

<h1><b>摄影:乐基</b>(微信名le基)Photograph: Le Ji (WeChat:leJi)</h1> <h1>各位群友,BM2019永不复返摄影专车即将到站。在过去的一年里,我们在旅程中共同努力,得到九位摄影师的支持完成华人喜爱的摄影师专辑9期,得到七位摄影师的支持编辑了续集9期,得到78位摄影师的支持,编辑了花絮14期。得到三位摄影师的信任,为他们编辑了个人特写摄影作品3篇,V篇3篇,微摄4篇。每天,还在群里分享了大量精美的摄影作品。BM2019次摄影专列上,我们快乐摄影!摄影快乐!谢谢列车上所有的摄影师朋友们!(英文附后)</h1> <h1>BM2020次摄影专列即将启航,在新的行程即将开始之际,对所有在BM2019次摄影专列上的摄影师朋友们说声谢谢!谢谢一路的同行和陪伴。The BM2020 photo train is about to set sail and, as the new tour begins, say thank you to all the photographers and friends on the BM2019 photo tour! Thank you for your company and company along the way.</h1> <h1>这段旅程里,有很多美好的回忆,也学习了很多很多摄影知识,很珍惜,也很快乐!This journey, there are many good memories, but also learna a lot of photographic knowledge, very cherish, but also very happy!</h1> <h1>在BM2019次摄影专列即将到站的时刻,祝福所有一路同行的摄影师朋友们,希望继续乘坐BM2020次摄影专列,开始新的行程,依然快乐摄影,摄影快乐!At the time of the arrival of the BM2019 photo special, bless all the photographerfriends and friends who are travelling along the way, and hope to continue to ride the BM2020 photo tour, start a new journey, still happy photography, photography happy!</h1> <h1>无论在BM2019次列摄影专列上我们是否做的圆满,都已经过去,总结经验,然后放下。在摄影专列上帮助过我们的人,谢谢你🌹🌹🌹。爱护我们的人,感激你🙏🙏🙏。让我们一起继续我们新的行程。Whether we do it in the BM2019 column of photography is complete, it's over, you've learned your experience, and then we're going to put it down. Thank you for the🌹🌹🌹 people who have helped us in the photo op- Those who love us are grateful to you for 🙏🙏🙏. Let's continue our new journey together.</h1> <h1>我们珍惜过去,展望未来,充满信心!We cherish the past, look to the future, and have full confidence.</h1> <h1>现在,让我们登上BM2020次摄影专列,继续我们的旅程。Now, let's continue our journey by boarding the BM2020 photo tour.</h1> <h1>在BM2020次摄影专列上,有希望,有转变,有信心,有快乐!有新的成就和梦想!In the BM2020 photo special, there is hope, there is transformation, confidence, there is happiness! Have new achievements and dreams!</h1> <h1>祝所有乘坐BM2020次专列的摄影师朋友们健康!平安!幸福!I wish all my photographerfriends and friends on the BM2020 train well! Peace! Happiness!</h1> <h1>祝所有乘坐BM2020次摄影专列的摄影师朋友们事事如意!吉祥安康I wish all the photographers and friends who took the BM2020 photo train all the best! Auspicious well-being!</h1> <h1>祝在BM2020次摄影专列上,所有的好运、财运、福运统统“鼠”于你!I wish you all the good luck, fortune, good luck, good luck all "rat" in the BM2020 photo column!</h1> <h1>最后,送上乐基老师元旦祝福摄影作品:国花牡丹。Finally, send the New Year's Day blessing photo photography of The Teacher: National Flower Peony.</h1> <h1>North American Club Wishes a Happy New Year</h1> <h3>Friends, BM2019 never returns to the camera car is coming to the station. Over the past year, we've worked together on our journey, with the support of nine photographers to complete the 9th installment of the Chinese favorite photographer's album, with the support of seven photographers to edit the sequel 9, to be supported by 78 photographers, and to edit 14 issues. Trusted by three photographers, they edited 3 personal feature photographs, 3 V series, and 4 micro-photographies. Every day, i also share a large number of beautiful photographs in the group. BM2019 Photo op-ed, we're happy photography! Happy photography! Thank you to all the photographers on the train! (English attached).</h3> <h1>答谢:摄影师乐基 Thnaks For Photographer Le Ji.</h1> <h1>国际摄影协会北美俱乐部 主编:孙秋林 监制:肖利 2019 年12月31日 International Photographic Society of North America Editor:Sun qiulin Producer:Xiao li </h1><h1> Dec 31.2019</h1>