

前不久,美国劳工部发布了一份统计数据: 中国的劳动参与率达到了惊人的76%,只有24%的人没有参与工作,而这24%的人中,包括了老人、孩子和学生。而中国光是老年人口比例就已经达到了13.32%。 什么意思? 也就是说在中国,几乎所有处于合法工作年龄、有工作能力的人全都在工作! 毫无疑问,在统计数据面前,高值的“劳动参与率”使得世界成为了理所应当“最勤劳的国家”,而在此之上,中国式的勤劳引发了世界的广泛讨论和热议: 1、Lance Crayon When I lived in Beijing, I knew the owners of a boutique commercial advertising agency. They only had a few clients, but each one was substantially large. Their most lucrative account was a home supplies company in Jiangsu Province that made laundry detergent, air freshener, liquid soap, and other household items. The agency produced the company''s commercials and then made sure that they aired on CCTV. 我住在北京时认识了一家精品广告公司的几个老板们。他们只有几个客户,但是每一个客户都很大。他们最大的一个客户是位于江苏的一家家庭供应品公司,生产洗涤剂,空气清新剂,洗衣液和其他的家庭用品。然后他们的广告公司负责制作这家企业的广告,并确保在中央台投放。 When the company''s CFO graduated from college, she worked as a kindergarten teacher. A few decades later, she was a multi-millionaire in charge of operations for a company that employed 40,000. Her name was Ning. 这家江苏企业的CFO从大学毕业时,她先是当了幼儿园老师。几十年后,她已经是一个千万富翁,负责管理一家拥有4万人的公司。她的名字叫宁。 The company''s factory offered a mid-sized amusement park for the employees. It had three roller coasters, two water slides, a wave pool, and rides for children. 这家公司的工厂为员工提供了一个中等大小的游乐场。有三个过山车,两个水滑梯,一个波浪泳池,还要儿童们喜欢的赛车等等。 Ning''s husband, Zhang,The couple's daily communication time will not be more than two hours, they have their own business, busy and full。Maybe in our opinion, all of this is crazy, but this is the normal in China. Their main core is around work. Families, children and couples usually give way to work! 宁有个丈夫,叫“张”,这对夫妻俩每天的交流时间不会超过两个小时,他们有自己的事情,忙得团团转,也许在我们看来,这一切都是疯狂的,但这在中国是正常的。他们的核心是围绕工作。家庭、孩子和夫妇通常会让位于工作! 2、Scott I have a Chinese friend named "Bai",She had a Starbucks card with $10,000 credit on it. 我有个中国朋友名叫“白”,她有一张星巴克卡,里面有1万美元的额度。 But unexpectedly, "Bai" is not a coffee drinker. He told me in private that she prefers "soda", but she regularly recharges her Starbucks card, all for "business talk"。 但出乎意料的是,“白”并不是一个喝咖啡的人。他私下告诉我她更喜欢“苏打水”,但她经常给星巴克卡充值,都是为了“谈生意”。 3、Ellen Berg Recently, I happened to have a shooting mission in Guangzhou. The boss of the advertising company suggested that I go to their studio to have a look - I was shocked by the scene. When I stepped into the studio, everyone didn't seem to show special emotions towards a stranger's visit. Everyone continued to do their own things, and they just nailed their jobs like precision screws! 最近,我刚好在广州进行一个拍摄任务。该广告公司的老板建议我去他们的工作室看看——现场让我感到了震惊,当我踏入工作室的时候,大家似乎并没有对一个陌生人的来访表现出特别的情绪,所有人都继续的埋头做着自己的事情,他们就想精密的螺丝钉一样的钉在了自己的工作岗位上! You should know that in Europe, such a "serious" atmosphere rarely exists, and people usually have some casual exchanges. Obviously, this silence in China makes me feel depressed. I told my accompanying Chinese partner: Wouldn't such silence affect the quality of shooting? 你应该知道,在欧洲,这样一种“严肃”的氛围很少存在,人们通常会有一些随意的交流。显然,中国的这种沉默让我感到沮丧。我告诉随行的中国拍档:这样的沉默不会影响拍摄质量吗? But for my question, my Chinese partner didn't seem to care. He handed over a pile of shooting plans. Well, that's the most detailed and complicated shooting plan I've seen so far. In this plan, everyone should do something clearly marked。 但是对于我的提问,我的中国伙伴似乎并不在意,他随手的递过来了一叠拍摄计划,好吧,那是我迄今为止见过的最为详细和繁杂的拍摄计划,在这份计划书里,每一个人应该做的事情都被明确标注。 He said lightly that the discussion had already ended yesterday. Today's task is to turn the discussion into reality. No more opinions are needed in this process. 他轻描淡写地说,讨论昨天已经结束了。今天的任务是把讨论变成现实。在这个过程中不需要更多的意见。 Why are Chinese people so efficient? Maybe that's the secret! 为什么中国人这么有效率?也许这就是秘密! 4、James Cardin There is no doubt that Chinese people must be the most hardworking people in the world, but what I want to say is that I respect their hard work, but I don't want to achieve this respect personally! 