(许渊冲老先生翻译)</p><p>On the West Stream at Chuzhou</p><p>Wei Yingwu</p><p>Alone I like the riverside where green grass grows!</p><p>And golden orioles sing amid the leafy trees.</p><p>When showers fall at dusk, the river overfiows;</p><p>A lonely boat athwart the ferry floats at ease.</p><p> Translated by Xu Yuanchong</p><p>英译文二</p><p>Chuzhou's West Brook </p><p>Wei Yingwu</p><p>I like the green, green grass growing by the brook.</p><p>Up in the trees the orioles sing in every nook.</p><p>The spring morning torrents at nightfall heavy showersbring.</p><p>A ferry boat drifts athwart at the deserted crossing.</p> <p>  蜂</p><p> ——罗隐</p><p>不论平地与山尖,</p><p>无限风光尽被占。</p><p>采得百花成蜜后,</p><p>为谁辛苦为谁甜。</p><p><br></p><p>Bees</p><p> Luo Yin</p><p>Whether it be mountain top or rollingplain,</p><p>Making honey means to visit everybloom in sight,</p><p>To storm the whole terrain.</p><p>They labor so at whose command, for whose delight?</p> <p>清平乐 · 春归何处</p><p> ——黄庭坚</p><p>春归何处?</p><p>寂寞无行路。</p><p>若有人知春去处,</p><p>唤取归来同住。</p><p>春无踪迹谁知?</p><p>除非问取黄鹂。</p><p>百啭无人能解,</p><p>因风飞过蔷薇。</p><p><br></p><p>Where Has Spring Gone</p><p>(To the Tune of Qingpingyue)</p><p>Huang Tingjian</p><p>Where has Spring gone?</p><p>No trace left on the lone path.</p><p>If anyone knows her whereabouts,</p><p>tell her to come back, please.</p><p>Spring gone, no one knows where.</p><p>Except the oriole that keeps twittering</p><p>with an inexplicable message,</p><p>riding the wind over the roses.</p> <p>后记: </p><p> “春去花还在,人来鸟不惊” </p><p> 很高兴我能用这种方式唤取春天归来同住! </p><p> </p>