My deskmate 同桌的你


<p>  妍然笔下好一个目若星朗,肤如凝脂,文武双全的美男子!句子修正:Every day when I am at school, there is a terrific boy sitting by the side of me. Ramon is 14 years old./Ramon is a 14-year-old boy.</p> <h3>  学霸之间最美好的状态应该就是志鸿、妍然这样互相欣赏,互相帮助,又不逾矩。句子修正:Every member in our class admires her.</h3> <h3> 同桌变“闺蜜”,友谊甜蜜蜜。阿饼姐就是给力,衡水体初成,奥利给!句子修正:I enjoy being with Wang Ran.</h3> <h3> 啫啫,粉啫啫,胖啫啫,人见人爱,花见花开,这就是班长的同桌。句子修正:Dudu is 12 years old.或 Dudu is a 12-year-old boy.</h3> <h3>  马哥也爱志鸿,一手衡体表情谊!句子修正:Wang Zhihong is my ideal deskmate.</h3> <p>  书法一班有马哥,二班有誉姐。原来家瑞和誉姐都是哈里波特粉,好呀,英伦偶像品味高雅,继续粉。不过,高级粉都是看哈里波特英文原著的。句子修正:She is always friendly to us. It is fun talking with her. I often ask her help me with Math problem.</p> 嘉琪是“静女其姝”般的古典美女,诗琪这么认为,老师们也这么认为。初中阶段,心思纯良,努力学习提升内涵的女生最美,人人都喜欢!<h3><br></h3> <h3>  魏哥让美女同桌的形象跃然纸上,一个数学学霸,一个语文学霸,互相帮助共同进步!</h3> <h3>  小结: It is great fun writing a wonderful article in Enlish. The more you write, the better your English will be. Why not keep thinking and writing? </h3><h3> 高分考试作文有三大特点:1.书写颜值高,词数90-120字(虽然要求是80字以上,但80字很难写出文采。2. 作文结构完整,意思连贯,涵盖所有信息点。3. 遣词造句造诣深,句式和用词高级。</h3>