BCPA 一周一主题:四月- 六月


<h3>W15: 清明</h3> <h3>W16: 花艺</h3> <h3>W16: 残雪花红</h3> <h3>W16: 花</h3> <h3>W17: 早春四月</h3> <h3>W17: 小区的四月</h3> <h3>W18: 河岸柳绿 (spring tree) </h3> <h3>W19: 水 Water UFO </h3> <h3>W19 水: Baby UFO</h3> <h3>W20: 母亲: Self Image with unmanageable hair</h3> <h3>W21: 无題: Japanese Maple tree in front of the house</h3> <h3>W22: 花团锦簇: The summer flowers</h3> <h3>W23 : 童心: Best friends forever </h3> <h3>W24: 夏曰风情: 缘色的树林</h3> <h3>W24: 夏曰风情: 海淮花岗岩</h3> <h3>W24: 夏曰风情:日落下的球场</h3> <h3>W25 小城故事:Talking to my best friend !</h3> <h3>25 小城故事: Toy Jeep in neighborhood </h3> <h3>26 父親: Enjoy the work at golf course</h3>