

<h3>  火热的八月,酷暑难耐,烈日当空,无情地炙烤着大地。</h3><div>&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; In the hot August, it's hard to endure. The sun directly shines to the earth, so mercilessly.</div> <h3>  检修现场,热火朝天,接到任务,某变送器根部阀经常堵塞,需要在装置停运期间紧急更换处理。</h3><div>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; People on site, working with high passion. Once they receive the task which needs to handle urgently. A transmitter root valve blocked, and it needs replacing during the shutdown time. </div> <h3>  带上工具,头顶骄阳,踏上钢筋铁骨的长廊。放眼望去,蓝天白云,红瓦青山,尽收眼底。</h3><div>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; They take tools, the sun is on the top of head, then step on the promenade of steel and iron bars. Blue sky and white clouds, red tile and green mountains, all on eyes. </div> <h3>  顺着扶梯,健步如飞,到达作业平台。</h3><div>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Follow the lander, walking like a flying bird, arrive the operating platform in the shortest time. </div> <h3>  大自然如蒸笼般闷热,身着黑色的衣服,更是给人带来被火🔥包围般的感觉。</h3><div>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Nature is sultry as steaming, they dresse in black clothes, rather than a feeling of being surrounded by fire.</div> <h3>  天气预报是38℃,钢筋铁骨的管廊在持续的暴晒下温度直线上升,连阴凉处都开启了烧烤模式。</h3><div>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; The weather forecast is 38 ℃, the steel bar gallery temperature rises sharply under continuous exposure, coupled with the steam in the heating pipeline, you can experience the feeling of barbecue in the shade.</div> <h3>  一个团队,一个愿景。齐心协力,管它骄阳肆虐,任他汗水流淌。</h3><div>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; One team one vision. In a concerted effort, no matter the sun is exposed to the sun or sweat flows.</div><h3>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 在狭窄的空间,拆掉保温棉,更换根部阀,艰难的进行管道清理、安装、配管、调试。</h3><div>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; In the narrow space, remove the heat-insulating cotton, replace the root valve, and carry out pipeline cleaning, valve installation, steam pipe installation and instrument testing. </div> <h3>  万物生长靠太阳☀️,庄稼正在茁壮成长,生意盎然,一片丰收景象。</h3><div>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Everything grows from the sun, and the crops are growing, business and a good harvest. </div> <h3>  将近一天的工作,衣服湿了又干,干了又湿,渗出了大片白色痕迹,临近傍晚,依然阳光普照。</h3><div>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Nearly 12-hour work, clothes wet and dry, dry and wet, infiltrated a large white trace. Near the evening, the sun is still shining. </div> <h3>  仪表工风里来、雨里去,烈日下、寒冬中,高塔上、地井里,都有他们奔跑的身影。</h3><div>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; In the wind , in the rain, in the cold winter, in the high tower, under the pit, There is always the figure of instrument workers.</div> <h3>  一次次排忧解难,维护装置生产;一次次冲锋陷阵,抢修重大隐患。他们多年如一日的坚守岗位,任劳任怨,按质按量完成任务。</h3><div>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Solve difficulties again and again to maintain the production equipments; Rush in front again and again to repair major hidden dangers. They have been sticking to their posts for many years such as one day , working hard without resentful, and completing their tasks with quality and quantity. </div> “工匠精神”如同一颗颗种子,在他们心中落地生根、萌芽生长,终至绿树成荫。<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; The "craftsman spirit" is like a seed, taking root in their hearts, sprouting and growing.Finally trees grow up.