Who am I ?

Monica princess

<p>I? Who? Standing on the balcony, why am I alone in a daze? The world is familiar but unfamiliar.</p> <p>That funny me, isn't it still there? But where is she? That blurry face. </p> <p><br></p><p>But why am I hiding alone in the corner,She felt sad, but her tears could only be held back all the time.</p> <p>I have been waiting ,when can you show up?</p><p>I want to someone to listen to me .I don't want </p><p>to be alone.</p> <p>I was holding the light in my hand, but it was still so dark and terrible in front of me, but I knew that I had to go .</p> <p>I had nightmares again at night, the feeling that I wanted to escape and couldn't escape, and when I woke up, I had undried tears on my face, </p> <p>The road is too long. I'm tired, too. The sun is going down again. Should I go home? Home? What is that place? I forgot. But I remember it made me sad.</p>