毫无疑问,中国人一定是世界上最勤劳的人,但我想说的是,我尊重他们的辛勤工作,但我不想自己去获得这种尊重! Around 2015, I had the honor to visit a production line workshop in Guangdong, China. In which workshop, every Chinese is working seriously. There, they are divided into scientific and reasonable 24 hours a day, which time is used for work, which time is used for rest, which time is used for eating, and which time is accurate to the minute Zhong, under the scientific and reasonable planning, it is difficult for them to have the opportunity to plan their own time! 2015年左右,我有幸参观了中国广东的一个生产线车间。在哪个车间里,每个中国人都在认真工作。在那里,他们一天分为科学合理的24小时,哪个时间用于工作,哪个时间用于休息,哪个时间用于吃饭,时间被精确到分钟,在科学合理的规划下,他们很难有机会规划自己的时间! 5、Kicking bird Aha, I think this is the greatest place for Chinese people. They have sacrificed themselves by hard work, but they have provided for our life. Think carefully, can we live without made in China? 啊哈,我认为这恰恰是中国人最伟大的地方,他们依靠辛勤的劳作,牺牲了自己,但是却供养了我们的生活所需,仔细想一想,我们离得开中国制造吗? 6、Lance Crayon No one can do without anyone, but in the world market at this stage, the Chinese people have played the role of product supply. Like the Japanese and the Americans, this is just a historical development stage, but later history has proved that both the Americans and the Japanese have gone to the country's strong, to be honest, this is really enviable! 没有谁离不开谁,只是在现阶段的世界市场,中国人充当了产品供应的角色而已,与曾经的日本人、美国人一样,这不过是一个历史的发展阶段,但是后来的历史证明,无论是美国人还是日本人,都走向了国家的强大,老实说,这确实令人羡慕! 7、Paul Denlinger They have a different culture than the West. We work on average 8 hours a day, 5 days a week (40 hour work week, paid for overtime pay if longer than 8 hours a day.. most get paid vacation pay and health benefits.. and this doesn''t apply to self employed or independent contractors really).. 他们的文化与西方不同。我们平均每天工作8小时,每周工作5天(每周工作40小时,如果每天超过8小时,则支付加班费)。。大多数人得到带薪假期工资和健康福利...这并不适用于个体经营者或独立承包商。。 In China, they just keep working and working until the job is done or until it gets too late in the evening and they have to go home and finish the next day.. actually, many Chinese people work 12 hours a day and 6 days a week which is crazy (72 hour work week).. 在中国,他们只是不停地工作,直到工作完成,或者直到晚上太晚时他们必须回家的时候,才会在第二天完成...实际上,很多中国人一天工作12小时,一周工作6天,这太疯狂了(每周工作72小时).. They also believe if they work hard, it means they are successful which is not always true. The bosses are usually very, very strict.. 他们也相信,如果他们努力工作,这意味着他们是成功的,(虽然)这并不总是真的,老板们通常非常非常严格, they use a “tiger parenting” technique which is what they use on their kids.. strict so that the child or employee can succeed.. however, this can be very defeating and degrading to the employee and may reduce moral and confidence.. and incite fear in the worker, making them work hard only because they''re afraid of getting fired and lose their job which they depend on.. (中国父母)用的是一种“虎式育儿”的方法,这就是他们在孩子身上使用的方法...严格要求,这样孩子或员工才能成功...然而,这可能对员工非常不利,使他们努力工作,只是因为他们害怕被解雇,失去他们所依赖的工作... So in my opinion, the industriousness of Chinese people is not very enviable. At least in my opinion, it's so pleasant to go fishing and barbecue by the lake in front of the door with your pet dog on the weekend. It's Norway's happiness! 所以在我看来,中国人的勤劳并不令人羡慕。至少在我看来,周末和你的宠物狗一起在门前的湖边钓鱼和烧烤是很愉快的。这是挪威的幸福! 8、Jona Arkenson Ha ha ha ha, it is because of this idea that Norway will always be Norway, but not the United States or China! 哈哈哈哈,正是因为有着这样的想法,挪威才永远是挪威,而成不了美国、或者是中国! Although it may be offensive, I must say that countries and people are the same, some have lofty aspirations, some are content with the status quo, and this difference determines whether they are followers or leaders, major countries or passers-by! 虽然可能是冒犯,但我必须说,国家和人是一样的,有的志向远大,有的安于现状,这种差异决定了他们是追随者还是领导者,是大国还是过客! Obviously, like most countries, your "cozy Norway" will be a more easily forgotten passer-by, and you will not have a great impact on the progress of human civilization, while leading countries like the United States and China will continue to create miracles! 显然,与大多数的国家一样,你的“惬意挪威”将只是一个更容易被遗忘的过客,你们对于人类文明的进步并不会产生多么巨大的影响,而诸如美国、中国这样的领导型国家,却会不断地创造奇迹! 虽然,对于网友“Jona Arkenson”对于不同国家不同选择的情绪态度,老铁并不十分赞同,但是对于他评论中的某些思想,却表示相当的认可: 国家和人是一样的,有的志向远大,有的安于现状,这种差异决定了他们是追随者还是领导者,是大国还是过客! 事实上在老铁看来,这样的分歧与争议同样发生在中国——是要大国崛起、民族复兴,还是岁月静好的“小确幸”。 两者该如何选择? 老铁只能说,对于中国这样一个占据重要政治、经济、地理位置的体量大国,一切“小确幸”小的岁月静好,都不过是有那么一帮人,在默默地负重前行! ​