art ceramic


<p><br></p><p style="text-align: center;">Profile</p><p>Liujingfang</p><p>Ceramic artist</p><p>Doctorate</p><p>Professor Craftsman</p><p>Democrats Jiusan society central Committee</p><p>Master Tutor</p><p>Director of china Arts and Crafts Association</p><p>Jingdezhe ceramic Art center dean</p><p>Painting institute of the Jiasan society of the CPC central committee painter</p><p>Jiangxi jiusan society painting institute painter</p><p>Jingdezhe CPPCC member&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;personal has been committed to ceramic art,education design research and development for more than 20 years。Papers published in 《 china cramics 》《ceramics research》《 Jingdezhe ceramics 》and other core joarnals。works inlude 《china ceramic art appreciation 》《famous pottery workes pablished 》by the bureau of jiangxi fine arts publishing house book thread-bound book..To attend a recend works china,academy of art,the chinese people’s political consultative conference,xiamen art gallery,dalian zhong shan museum,south Korea.cuitural center,the United states,the haroqule art Huagary,spain and other European countries。works included in the national art fand project involved in all the way to area of the international ceramic art exchange activities.Presided over and repeatdly ceramic non-material cuitural heritage arts and crafts art academic seminar..Many times to particlyate in planning ceramic cuiture creative industry project。</p>