

<h3>英译《大年三十》</h3><h3>【大年三十】文/宇安 (南京)</h3><h3>这是又一年除夕的火焰</h3><h3>映着离你们又近了一步的脸</h3><h3>“爸爸,妈妈来拿钱</h3><h3>这些,都是我日夜积攒的思念</h3><h3>我年纪越大</h3><h3>就越能抵达你们的晚年</h3><h3>风啊!请你向上吹</h3><h3>我的爸妈去了天上并没往黄泉”</h3><h3>看,多少堆多少堆的火焰哦</h3><h3>温暖了,这个寒冷无比的冬天</h3><h3><br></h3><h3><br></h3><h3>【Spring Festival's Eve Once Again】trans. by 700</h3><h3>This is another Spring Festival's Eve once again</h3><h3>The burning flames of offering paper moneys</h3><h3>reflect on my face which gets one more step close to your none presence</h3><h3>" Dear daddy and mom please come over to take these papers</h3><h3>The very flames are missions that I have saved bit by bit for you</h3><h3>As I get more and more older</h3><h3>The better I could access to your twilight years</h3><h3>Winds ! Please blow upwards</h3><h3>My parents are flying up to skies but not falling towards earth "</h3><h3>Look , the pile after pile of flames</h3><h3>They warm the night of bitter cold winter</h3>