

<h1>摄影师:李东光</h1> <h1>你从镜头中穿越,我的灵魂和你紧紧相连,你的倩影是那么激动我的心弦,我想知道你的故事。无论在雪中还是荒野,无论是青蛇还是村姑,无论是时尚少女还是侠客……。</h1> <h3>You cross from the lens, my soul and you are closely connected, your shadow is so excited my heart strings, I want to know your story. Whether in the snow or in the wilderness, whether it is a green snake or a village aunt, whether it is a fashion girl or a chivalrous guest.</h3> <h1>Chinese Favorite Photography 37Th Sequel 3: Photographer Loves to Win (Portrait Album)</h1> <h1>摄影师李东光(微信名:爱拼才会赢),化工高级工程师。酷爱旅游、摄影。喜欢用镜头留住美好瞬间。深知摄影不是拍照而是艺术,成为一个优秀的摄影师是他的梦想和追求。摄影路上的,除了脚步,还有心灵;镜头里的,除了风景,还有灵魂。他深深知道,摄影,永远要努力学习,永远学无止境。</h1> <h3>Photographer Li Dongguang (WeChat: Love will win), chemical senior engineer. Love travel, photography. Like to use the lens to retain the beautiful moment. Knowing that photography is not photography but art, it is his dream and pursuit to be a good photographer. On the way of photography, in addition to footsteps, there is the heart; He knows deeply that photography, always study hard, always learn endless.</h3> <h1>答谢:摄影师爱拼才会赢 Thanks for Photographer You will win by working Hard.</h1> <h1>国际摄影协会北美俱乐部 主编:孙秋林 监制:肖利 2020年1月7日 International Photographic Society of North America Editor:Sun qiulin Producer:Xiao li </h1><h1>Jan 7.2019</h1> <h1>说明:所有图片均受版权保护。如有必要,请联系摄影师爱拼才会赢。All the pictures are subject to copyright. Please connect with photographer You will win by working hard if necessary.</h1>